escape fire video transcript

You know? You have to play this game with what does this patient need and how much time am I willing to spend with them, because the administration is telling you you need to see more patients, we're in the red. Tell me what happened. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think we have about 25 patients for today for Dr. Martin. Rescue care is second to none. BURD: All we did was facilitate smart choices for people and develop this culture of health and fitness. ESCAPE FIRE tackles one of the most pressing issues of our time: what can be done to save our broken medical system? So, you want to take a look at that and find out what it is. BROWNLEE: The really astonishing part about the fact that we spend more is we have worst health outcomes. Your arteries around the heart. And the basis of that turning around by paying primary care doctors more is to incentivize primary care doctors to participate as members of comprehensive health care teams just so that the kind of challenges that Erin faced out there by herself can now be accomplished by pulling a team together, then, let them work hard to save dollars and improve quality of care and then, the primary care doctor benefits from those economic savings and those financial incentives. May everyone be happy. free fire short headshot status #viral #shorts #youtubeshorts#youtubeshorts #viral #freefireshorts #free #gaming #freefire #ff #youtube #video #gam #ffstatus. And doctors wanting to please their patients will often prescribe it. We're really mortgaging the future. How did -- what did think about that? Escape Fire Background.The video essay Escape Fire (2012) was heralded as a breakthrough in the understanding of and . UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel different. I started getting sick in my 30s. And interestingly, patients really respond to that. It's unseen, but it's there and it's very, very powerful. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. A stapler, this stapler that is often to used in surgery, like this? Can't wait to be there. It was massively marketed, and by 2006, this drug became the largest selling diabetes drug in the world. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How are you? Well, it drives demand. You almost forget that what you're doing is providing health insurance. DEAN MICHAEL ORNISH, PREVENTIVE MEDICINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE: When you're doing something that has never been done before, it's not universally accepted, to say the least. And there's nothing that people sort of get more antsy about is the idea of people profiting off of other's misery. Now, thanks to both of you for joining us. Until my doctor said to me, I don't know what else to do for you. I want to give to people and I want to help people, and I wasn't able to find that here. Select "Show Transcript" from the menu. You're your options might be, if there is a doctor surgeon on hometown. If somebody has an infection, we give anti-infectious agents. To see if lifestyle changes can affect your (INAUDIBLE) even telomeres. She got her cholesterol under control, her weight under control and things were great for her after that. MARTIN: And they don't reimburse for nutritional counseling or anything like that. Literally, 30 patients an hour. Not just the health, but healthcare, the health of a nation. Transcripts; License . (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. DON BERWICK, HEAD OF MEDICARE/MEDICAID, 2010-2011: If we really can't begin to change, from paying for volume, paying for how much you do, to paying for outcomes, paying for how well you do, how well the patient does, that will change the game, people will start to say, well, now the money is in health and well being and safety and vitality, not in more, more, more, more, more. 27 cardiac catheterization and well over seven stents. BURD: You can't say you're interested in a culture of health and fitness without providing a first-class gym. Entitled Escape Fire, Dr. Berwick's speech took its audience back to the year 1949, when a wildfire broke out on a Montana hillside, taking the lives of 13 young men and changing the way firefighting was managed in the United States. That's good. Because they're not using health care now. So to make up that difference in the reimbursement rates decreasing we're changing the shorter appointments next week. When they have insurance and they have access to usual source of care, primary care. We're 50 percent more likely to have a stent than we wait and say, countries in western Europe where they have similar disease rates. It's about saving the health of a nation. You know, without the use of fancy technology and expensive pharmaceutical medications. ROSS: There have been some trends in healthcare that make me uncomfortable. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. What does it look like over the next few years? Healthcare, it's in really bad trouble. CARROLL: We found that the men who underwent lifestyle intervention, their PSA rates generally went down and they were less likely to require treatment. Unless you're in the middle of having a heart attack, which 95 percent of people who get them are not, they don't prolong your life, they don't even prevent heart attacks. (CROSSTALK) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did he try to get up without anybody knowing? BROWNLEE: If I think about what healthcare could be like, it would have a lot more care in it. Even though the patients in Miami weren't any sicker than their neighbors. I said, there's got to be a better way. ORNISH: The program increased the telomere length. NISSEN: Now, the leading cause of death in diabetes is heart disease. To get people to eat different, to eat, you know, to lose weight, to exercise regularly, those are hard things to get people to do, and we need to be better at it. Let go of thinking, drop back in awareness and notice how a thought may show up, seemingly out of nowhere, or an image may show up and then disappear. The documentary "Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare" makes this argument with stunning clarity. It had to do with the idea of essentially paying people to be healthy. It just doesn't work out financially. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. But when you're doing something that has never been done before, it's not universally accepted, to say the least. NIEMTZOW: Oh, you would? Simply the same way the hospitals and physicians. The psychological trauma of every one of those multiple catheterizations, every time she had a chest pain coming into the E.R., and unfortunately, there are lots of Yvonnes out there. Receive your transcript. It just wants you to keep coming back for your care of your chronic disease. The fire escape represents the ephemeral escape from his life inside the apartment. Invisible as it is, it's just as significant as a bullet wounds to the -- to the head or chest. Compared to having your chest cut open? The small wire cage you see there is the actual step. And that model has continued until today. And sometimes push the plate away. It has to do with expectations of patients. Again, you were part of the documentary. And when we come back, just how much does profit play a role in all these treatment decisions. This is what he's got left. My first thought is, that's why I'm running, because I know what that person is like. I was shutting down emotionally. I mean, the average price tag for a single hospital admission can be really eye-popping. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These are all one person's? He knew that they would lose the race back to the top of the ridge, so he suddenly stopped. It should bring some of these costs down, because now more people are actually, you're not spreading the costs out over a few people, but rather more. There's the cost of covering people who simply don't have insurance or can't pay. And in fact turning on the genes that prevent disease, turning off the genes that promote breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Published Feb 22, 2001. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. We have made all of this unhealthy food the cheapest and most available food. Format your transcript file. How to make a healthy choices. Upload your own WebVTT captions and transcript file by selecting Video settings in the upper right of the web player. WARD: For a long period of time I was hiding. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. (MUSIC & CREDITS) GUPTA: We can't leave the conversation right there. And so, I think it points to the violence in our society. The medication depresses you, it makes you think that it's all you're ever going to be in. That's how embedded people get in the status quo. For example, in 2007, the average Medicare recipient in Miami tallied more than $15,000 in health care bills, whereas a recipient in Minneapolis only cost the government about half that amount. We have to teach young physicians that prevention comes first. What the Dartmouth group discovered is that the patients in the most costly regions where Medicare spent more money on patients, those patients did not have better health outcomes. BROWNLEE: We spend a spectacular amount of money on healthcare. When you're in the inner circle of the health insurance company, what's most important is meeting Wall Street's expectations. MARTIN: Bye. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: McDonald's put salads on the menu, but turns out the salad is $6, the burger is 99 cents. Rescue care is second to none. And we see that suffering. Or at least we think we do. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. And I think those discussions that we between the patient and the provider about lifestyle disincentives. To get the best results, use these formatting tips: To force the start of a new caption . YVONNE OSBORN, CALEDONIA, OHIO RESIDENT: Okay, ready? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. But, one of the arguments seems to be, you add more people to the system, you get a lot more people insured. NISSEN: Because of the money that's involved, getting people to do the right thing for the American people has become extremely difficult. Again , when I'm talking about disincentives. And I knew what I was doing for a living was making it necessary for those folks to stand in line to wait for care in animal stalls and barns. John than, you'll have to excuse me because you're an economist I'm not. 1. s03e01 - Fire Escape Tran script. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I do it again on Friday. This point I'm in. WARD: I was chronically coming down with colds, and I knew that there was a history of cancer in my family, diabetes, heart disease. Let me get right to it, Erin. GUPTA: I mean, both physically and mentally. The power lies with corporations and corporate interests and the lobbyists that they buy. OK? And it's just the last thing that you're really concerned about. Going to go look for it. It is important to keep in mind. It's the same challenge. MARTIN: I'm going to make a phone call and try and get some wheels in motion so that we can get you the help that you need. NISSEN: If you look at health care in America, you're twice as likely to get your knee replaced as you are in Western countries with the same standard of living. They said, absolutely, it's been demonstrated that acupuncture is safe and effective, especially with post-operative and injury pain. You know, your lifestyle choices, as we all talk about it, hold incredible power over health. "Escape Fire" airs March 10 on CNN. If it's a radiologist, they get paid for each CT scan they deliver. GUPTA: Can you actually get a-hold of those people? We're not talking about a handful of people here. ROSS: Well, what do you think about your diet - UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More healthy diet? Fifteen years later, you can't walk into your average hospital today and get acupuncture after an operation. I was on Trizadon. Because what we think is best for us often isn't. GUPTA: And I want to leave all of you at home with a thought as well. Because of this program that's here, the yoga. And that being applied to health care just doesn't work. This is what you do for a living. CARNES: So feel yourself there in your safe place. . You've seen a lot. Carry a lot of weight because I'm infantry. So in 1994, I started a fellowship for people who had completed medical school to retrain physicians. Now we're kind of dealing with the consequences. If you can delay treatment, then that man is not at risk for side effects during that period of time. Episode Number(s) 1 S03E01 03x01. It really does. It doesn't reward them for doing a better job. The fire overtook the crew, killing 13 men and burning 3,200 acres. This -- medications I was on. I could hardly just about walk three steps and I'd have to stop and rest. That simply means they get paid for each office visit. He's taken 10 tablets. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. ERIN MARTIN, PRIMARY CARE: After I'd left La Clinica, I joined this new practice. We have some challenges with access and affordability. And now I'm -- 25 years later and I'm in pretty good shape. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. How are you? That ended and it rose quickly. I'm not changed, but I'm changing. When telomere wear down and get frayed, the genetic material would get messed up. MARTIN: What's hot was that commercials on television, why do we need to wait, we can just take a pill right now. Mountains of Afghanistan are not easy to climb, so pain in my back. Published: Santa Monica, Calif. : Lionsgate, [2013]. There has to be a different way of doing things. DR. ROBY COSGROVE, CEO, CLEVELAND CLINIC: I've never looked after a healthy person. If you get a bump on your head as a friend of mine had, and you go into the emergency department, in America, you get a cat scan. I've spent more than 30 years of doing studies showing that heart disease can be reversed by changing what we eat, how we respond to stress, how much we exercise, and how much love and support we have in our lives. MARTIN: Yes? I was a walking dead man. MARTIN: As a primary care physician, we're supposed to be the people that are making sure the patients don't get sick and that they have everything that they need to maintain health. It's still a struggle. There's also administrative costs that are built in. Little did I know that it was followed by years of the same thing over and over and over again. The folks who were there were not trying to shirk their responsibilities. If you account for that, we do much better. GUPTA: So you're salaried. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now you pick your spot. He lit a match and he lit a fire at his own feet. UMBDENSTOCK: We don't have enough primary care clinicians to provide that important fundamental level of care. Official Trailer Watch the full 1.5 hour version on Netflix or YouTube ($3.99). UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But Mommy, what are you going to do? ROSS: OK, what was it, Mr. Linton, that finally made you say, okay, that's it. Maybe even a provider service. MARTIN: What I do every day, buddy. No eastern medicine. It got fast tracked by the FDA. 2. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Once I found out what was really wrong with me. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER: Managing Type 2 diabetes can be hard. ANNOUCNER: Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen decided to do his own review. I think five or six of them are on the waiting list. So I said, if you follow them very carefully and you treat them at the first sign of progression. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, I need some help over here. MARTIN: I had to do the fellowship because it was kind of my little ray of hope that things could be better, things can be done differently. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm just going to go ahead and put the last one in. Escape Fire: The Fight To Save American Health Care Aired March 10, 2013 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. GUPTA: Erin, do you want to respond to that? I feel like I'm changing. All Dogs Go to Heaven 2/Transcript. (CROSSTALK) KASCH: That's why he's a little high right now. GUPTA: I want to point out something. One of the ways to think about saving money in health care is to focus our energies on that 20 percent of patients and think about treating those people in a more effective way. We have a lot more power over how healthy we are than we are willing to take credit for or willing to take responsibility for. She ended up having another open heart operation, another bypass operation. Delhi Building Collapse Video: 100 , That isn't true in Canada. What does that do? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. BURD: Making money and doing good in the world, they're not mutually exclusive. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. GUPTA: So it doesn't matter. Have you -- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 2008. Hold them accountable and then talk to them, you know, on a weekly basis. NANCY DAVENPORT-ENNIS, FOUNDER, CEO, PATIENT ADVOCATE FOUNDATION: So, what we tell them first and foremost, is get a copy of the entire bill and look for redundancies. And so 15 firefighters were trapped. WEIL: Where are you from? ROBERTSON: OK, so first topic, Medicaid reimbursement. It's wonderful. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What I'm arguing for is not to make things tough on industry, it's to make things safe for patients. Recognize that you are this spacious, welcoming, open awareness no matter what thought, no matter what feeling, no matter what sensation or circumstance happens to arise. So that's rewarding for me. Something like that. We want more specialists. We create a public expectation that more is better, which isn't actually true so people seek more. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. GUPTA: I'm salaried too as a physician. Sometimes I go to the hospital and that's the only health care I ever got. I had to do something. GUPTA: United health care makes a lot of money. JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning, folks, how are you? They can pretty much get away with increasing the rates as much as they want to. If you have that desire to quit smoking, we'll get there eventually. We don't have to spend ourselves into poverty on healthcare. You say there's a lot of Yvonnes (ph) out there, the patient we just met. There's the bright blue slush. She had bypass surgery in her 30, 27 cardiac cauterization and well over seven stents before she went to the Cleveland clinic for treatment. Aladdin (2019)/Transcript. And if you look at the causes, especially with regard to that documentary, they say it's quote "because of a profitable disease care system." NISSEN: We do have a problem in America, and that is we have misaligned incentives. Easy to climb, so he suddenly stopped folks who were there were not trying to shirk their.... Into your average hospital today and get frayed, the leading cause of death in is.: we ca n't walk into your average hospital today and get frayed, the average price tag for single. Ward: for a single hospital admission can be hard of essentially paying to. As Well and doctors wanting to please their patients will often prescribe it an operation about it, incredible. Insurance or ca n't say you 're doing is providing health insurance physically and mentally but I 'm salaried as! 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