you're basically insinuating that onus is on each and every applicant to try and rebuild trust with the community over things they themselves aren't even responsible for. I will keep this short. For those who love Mineplex and want to see a restoration to its former glory, we must support Democracy with Mineplex Characteristics and we must bring populism to Mineplex. Mike The Cop. Projected job openings represent openings due to growth and replacement. I am not suggesting that Trainees should be demoted immediately. Create sketches and diagrams, by hand or computer software, to depict crime scenes. No such thing. Nobody is going to apply for staff and have every single trait of being a fantastic staff member maxed out immediately. See all 5 Hot Technologies for this occupation. Pretty sure you're a troll. Testify at legal or legislative proceedings. What DMC does is not only ensure that only skilled applicants can be accepted, but ALSO that they have strong, positive relationships with the community. These forms are listed below: NCIS LEOSA Fact Sheet 1. Respond to emergencies to provide assistance. Interview people to obtain information about actions or status of individuals. Actually just registered on here. I've asked numerous of officers @k9gunner @deputygarrett @unit_88_ohio #officer401. Projected growth represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2021-2031). A .22LR can kill you! Members of the community know whether they have positive relationships with staff, and their vote will reflect that. what you said regarding competition for the most badges, I'd really love to see the evidence you have of this happening and how it negatively impacted any community member personally. MathMan1234 #16. If a mass shooting happens and you simply sat on this information, there will be a special place in Hell for you too. I have come here since Officer401 isn't that active. The idea that people with weak, negative relationships with the community are somehow qualified is false. I sincerely appreciate you taking my content into account, and using it as an example of what you want to do. I really need some help right now. BlockGameEnjoyer #17. So essentially you want the Trainee position to be some sort of popularity contest which makes trainees go through an interview only if they are liked by others? According to him, being a detective has additional freedoms but also additional responsibilities. Collaborate with law enforcement or security agencies to share information. LEO ROUND TABLE A panel of law enforcement specialists handles hot issues in the information and business. Verified Email. An official website of the United States government, Security Training Assistance Assessment Team, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - If your biggest work-related fear is getting a paper cut, don't try and tell a cop how to do his job. Check him out, he's pretty hilarious and I promise you'll be binge watching all of this videos. It's also where you'll have the best luck contacting Officer401 or any other LEO's on the forum directly for any questions you have about law enforcement. If somebody is going to be holding a grudge over something that was probably negligible after 5 years. When I was reading this I immediately thought of Destiny 2 lol. Good job Arrow. In other words, people will vote for applicants that they have strong, positive relationships with. He was the guest on episode 43 of The Off Duty Podcast. Sadly from what I've seen, many people are quite unreasonable and forget that everyone has a past and I feel like this would cause a lot of unnecessary drama when we accept our new staff members. The official Discord for the YouTuber, Officer401 | 5,925 members The purpose of community members voting is not to accurately judge staff on their ability to be effective staff members. Equally, it's not like if we set less "focus" on recruiting in-the-shadows applicants we'll magically gain more community-oriented applicants. I delete and block people daily threatening me, my family, posting pictures of my kids on the internet. Turn on account notifications to keep up with all new content. For the most part, a lot of my views are shared by the majority of replies to this thread. 75.7k Followers, 24 Following, 1,645 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Officer401 (@officer401) Sample of reported job titles: Disclaimer: How can you be sure that people would be fair in their judgement? Identify, compare, classify, and file fingerprints, using systems such as Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) or the Henry Classification System. Social media isn't going anywhere. Crime Scene Evidence Technician, Crime Scene Investigator, Crime Scene Technician, Criminalist, Field Identification Specialist, Forensic Specialist, Identification Officer, Identification Technician, Latent Fingerprint Examiner, Latent Print Examiner. Bam! Anyone claiming to be LE must be verified Moderators Moderator list hidden. I would say SSM has held up decently well despite the stretch it's gone without an update. Please submit your request to NCIS Headquarters at the following address: Don't under estimate the power of live ammo. Attn: Code 11A. Having strong positive bonds with the community just isn't necessary to bring Mineplex back to where it once was. See all 1 In Demand skills for this occupation. Feel free to contact me! I suppose if I cared how you interpreted it, I would have asked you before making it. This wasnt my point. Watch short videos about #officer401 on TikTok. Disclaimer: The process allows for people who have weaker bonds with the community to become staff because having positive bonds with the community is not a necessity to become a staff member. :). having a system where community members dictate the new trainee's would throw whole system into disarray. LockNess8221 likes this. If people like the staff team, they will be more willing to join it. For example, if someone is eager to help but doesnt have a good grasp of the rules yet, they are unfit to be staff. Interpret and explain laws and regulations to travelers, prospective immigrants, shippers, and manufacturers. The process does not check enough for strong, positive relationships with the community. It ensures that applicants have strong, positive relationships with the community. You're contradicting yourself by saying the staff team is a toxic competition to see who can obtain the most sub team badges and then suggesting democracy aka a toxic popularity contest to see who can obtain the most votes. Discussion in 'General Idea Discussion' started by clouddistrict, May 15, 2022. I suggest you re-examine your idea's potential results. Officer401 is a police officer and YouTube vlogger that discusses anything from marijuana legalization, to clowns. Peoples personal bias would be totally prevalent and the format would be easily abused. Projected growth represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2021-2031). Recruitment believes I am a great fit for the team but I am not going to be accepted because of something I did half a decade ago. (I went from Alqssio to ThomasAAndeerson so many don't know my 2016 identity) as people would not recognise it at first. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. If YOU are trying to con us into giving you information because you are contemplating doing others harm, it is OUR duty to report your post to the appropriate authorities. Photos must be in the ".jpg" format. Replying to a comment and taking several hours to create a video are two totally separate things. At this level, you'll get a personalized message from me after sign-up, plus all previous rewards, along with a Level 2 Silver Supporter label on Discord! Some people are a lot more introverted, less sociable and less known in the community as a result, but they can still produce amazing work that can benefit community members in a more indirect way. If you're still dead set on doing this, fine, but please know what you're doing. But not everyone getting into this dark world of social media will end with the same results. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, The entire fundamental aspect of Mineplex staff is that it is accessible to anyone willing to apply without fearing about having to go through a popularity filter later on. Sometimes my username is EmilioTheNerd on other platforms like discord. Imagine you left Mineplex for 2 years because of IRL matters and returned, yet no one would remember you while you really want to apply for staff again: Well, you would not be able to re-apply because people don't recognise you anymore. Draw detailed or technical illustrations. Sometimes I'll have a grudge against someone and forget why I even disliked them in the first place. Someone that is very well-liked by the community might not make a great staff member at all. One of those things was my car (long story), and the other was social media. He has bragged about being a troll on atleast 1 of his web pages and apparently has problems talking to girls his on age. I really don't see how this is going to motivate more people to apply, personally I see it as an extra unnecessary obstacle that will act as a deterrent more than anything. When I was with my last department, there were two things I always got written up for. Discussion in 'YouTube Video Showcase' started by officer401, Feb 21, 2022. If I were to contact my local PD, my name could get out there, and if that kid were to be bluffing, he would most likely know its me. Collect evidence at crime scene, classify and identify fingerprints, and photograph evidence for use in criminal and civil cases. Attn: Code 11A Yes, you can easily cancel or upgrade your pledge at any time. Head over to my facebook page to check it out. Luckily, the benefits far outweigh the negatives for me. 1. Links to your channel will be included in every video description as a hard-core supporter of my channel plus all previous rewards, along with a Level 3 GOLD Supporter label on Discord! We want only quality applicants being accepted, and quality applicants are not only fit to be staff (as decided by recruitment), but also have strong relationships with the community. That opinion is based on the fact that I have spent time in the jail, and extensive time on the road. There is really no reason for us to have a strong and positive relationship with the community because there is simply no need. Please be specific. Officer401 Quantico, VA 22134-2253. If we have negative encounters with them, we will dislike them and not vote for them. My dad suggested that I do an anonymous tip. Search all of Reddit. Make sure to message me your YouTube channel link! He's into weather satellites, photography and models. As far as everyone's replies, there are things I agree with and things I don't. Nice try! What about this is unfair? When I applied, only a small community even knew who I was. In order to be accepted, applicants must have at least 25 votes. officer401, LockNess8221 and Ozammor / Yato like this. external site and 2021-2031 employment projections Maybe someone is shy and just doesn't want to maintain relationships with community members, yet has a great grasp of the rules and is super eager to help. Its not disliking staff for disliking staffs sake. Sample of reported job titles: Crime Scene Evidence Technician, Crime Scene Investigator, Crime Scene Technician, Criminalist, Field Identification Specialist, Forensic Specialist, Identification Officer . Honestly I still play Mineplex because it really has some amazing games, people and because I have been attached to this community since I was 13, around the middle of 2015: I have applied for Trainee, and ever since then I attended all community events, TaPs and admin/dev EVENT MPSes I could find. You will be leaving O*NET OnLine to visit our sister site My Next Move. I agree it's always a bonus when the newly promoted staff member already has good rapport with the community but in my opinion it adds an absolutely unnecessary step when they are already extremely limited on applicants. Your donations to my Patreon will go toward my kids and fun family activities! Who says stuff like that?? And how am I contradicting myself? Isn't your idea supposed to bring on more people? just because you're not famous in a minecraft server's community means you can't get trainee? Is starting a blog really worth even the CHANCE of losing a career? to propose that the trainees who have already proven to be fit for the position have to go through another stage which is completely up to how known they are is completely unfair and skewed for so many candidates. I am not trolling. They'll handle it from there. If you aren't, tell your parents. I also want to remind you that what you are proposing imposes even more selective pressure on any potential candidate, making it much harder for new staff members to emerge. 2. Futhermore, as I explained merely making people vote without criteria leads to absolutely absurd outcomes, if you introduce voting criteria then we circle around the fact the criteria are already there and that there is a team specialized in making sure the candidates match these criteria after an interview. People are not dumb and can see right through fakeness. 3. Wed take the top 3 because they are the ones who received the most votes. His father worked as a US Marshall for 22 years. It was like clock work. Putting each applicant against another applicant and have people vote for which of the 2 they prefer. The point was that the current process allows for people who may fit the criteria on paper to get staff when they have weak or even negative relationships with the community. DMC solves this gap that the process is unable to figure out. I want to start off with trying to understand why there's such a heavy focus on Trainee applicants having relationships with the community? No, its the other way around. If this is your first visit be sure to check out the frequently asked questions by clicking here. I posted this on the officer401 forum, but nobodys active there. He works full time as a veteran Police Officer in south-east GA, and has been a professional police officer for over eight years. He has been a law enforcement officer for over a decade. Coordinate or conduct instructional classes or in-services, such as citizen police academy classes and crime scene training for other officers. Mhmm. You might have. You simply cannot place social status as a substitute or above actual skill, your idea simply does not work because it doesn't take into account what relationship is or what the role of a staff member is. People will vote for applicants that they like. that's my responsibility, not the person I dislike. or what if they are, but for whatever reason, they're not yet suitable for trainee? Puede regresar usando el botn. How come when I tried to do the same thing with trapping people in the Mystery Machine and the room above spawn they weren't nearly as thrilled about it? See Tweets about #officer401 on Twitter. Be tactful, and patient. As a member, you receive exclusive content, community access, behind-the-scenes updates, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you. Submit evidence to supervisors, crime labs, or court officials for legal proceedings. Great when you just need a break and want to laugh. Learn what you can and can't do. Personally, I can't think of a fairer system for joining sub teams. Although there are very taboo topics I talk about, there ARE certain things I stay away from. I never really took the time to get better at Champions, but both SSM and Champions are both games that people take a lot of time at to get better. Guess whatit was the Captain himself. Click the link below. . Someone being disliked by others doesn't mean they will be a bad staff member. Some are focused on getting the most sub team badges. If you view DMC to be too hung up on popularity then you dont understand the purpose of DMC. The problem with the idea that DMC will bring toxicity is that if staff become toxic, the community will be able to see it. Respectfully, of course. Photograph crime or accident scenes for evidence records. DMC solves this problem. Collect samples of merchandise for examination, appraisal, or testing. See what people are saying and join the conversation. officer401 54K views 2 years ago Small Town Cops Nebraska Public Media 3.7M views 3 years ago I Was In a Police Chase! Officer401 is ranked 1,945th among Patreon Writing Officer401 is ranked 47,143rd among all Patreon creators Twitter Followers Get monthly Officer401 ranking & statistics emails . Have you also considered the effect of this on former staff who return to Mineplex? Okay but what was the credibility of this testimonial? But this is not the focus of this post. I chat with everyone in lobbies and still help everyone I can, but I just don't have time to maintain friendships while also doing staff duties. I see new staff members all the time I've never heard of, sometimes they were administrators, does this mean they do not deserve their position? I also used to be active on the Mineplex Enjin. I've also had grown men tell me they want to see my daughter in the child porn underground. Figured I'd start getting involved more in this community. People applying to be Trainee will most likely not be known by a majority of the Community. I genuinely dont know what youre referring to but I am curious. That is something that comes with time, if at all. Getting shot hurts! Honestly I still play Mineplex because it really has some amazing games, people and because I have been attached to this community since I was 13, around the middle of 2015: I have applied for Trainee, and ever since then I attended all community events, TaPs and admin/dev EVENT MPSes I could find. Officer401 was a police detective for a while. Add on giant amounts of reports coming in- which we usually stay within 5-15. If you are going to say all these factors are subject to change based on a given situation, then I find it's way too inconsistent and not conducive to a fair, consistent recruitment process. And only applicants who pass the interview can be voted on. He capitalizes on getting back to his followers 1 on 1 and having as much interaction with his followers as possible. Here's Officer401's newest video for those of you that haven't subscribed or anything. Then there is that fact you can be called up on weekends or the middle of the night. He was inspired by his father, who was a US Marshall, to become a cop. There are so many bedrock reports coming in and so little bedrock staff/people that can do bedrock reports because they're cross-platform. Four-Year Club. So, when I created my YouTube channel almost a year ago, I was already well-known here locally for speaking my mind. When I was a younger officer, I thought "It's my first amendment RIGHT to vent about my shitty Sergeant on FaceBook!!" This is not what I said. This is entirely false. Officer401 offers hints, guidance, and general musings that men and women in blue could appreciate, from courses about the way to become a supportive authorities partner to leaving authorities work on the job. You will be given a special name color, badge, and special access to the Patreon only section of my Discord chat! Being disappointed you didn't get on a team =/= toxic environment. A LOT of a staff members job is completely behind-the-scenes. There are other things that have to be done as well, and I will provide details in future posts about that. The purpose is so that applicants who pass the written application and the interview but do not have strong relationships with the community will not be accepted onto the staff team. The officer401 YouTube channel has gained600,000 subscribers. To have the best user experience on our site please consider upgrading to. Imo, it would just invite toxicity to do this. Don't miss it! If I'm a prospective applicant, I'm a little more quiet, on the reserved side but I know I'm a hard worker with a lot of other skills, then I see in order to be accepted I need to be popular in the community, I don't say "wow what a great place to work", I see this as an organization who is too hung up on popularity and. How can this be abused? Give them a try and share any we missed in the comments. I am all for staff having good strong bonds, but during the recruitment process, it should only be up to recruiters & higher-ups deciding who is qualified for staff, not the community. Just remember that. Creeps with way too much time on their hands. Find occupations related to multiple detailed work activities, First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives, Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, Occupational Outlook Handbook: Police and detectives, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Dust selected areas of crime scene and lift latent fingerprints, adhering to proper preservation procedures. This is a great question. I have to start getting ready for my day job in CID, but before I do, let me conclude with this. It's your responsibility to rebuild it. Determine duty and taxes to be paid on goods. The amount of campaigning and scouring for votes turns it into not only a popularity contest, but also just a competition of who can "spread" their name out to most people. There are so many bedrock reports coming in and so little bedrock staff/people that can do bedrock reports because they're cross-platform. With DMC, it means they are unfit to be staff. You can have weak, negative relationships with the community without technically breaking any rules. Not being fit to be staff yet doesnt mean its unfair. You cannot just dismiss it as a them problem. TheArrowsShadow #2 Hey! Other people are weirdos, and you'll come across more and more of a variety with growing fame. I guess this is my first time actually showing my work than saying how good I am. Locate and seize contraband, undeclared merchandise, and vehicles, aircraft, or boats that contain such merchandise. This change is just one that's necessary to restore Mineplex to its former glory. That's something you'll only learn over time. Any approach to "reviving" mineplex that does not involve at a minimum semi-frequent gameplay content updates and actual marketing is without merit. Your vest may stop the bullet, but you'll still get a nice bruise or other injury to remember the experience. Find occupations related to multiple detailed work activities, First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives, Fraud Examiners, Investigators and Analysts, Government Property Inspectors and Investigators, Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction, International Association for Identification, International Association for Property and Evidence, International Association of Arson Investigators, International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts, Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association International, National Technical Investigators' Association, Occupational Outlook Handbook: Police and detectives, The Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Cool drawing, I really like how you did the characters, it's really nice. Family Life His father worked as a US Marshall for 22 years. officer 401 | 161.8K people have watched this. Is it something I should look into playing? Well Master Arrow already saw it so by subconscious I'll just leave it here. I said I do not believe management has not done anything positive. In other words, I believe that management has done some things that are positive. get them help and support. Recruiters look at applicants with an unbiased perspective, and community members probably wouldn't. (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). I'm surprised you didn't include OITQ. I also used to be active on the Mineplex Enjin. I'll. Some are focused on getting the most sub team badges. Maybe HEs the shooter testing the waters. In my opinion, it's completely unnecessary to be "popular" to be accepted, I've not only had mentees who I never even heard of prior to being accepted, but turned out to be fantastic staff members who built excellent relationships with community members. Quantico, VA 22134-2253. In addition, the requesting retired/separated law enforcement officer must also request an Identity History Summary Check through the FBI. There are currently 2577 users online. MAKE SURE to register on the website he made It's basically a website that's exactly like this sub, and all this sub's subs, without it being Reddit. Now, lets say this person was applying for trainee, and through your system pass the interview and application process. Yes, there are lots of staff members who want to join certain subteams with limited spaces, so not everyone can be accepted, but that doesn't mean it's toxic. Cool drawing, I really like how you did the characters, it's really nice. NCIS 5512-1 Credential Request His channel received a Silver Play Button award from YouTube. Being well known in the community and being a good staff member aren't correlated at all. The vehicle I drive in my videos is my personal 2012 Dodge Charger. See all 1 In Demand skills for this occupation. 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Discussion in 'General idea discussion ' started by clouddistrict, May 15,.! Evidence to supervisors, crime labs, or court officials for legal proceedings applicants that they positive... Do bedrock reports coming in and so little bedrock staff/people that can do bedrock coming. Being a fantastic staff member at all leo ROUND TABLE a panel of law enforcement must!