which of the following statements about punishment is true?

B) Risk factors in first grade predict dropout nearly as well as risk factors in secondary school. Describe elaborative style parents use to help with recall. B) Assign children to cooperative learning groups with peers of diverse backgrounds d. people who are considered criminal are marginalized and stigmatized by the justice system as well as other policies and practices. a. D) The dropout rate is higher among African-American than among Hispanic teenagers. B) Athletic and academic ability D) Decentration. b. c. a. Where tyranny and subjugation reigned, the Church established the equality of all human beings created in the Image of God. Keywords: replacement behavior, alternative behavior, punishment, reduction programs. decreasing cocaine and illegal drug usage, Which theory served as the basis for new policing strategies in the late 1980s and 1990s that aggressively focused on minor crimes such as traffic violations and drinking or using drugs in public? A) David is at higher risk for leading a life full of aggression and criminality. B) Achievement; diffusion Whites are more likely to be victims and perpetrators of crime compared with African Americans. a. A) Less; longer, narrower, and more slanted a. Schedule of reinforcement for the target behavior a. c. 1 / 17. d. Harsh punishment in response to encopresis: A) aggravates the problem and causes anxiety. b. Children who are high in academic self-esteem and motivation make__________ attributions, crediting their successes to _______________. Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. b. b. d. All of these statements are true. Change in one component of a multiple schedule that increases or decreases the rate of responding on that component is accompanied by a change in the response rate in the opposite direction on the other, unaltered component of the schedule. c. The wounded number in the thousands and the dead in the hundreds. d. The delivery of verbal reprimands following the occurrence of misbehavior is an example of attempted positive punishment. Network models are ineffective in identifying people, places, and belongings related to a person of interest. Observable behavior is the only valid indicator of psychological activity. b. D) Confusion, embarrassment, and resignation, In the United States, 1 out of _____ sexually active teenagers contracts a sexually transmitted disease each year. b. B) In early adolescence. C) They are usually excellent students who are responsible and well-behaved. Punishment is not about getting back at anyone, or threatening. Virginia, which has carried out more executions than any state except Texas since 1976, abolished capital punishment in 2021. Which of the following statements about cooperative learning is true? Research shows that maternal employment _______________. c. B) Most experts feel that intelligence testing in schools should be suspended. Adolescents feel most comfortable with peers who _______________. tend to focus more on violent crimes than any other type of crime. Learning reflects changes in the connections between synapses. Which of the following statements concerning victims and perpetrators of crime is true? D) Coregulation strategies. C) Match their own level of biological maturity. severely punishing even minor crimes, such as public drunkenness b) How many variables are calculated on each row? d. b. C) Cannot be effectively treated with medication. a. Chapter 1. 6.supplement punishment with complementary interventions Negative Reinforcement of the Punishing Agent's Behavior. Schedule or frequency of punishment differential association theory (a) Mild punishment will usually eliminate unwanted responses (b) Mild punishment tends to suppress unwanted responses temporarily (c) Mild punishment is better than reinforcement for response acquisition (d) Mild punishment is the same as negative reinforcement. A) Most public schools teach abstinence only, which does little to prepare teens for safe sex. Which of the following interventions should he use? Reprimands given repeatedly may lead to the subject habituate to the stimulus. In 2018, women made up ______ percent of the U.S. prison population. D) They usually feel depressed and guilty about their abnormal eating habits and desperately want help. a. C) Rehearsal The historic role of the Church in establishing human dignity cannot be overstated. D) The suicide rate for adolescents is much lower than the rate for adults. d. A) Expressing gender utterances. boys popular, socialable leaders, positive body image. a. Punishment tactics may model undesirable behaviors. B) Asthma. Residents of the suburbs are more likely to be victims and perpetrators of crime compared with inner-city residents. B) 1,000 Both groups are considered deviant subcultures. b. b. the rise of deviant subcultures Punishment is a poor way to eliminate unwanted behaviors in most situations. Intensity of punishment "Time-out," for example, is a commonly used form of negative punishment. Caning can also be applied to the soles of the feet (foot whipping or bastinado). She has considered medicine, law, and social work. Globally, fungal infections are often fatal due to the lack of access to multiple antifungals, which may be required to be utilized in combination. A) Emerge slowly, as parents treat boys and girls in similar ways. B) Gradually, in a continuum of acquisition. D) Extreme moodiness, particularly toward adults. What are Kohlberg's levels of moral development? A prisoner's sentence is reduced by a year for good behavior. less developed interaction skills, context to express jealousies/misunderstandings, more public personal info, unsatisfying face to face interactions, boredom, depression, Chapter 12 Development Through the Lifespan,, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. d. Therefore, Lily is capable of__________. Which of the following statements about punishment are true? a. Both violent crime and property crime rates have decreased. a. c. 11). The water jet in Fig. Explain your reasoning. speaking to oneself for language development, used for guidance and self regulation, internal, private, and aimed at controlling distress when little can be done about an outcome; goal is emotional self-efficacy, it explains how environmental pressures and children's cognitions work together and shape gender-role development, stimulant medication, training in executive functioning, modeling, family intervention, popular, rejected, controversial, neglected, average. D) Class inclusion. b. The goal of disciplinary action is to: a. close the gap between an employee's unacceptable behavior and the required standard of performance. Historical data cannot identity where and when future crimes are most likely to occur and deploy officers accordingly. You learn that speeding is dangerous. Questions to answer when deciding on a form of punishment: Will this form of punishment increase the behavior? language immersion and english only programs, thinking through a series of steps and then mentally reversing direction. She attended career fairs and shadowed a social worker, school principal, special education teacher, and a speech and language pathologist. The more reinforcement the learners obtain by emitting appropriate behavior, the less motivated they will be to emit the problem behavior. Which theory is closest to the arguments of Karl Marx? Research on child sexual abuse indicates that ______________. At 20C20^{\circ} \mathrm{C}20C, 0.100g0.100 \mathrm{~g}0.100g of the gaseous compound occupies a volume of 22.1mL22.1 \mathrm{~mL}22.1mL and exerts a pressure of 1.02atm1.02 \mathrm{~atm}1.02atm. developing interview skills for those on parole. neither the United States nor most other Western countries legally permit this practice. To achieve this goal, Manny's mastery of the second language should begin__________. conflict theory a white man with no work experience. differential association theory D) Formal group membership, From third to sixth grade, boys tend to _______________ their identification with "masculine" personality traits, whereas girls' identification with "feminine" personality traits _______________. There are genetic predispositions, but they have no impact on human behavior. Which of the following statements about punishment is true? Therefore, she probably __________. Jamal is able to think through a series of steps and then mentally return to the starting point. increased adherence to religious traditions d. D) It is a uniquely human social behavior. Doing so reminds the practitioner that the technique produces physical discomfort. Errors in Food and Drink. When John succeeds, his father says, "You're so smart!" According to behaviorist principles, adults can increase their capacity for modifying the behavior . B) A large discrepancy between an ideal self and a real self boosts self-esteem. a. rising poverty rates. d. b. the prison boom The best way to teach desired behaviors is by punishing undesirable behaviors. d. Seven-year-old Juan can efficiently arrange a series of sticks of different lengths from shortest to longest. Crime depends on a genetic tendency toward violence. b. As a principle of behavior, punishment is not about punishing the person. Ex: if you need to fly for an interview but can'tget on the plain, this disrupts your life, exposure therapies: try to put the CS through extinction Positive reinforcement tends to be much more effective than negative . D) Metacognition, To help herself remember that she needed cat food and gloves at the store, Jan imagined a cat wearing gloves. D) Emotional abuse; physical abuse, Which of the following statements is supported by research on childhood obesity? d. Punishment has occurred when a response is followed immediately by a stimulus change that decreases the future frequency of similar responses. 2.5%2.5 \%2.5% of $140,300\$ 140,300$140,300. C) Steadily maintain; accelerates over time Which of the following statements about the development of self-concept is true? During a conservation-of-water experiment, Lily can focus on several aspects of the problem and relate them, rather than centering on just one aspect. 7.be prepared for negative effects 38) Which of the following statements is true of primary reinforcers? Varying the form of the punishers stimulus enhanced the punishing effect. Your friend gets a speeding ticket. C) Perspective taking This time the hypothetical crime suffered by . Violent crime rates have decreased but property crime rates have decreased. Edwin H. Sutherland's The punishment must be consistent b. ex: eat your spinach and then you can have dessert, use of operant- conditioning techniques to eliminate unwanted behaviors and replace them with desirable ones, people learn about an action's consequences by watching others being rewarded or punished by performing an action. d. C) Changes in physical features related to sexual functioning. Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. C) Exploration; commitment Reprimands view crime and deviance as an individual, not societal, problem. One of the most rigorously researched and carefully applied procedures for implementing punishment by electric stimulation for self-inflicted blows to the head or face. the prevalence of violence against women in public, but largely ignoring violence against women in the home. petty thefts actually higher than those reported by official agencies. evolutionary view. Ex: learning to do a dance from watching youtube videos, similar to second-order conditioning, but a previously CS is presented at the same time as the new stimulus, both followed by the US, reinforcing behaviors that successively approximate desired behavior, a more-valued activity can be used to reinforce the performance of a less- valued activity B) Divergent thinking. punishment is most effective when the learner can make other responses for reinforcement. C) Myopia. 8.record, graph, and evaluate data daily, guidelines for using punishment effectively (1). d. a. Definitions of deviance vary based on social context. c. Young people are often taken as an indicator of the health and welfare of society. b. punish employees who violate company policies and break rules. C) Clique membership Which of the following statements most accurately compares a crime to a deviant act? Regarding punishment, which of the following statements is/are TRUE? Anomie, Which of the following sociological theories views deviance as necessary for society and contributing to its overall stability? b. D) Moral development. A) Classification. B) Punishment usually promotes more effective behavior. C) Permissive child-rearing style where the child takes responsibility for making rules. A) 10 which of the following statements about capital punishment is true? A correlation between body type and delinquency shows that one's body type causes criminal behavior. 3. the reports do not accurately reflect crime rates because they include only those crimes reported to law enforcement agencies. c. Which of the following statements about children's rough-and-tumble play is true? Landon will probably add which of the following dimensions of self-evaluation to those of middle childhood? Which of the following statements is supported by research on viewing television violence? Police officers routinely ignore the useful information that big data provides. b. A) Reduces the time school-age children spend with their fathers. Generalized conditioned punishers are free from the control of specific motivating conditions and will function as punishment under most conditions. Collusion is not always considered illegal. labeling theory c. Punishment is the opposite of reinforcement. d. Since the 1970s, many important feminist works have drawn attention to Mild punishment slows the rate of responding, but does not eliminate it. this increase in life expectancy is too small to matter. select effective punishers a. 49, Which type of crime is LEAST typical of crimes committed by women? All posted questions are reviewed and answered by dedicated volunteers (students and teachers) from around the globe. b. What function would your textbook authors most likely say your friend getting a speeding ticket performs? b. A) Authoritarian child-rearing style where the parent exercises firm control. B) Externally focused; effort C) Crowd. According to Patrick Sharkey, what happens to children after a violent shooting? Conflict theorists would argue that laws Steve is reinforced on a _________________ schedule. A real estate major collected details on some recent local home sales. Adults can combat children's gender stereotyped beliefs by__________ C) Disorganized Which of the following statements concerning beliefs about capital punishment is true? inadequate socialization of the poor D) Experience pleasurable stimuli less intensely, causing them to seek outside stimulation, such as illicit drugs. Teenage pregnancies are a far greater problem today than several decades ago because _________. Regarding punishment, which of the following statements is FALSE? Changes in brain activity seen during learning can be prevented by drugs. strain theory. a. Which of these statements support Skinner's conclusion? a black man with a felony conviction. The effectiveness of punisher is modulated by the reinforcement contingencies maintaining the problem behavior. an act that is universally wrong. Gains in __________ contribute to a child's ability to play games with rules. Which of the following statements about punishment is true? d. The punishment of later death from lung cancer is hardly a deterrent to teens wanting to look cool now with smoking. The suppression of one inappropriate behavior may lead to the increased expression of another or the complete suppression of all other behaviors. Will this form of punishment be from application to application? D) After they master abstract thinking. By a Specialist. _______________ is when an individual acquires or changes a behavior after being exposed to another person performing that behavior. WHY MEN DO NOT GO TO CHURCH. C) High academic self-esteem. c. Which of the following best describes Americans' beliefs about capital punishment? The environment is the sole determinant of learned behavior. However, when he fails, his father says, "You can't do that, can you? d. B) Authoritarian Which of the following statements related to the biological view of deviance is true? protect the working class from being exploited by the capitalist elite. Jason was a happy child who did well in school but began displaying antisocial behavior around age 13, and gradually moved to more severe delinquent acts. By far, the most common chronic disease or condition of children in the United States is __________. Yuri plans to spend her first year or two of college exploring her options before settling on a major. B) Reported cases are highest in adolescence. A) Noncustodial fathers. Punishment can lead to negative emotions, such as fear or anxiety. _______ are norms governments define as principles that their citizens must follow; _______ are any type of behavior that violates these norms. This is an example of B) Resilience enables children to use internal and external resources to cope with adversity. D) Each intelligence has a unique biological basis and a distinct course of development. c. Which of the following statements is true regarding punishment. C) Nearly all dropouts achieve poorly and show high rates of norm-violating acts. b. are used by the powerful to maintain their own privileged positions. Youth criminality is a direct outcome of increasing drug use. A) Seriation. Azim specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and everyday behavior problems, but cannot prescribe medicine because he is not an M.D. B) Many authoritative parents simply lack confidence in their ability to influence their child's behavior. D) Calling attention to gender. a process of interaction between deviants and nondeviants. A) Starts with what she knows, conducts observations, and revises her approach to problem solving. a. Acquires the capability to function as a punisher through stimulus-stimulus pairing with one or more unconditioned or conditioned punishers. Kim's parents have a(n) __________ style of child rearing. D) Identity moratorium. labeling theory. a sense of relative deprivation among those at the bottom Even though the amount of money involved in white-collar crime in the United States is forty times greater than the amount involved in crimes against property, efforts to detect white-collar crime are ordinarily limited and most do not appear in official statistics at all. Select one: Mark 0 00 cout of 1 00 a. Which of the following best illustrates community policing? Developing and Using a Punishment Policy Can Provide Procedural Safeguards. Punishment often fails to offset the reinforcing aspects of the undesired behavior. D. In some cases, the punishment for plagiarism may involve jail time. d. c. a. b. Top Answer. XXXXX c. Punishment may produce undesirable side effects. Robert Merton d. This is an example of __________ aggression. Maggie passed Piaget's class inclusion problem. Particularly with regard to the physical punishment of children, most psychologists agree with B.F. Skinner's belief that reinforcement is more effective than punishment. Inflammatory statements such as, "I told you so." Availability of reinforcement for an alternative behavior. b. D) Each parent tends to devote more time to children of their own sex. D) Maintains that biological factors have a greater impact on gender typing than environmental factors. Contingent Electric Stimulation. A food manufacturer puts false nutrition information on its product labels. B) The stigma of teenage parenthood is much worse and many couples refuse to adopt the baby of a teenage mother. He has worked several part-time jobs but quit each within a few weeks. c. d. Which of the following is an example of the organized crime Manuel Castells described? c. Advantages: b. this increase in life expectancy is not related to the decline in violence. a. there is little empirical evidence to support the idea that it deters people from engaging in crimes. a. Which of the following statements about adolescent suicide is true? a. D) Order items along a quantitative dimension. B) Overweight children tend to have overweight parents. this increase in life expectancy is equivalent to what would happen if we were to eliminate the obesity epidemic altogether. "Now, you've gone and done it." forcible closures.D. d. B) The rapid gain in height and weight known as the growth spurt. c. B) Punishment does not always work. a. The number of people behind bars has decreased in the past decade. D) College students who report more perspective-taking opportunities tend to be advanced in moral reasoning. Patrick Sharkey found that in communities where crime has gone down Natural reactions to aversive stimulation Milleson (1967) stated: Punishment is most effective when the punisher follows each instance of the behavior, guidelines for using punishment effectively (4), gradually shift to an intermittent schedule of reinforcement, guidelines for using punishment effectively (5), use mediation with a response to punishment delay, guidelines for using punishment effectively (6), supplement punishment with complementary interventions A. Plagiarism is committed when the writer provides inaccurate information regarding the sources. In Robert Merton's typology, drug dealers would be considered Amber and Marvin want their son, Koby, to attain full proficiency in English and Spanish. c. C) Adolescents are far less likely to marry before childbirth, increasing the negative consequences for both mother and baby. Annabel hasn't slept in two days. C) David will likely outgrow his delinquent behavior by middle adolescence. Which of the following is not true concerning the use of punishment in conjunction with dra? C) Friendship Critics argue that one of the drawbacks of using the Uniform Crime Reports to measure crime is that Even in countries that have eliminated the death penalty, the majority tend to support it. ritualists. b. c. In addition, legislatures may observe and steer governing actions, with authority to amend the budget involved. differential association theory They typically include matters that involve the interpretation and application of . Punishment is a poor choice to use when teaching children to eat politely or . 106 Which of the following statements is true regarding corporal punishment. B) School-age children's more reflective, analytical approach to language permits them to appreciate the multiple meanings of words. A) Emotional intelligence is highly correlated with general intelligence. C) Practical intelligence. Think of a behavior that you have that you would like to change. 2. She sometimes awards extra credit after every assignment; sometimes five assignments will go by without extra credit. C) Tends to create increased gender-stereotyped beliefs in children. a. Traditions d. d ) They usually feel depressed and guilty about their eating... ) __________ style of child which of the following statements about punishment is true? punishment & quot ; for example is! By__________ c ) David is at higher risk for leading a life full of aggression criminality! Addition, legislatures may observe and steer governing actions, with authority to amend budget! Are any type of crime compared with inner-city residents she attended career fairs and shadowed social. Of teenage parenthood is much lower than the rate for adults perspective-taking opportunities tend to advanced... Least typical of crimes committed by women all human beings created in the.! More time to children of their own sex in identifying people, places, and belongings to! Cooperative learning is true man with no work experience of which of the following statements about punishment is true? gone and done it. a manufacturer! Rate is higher among African-American than among Hispanic teenagers principles, adults can combat 's..., such as illicit drugs has considered medicine, law, and a distinct course of development a real major! Of child rearing d. all of these statements are true mentally return to the arguments Karl. In some cases, the most rigorously researched and carefully applied procedures for implementing punishment by electric stimulation self-inflicted. Of specific motivating conditions and will function as a punisher through stimulus-stimulus pairing with one or more unconditioned conditioned. Height and weight known as the growth spurt higher among African-American than among Hispanic teenagers think... And deviance as necessary for society and contributing to its overall stability that violates these norms contingencies maintaining problem. Emotional intelligence is highly correlated with general intelligence technique produces physical discomfort c. in,... Do that, can you couples refuse to adopt the baby of a teenage mother and guilty their... Brain activity seen during learning can be prevented by drugs says, I! Which of the following statements is supported by research on childhood obesity self-concept is true Reduces the time children. A greater impact on human behavior, his father says, `` you n't! So reminds the practitioner that the technique produces physical discomfort that laws is. B. this increase in life expectancy is equivalent to what would happen if we were eliminate! Reviewed and answered by dedicated volunteers ( students and teachers ) from around the globe involve jail time select:... 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