i can 't handle my autistic child anymore

So you vent. Follow on Instagram! Google them. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 68,833 times. Parents share intimate details about their disabled childs meltdowns, bathroom struggles, medical histories, and more without hesitation. However, we should also 100% respect the battle fatigue that parents of children on the spectrum face from caring for their child in an NT world. I wish the term autism wasnt so broad. So stop blaming autism when autism itself isnt the issue. While I also have chronic pain, I cant fathom his. Im all for people letting the horrible truth of autism hang out. Censorship would be to try to take it down, removed from wherever it is. Shaming other people pain and how they express it is wrong. You may be someones only tie to the autism community. She should acknowledge what has happened to THOUSANDS of once healthy children where they lost skills like the ability to attend to a book, to talk, make/keep eye contact, lost their ability to sleep through the night, to communicate and engage with the world with language and typical curiosity and imaginative play but instead they lose words and say, play by spinning the wheel on a truck over and over, they throw a book instead of looking at its pictures much less reading it, or rip it into small bits (Or, lets get real: they finger paint with their poop instead of wiping themselves and washing their hands because they understand about germs and are potty trained and allowed to go to preschools and play groups and day camps where potty independence is a requirement for reasons of sanitation so that the time there is spent on play as learning rather than diaper changing.). If youre making excuse for an Autism Parent that clearly hates their child, then youre a crap excuse for a human being. I dont criticize that woman for trying to take her child to see something she thought he might like. Heres one for YOU, please stop Blogging YOUR Bullshit. That is wrong. You desperately need more support, care, help, etc. I totally agree with this whole page a good ride up stop feeling sorry for yourself get tough Its called tough love buckle up get a life, unless you cant handle it then its okay to go get psychological help but why post it on Facebook because she wanted something free. Your autism is NOTHING like my sons. I havent seen this particular video (dont plan to, either), but I see a lot of this stuff on Facebook, etc. I pinky promise Ill explain what parents should do when feeling such big (and valid) feelings about autism and their child. But ALSO for my son, because HE CAN NOT. The most important aspect of this technique is consistency. Im a teacher and mother of a severe ASD child and even as a teacher, I had NEVER seen the severe side until my son, now 5, regressed. Its scary to think about the future when your child may need lifetime care. Please listen to what this amazing lady has to say and show more respect. 2. And yes, lets be honest here, if you child is severely autistic, then yes they are a burden on the parents. No matter what, our kids deserve dignity and respect, even in our worst moments. They are doing well with the exception of some uncertainty towards school but Im so glad to better educate myself and listen to autistic voices. Autism is not the issue. Thank you for writing this. Although there are some common sense advices in this article, this author clearly doesnt have a child with severe autism. Occasionally posts contains other affiliate links as well. This is part of the language learning process, so don't worry. If its such a big deal that your child meets Elmo, then that trip wasnt for your child at all. He desperately wants to learn new things he struggles every day to do music to read big books to do homework but his academic progress stalled long ago. Due to Covid and the massive regression our family has faced with the eldest to the author, Go Fuck Yourself. This thread is archived I try to post very little about my son in a negative light, because I dont want people to view him as a monster or hate him. No one is perfect. He is. feeling afraid to express emotions. Right on! EVERYONE. Imagine for a moment that you always wanted a child tobecome a doctor. Having to hold a child down to ever treat medical issues because they have no concept of why you need to do things (like clean wounds). Breaks my heart for those beautiful souls that have to live without unconditional love. Autism news, information and support. If you agree with this and you want a safe space online where you can learn and grow as an autism advocate, click here to tell me a bit about your situation and join the Embracing Autism Facebook Group! They have a dogpile of kids and suddenly they have the moral authority to trash not only parents of typical kids but as proven here, parents of disabled kids. Could you massage them instead of hitting them?". And I cant tell you their future except to say that I will always be their cheerleader and I will always see their achievements as more important as their failures. I take offense to the complaining comment by author. The stim may be very important to them. The comments here make me so sad. Even if a child has a vast knowledge of vocabulary and syntax, they may not process spoken words well. To call the disorder that has left our children with profound impairments in cognition, communication and behavior a "strange gift," as Silberman does, is truly mind-boggling. Not sure when this was posted because I cant find a date. When your child is severe,it is like nothing you have ever seen. I want my children to have as easy ride as possible through life but, when you find out that your precious child is going to have to overcome obstacles, its hard to come to terms with. "Found things that I can continue doing and those I can eliminate that aren't helping her. My whole being is occupied in taking care of my child. I truly do hope that you are going to therapy and again I am saying this with respect for a fellow woman and mother. How could you find a family willing to take your autistic child? Its unbelievable to me how selfish these women are. Since covid, there is no escape for her into a normal school environment. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. This article is a bit ridiculous. However there are real limitations to what can be done in a classroom with students. She has so much love for her child, you can see it in all her videos. everyone struggles and we all do and say things in the heat of the moment when tired, unhappy or stressed. Support ad love instead of judging and pointing fingers. It is important to understand these rights to ensure that you or your child is being treated fairly and given access to all of the services and supports to which you are entitled. What right do you have to tell another parent how they should feel about their autistic child? His own family? I dont care if youre the autistic person or your child is. Parents dont want that for their children. Solitude. One more severe than the other. Try to be consistent as best as you can. One of the leading causes of death in Autistic people is suicide. . The thing is, in a world that is all too intolerant of Autistic people, the people that should be our greatest allies seem to be often the complete opposite. She is offering you life changing insight. You had the ability to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and write this, but our children will never even write or learn anything but basic life skills. Comer, J.R. Abnormal Psychology, seventh edition. Your child may learn to communicate very well in alternative ways, such as sign language, typing, facilitated communication, and more. I was with you until I got to that list. How do we expect autistic children to get the kindness and understanding they need while the world strips the same from the people caring for them? To encourage them to never give up and chase their dreamswhatever that looks like Search #ActuallyAutistic hashtags and find Kristy forbes on Instagram and follow her! Obviously she has never had to walk in the same shoes as the other parent but will judge her anyways. Don't punish/criticize the child or push them to do something if they aren't comfortable, because they'll associate social interactions with negative feelings. Most schools bend of backwards to try and help any students with special needs. Bottom line, there are plenty of ways for you to talk through your big fears and feelings when youre frustrated with autism or your autistic child. I have neurological conditions myself and have even had several brain surgeries. I am a dew drop on a leaf evaporating into thin air. Best wishes for you and your children. I know it can feel very lonely but your not alone Brittany. Some objective points, but the majority was a joke. (after not being able to hang with anyone friend for decades because of the level of care you are responsible for at home). Even people who are just looking for a sentimental video, but dont have one autistic in their lives themselves. Its articles like this and people like you thst make it impossible to find anyone or anything genuine about real autism struggles. I will trust that you are right that your son will never read or see the offensive videos and articles the author is condemning. Lets see how happy you remain when your kid kills your pets, destroys everything you love or hold dear, smears feces on everything in the home including your face, ruins all interaction around you with his tantrums and physically attacks you or anyone for no reason. thank you. You want to be a better person? Older autistic children may enjoy setting up their toys in scenes. Your son smearing fecal matter in your face is communication. He is my best teacher. Im not a complaining mama, but your litmus test for what to share will stick with me long-term. There are appropriate forums and the sobbing mom should have used one of them. And shut up. You probably didnt even read the article. Make a doctor appointment. SO this is not that. its certainly not an overwhelmed mother crying on a video, The world is judgmental enough, now ASD mums are shaming each other. Last Updated: March 29, 2022 Your email address will not be published. 3. If youve never raised a severely autistic learning disabled child then you have no right to chastine parents who have. And before anyone says but you cant possibly understand because you and your child are high functioning which is totally different.. If your child suspects that you may not follow through, he or she is unlikely to stop the behavior. If its something youd be willing to share about an NT child, sharing it about your autistic child is likely not a problem and not the phenomenon that this article os describing. On behalf of all the autism parents who could get through about two paragraphs of your article, STOP JUDGING. They can still communicate, you just arent listening. Compiled with ableist threats of suicide and counter congruent co-shaming its basically gaslighting. I am just the carer. Its a very wide playing field with Autism, theres no right or wrong way to cope [barring abusive extremes, and no, I dont think this was abusive, I think this was desperation, and I think this sort of response is what makes many parents feel so alone and silenced, but I also understand why the author wrote this]. Hes making a pretty clear statement, tbh. She is just skin and bones now. And as an authistic, you breed to put more autism in this world? But there is no more. Luna Rose is an autistic community member who specializes in writing and autism. Now that Im dealing with the same, I am so glad she put his struggles out there, because she shared tools that greatly helped my son. but presumably because they can't handle him. Kids who missed chucks of schooling for different reasons, kids going through family crisis, kids with other learning difficulties. He felt more understood because he was. Im sorry, maybe your autistic kid is manageable. Shame on you for trying to shame another autism mum. Having to make plans for your own death so your child can be kept safe and secure after it. 1. There is nothing wrong about a parent complaining or feeling sorrow for their autistic child. Theres also asking for advice which, again, shouldnt be mixed with venting on a public forum. You should probably take this article down. Luckily its only moms who have feelings. Do you need support as a parent of a child with high needs? We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Experts like Murray, Coury and the specialists at ATN, as well as parents of children who have autism, recommend parents tackle the following six most common challenging autism behaviors. The problem here isnt the teachers, most of whom are going beyond duty for the children. Every single day for nearly the last decade we have been: hit, kicked, punched, screamed at, injured, and drained (emotionally, physically, mentally and financially). This can be harmful to the child's self-esteem and may cause regression, aggression, and other problems. Neighbors warning new neighbors about your kid. feeling angry, but not knowing why. If he could behave differently- if it were possible- dont you think he would? Has anyone been in this situation and can give me some wisdom and advice or even just a 'you are not alone'? If I refuse thats a meltdown. Having to cook special foods because your child will only eat a few types of foods or worst case, feeding tubes because they wont eat at all,and they will starve themselves. That it isnnt like that kid on TV who sang the national anthem. She cries that even though her son is happy and safe, he isnt the child she thought shed have. The first six years of my sons life nearly killed me. Try to incorporate small fish, meats, fish oil, and cod liver oil into your childs diet. Then get off your throne, stop judging, and write a post/blog entry about severe ASD and the need for finding and help for those individuals and their families. Hmmm? As well as a basic high school classroom typical kids range 5-10 years of developmental ability. May I ask.do you parent a child with special needs? They have no idea what struggles you are going through, or what sorrow you feel. It sounds like she had a hopeful day planned out for her kid, felt that he was ready, and couldnt wait to see his happiness, then when it went downhill it really sunk in how bad his disability is and she felt that she had failed him. Facing my fear: to save my autistic son's future, I had to let him go Elayne Robertson Demby It's always hard for parents when their children leave home. When you say that autism makes your life so difficult, youre telling the world that autistic people are more trouble than were worth. So much! It helps if the people around them can be a calming influence. A burden I have to carry because they are my children and I love them, so I am sacrificing my time, my life, my goals, and my hopes so they can function. Its the stupidest reason. Search the internet to see what substitutes autistic adults have found for their SIB. dont compare. You have no idea what it is like to watch your child suffer everyday from self injurious behaviors, uncontrollable stims, anxiety, depression, fear at every new person and sound. Facebook nowadays is a cesspool of narcissistic boomers, sl*ts, anti-vaxxers, white supremacists, conspiracy weirdos and other human trash, so posting a public video shaming your disabled children there means that youre not different from them. You have a baby sitter?! I think there is a point to this article, that a person can share too much, however, her idea that neurotypical parents do not share their struggles is absolutely ludicrousI see posts every day. Work with other caregivers and teachers so that everyone uses the same approach. Im so sick of parents complaining about the normal teenage antics of their kids. It affects the neighbors, the schools that have to upgrade security specifically because your child wont stay on campus. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition. I havent made it to 32 yet, and Im very lucky to have made it this long. Were it not for autism, she would find something/anything else. Every single last internal concurring issue that isnt my Autism nor ADHD has been overlooked, therefore slowly, but surely, Im moving over to the societal low functioning scale. My son is 25 now and much more able to do for himself than even a few years ago, but I know that moment of not being able to stand another second of a meltdown from him. You are not in her shoes, and you clearly have no idea what its like to live with a severely autistic individual. Or the very real lack of availability for ABA in most states? Your child may not sit still, but mild/moderate fidgeting can be enough to help them focus. This was so clearly written by the parent of a high functioning autistic child. If they're comfortable with discussing the subject, pitch your conversation at their current understanding. Surely we have to bring it back to the child first and foremost.it made me very sad to watch this childs needs clearly not being met. Why? . I mean, the whole nine yards. Clearly hates her child?! If a child doesn't believe that you will respect verbal or alternative communication, they may act out due to the belief that it is the only way to be acknowledged. Would you care if he wet the bed and poops in his bathwater, cant talk and doesnt understand what you are trying to express, runs out in traffic, doesnt understand that certain things can hurt him or others, pushes children off jungle gyms? Who the fuck are you to tell us to stop complaining? None of us are perfect but clearly your social media skills need improving because you are trolling the wrong people: advocates for improvement in autism services, education and supportservices which you could benefit from if you honestly cannot see how mean and misguided your insults are. Privacy is one thing, the topic of privacy compiled with suggestions of martyr syndrome and vitriol is a lil nuts. Critizing disgraceful, toxic content is not censorship. My daughter has a fragile bone disorder and were desperate to keep him away from her so that he doesnt break her bones. Some of the best sources of calcium include milk, cheese, yogurt, spinach, kale, okra, collards, soybeans, white beans, and calcium-fortified juices and cereals. Some children on the autistic spectrum do have behaviours that are just not compatible with home life but I'm sure you are doing a great job. We dont know if hell be able to regain the losses he has experienced once he has school again. Having two autistic children (one moderate and one severe) has ruined my life and my wifes life. I see both sides of this. Co-morbidities ARE THE ISSUE. The reason your son acts this was is NOT because of autism, its because he has a worthless sake of shit like you for an egg donor. Watching other kids at things like Elmo concerts and knowing you cant usually even make it through a family members birthday party much less some special event like that. The two should never be mixed. And you know what? I am the mother of a severely autistic child and this life sucks I belong to a support group where we share it all. You AND your neighbors have to lock your house and yard down like Fort Knox. You are telling her to tone it down, and you are doing nothing to truly help, but making her (and other mothers) feel bad for having an opinion. If the people in those groups knew how you feel they wouldnt want, or feel comfortable, having you as a member. or comfort someone in pain? NO it would NOT be. No local services. Do you put on your own helmet before you start bashing your own head into the floor & put on your own gloves so you dont bite your hands bloody? You can express these things without traumatizing your child. Is hard. You treat your children like shit and then wonder why they act out like this. Posting online this kind of video seems like a call of attention and sympathy to her. I have not had a minute to myself for a very long time. WOW, so many ableist and abusive comments from autism moms who have NO idea what autism actually is. My hobbies and interests are lost to me. I would have a massive problem with any mom making a video of this sort about ANY child. Be careful about the organizations you support, and the messages they send about autism. As a Autistic person who was labeled high functioning with Aspergers and ADHD, you people truthfully dont know jack anything about functioning labels. They may even turn into a great career someday. We get no breaks. As an autistic woman, I am appalled by the comments defending the public posts about autistic children. His momma helps provide that. I have two on the spectrum, one nonverbal, they are wonderful, amazing, and so loved. No one is. She doesnt want me going to the garden. Please. Well if you cant wipe your own ass, still pee the bed, cant feed yourself, scream and have a meltdown because someone talked, poop and pee in your bathwater, bang your head against the wall, run outside naked in the winter, wouldnt be able to take care of yourself in any capacity and would be content playing video games all day and wouldnt care if your caregiver dropped dead, then maybe you do need to be treated differently since you cant make it through life without someone dedicating their life to yours. Its the broadcasting of something private to her and her son. I have two autistic children. And I get it. K thanks. Keep it in mind, ableist NT mommies. I dont know. I know I am not easy, I know I am difficult. I dont think so. Come over here so my son can smear his fecal matter in your face and then tell me again to not complain. While academically bright, no one could understand how someone could be so socially blind. They dont love their autistic children or else they wouldnt abuse them with forced ABA therapy. Watching your child uncomfortable in their own skin. Being non-speaking or intellectually disabled (those are VERY different things, by the way) doesnt negate that persons basic right to privacy, dignity, and respect. Well, as an autistic adult who is struggling badly with self-worth and Googling Am I a Burden? these abusive, unhinged comments have clearly allowed me to see that its actually not me thats a problem for existing. Signed, an autistic. AutismMamaBear, I am in total agreement with this page, I knew a lady theyre raised in autistic son and we never knew he was autistic, she never let anybody knew no she never complained she got him every Advantage you could possibly get to go forward and be educated she educated herself on it, in this world that we live in people are so quickly to put people down for something they may have they act as if they have a disease and shy away from them, why not act as if nothing is wrong make everything as normally as you can, I believe the only time that you need help is when you feel you cannot cope, the lady in the video what was her hope that she would get free help, thats what most mothers are hoping for free help welfare. Please Stop Complaining About Your Autistic Children, this post about the harm in functioning labels, no one knows your autistic childs future, click here to tell me a bit about your situation and join the Embracing Autism Facebook Group, We Need to Chat About Being an Autism Mom. You must ignore her posts where she cheers on her children and shows her sons accomplishments since youre only talking about her being upset. A video complaining of your child is a bad way to get the attention the mother obviously needs. When pushed to do something they don't want to do, your child may throw a fit. I have a mod/severe autistic son and a neuro-typical son. Parents are suffering, after learning a whole new way of interacting for their child, and fight after fight to advocate to get their childs needs met. You are the problem They need help not shame. Everyone has bad days, but this post outlines why to stop complaining about your autistic children and what you can do instead!). Its okay to be rock bottom, and if you dont have or dont know how to get resources, it feels like the world is crushing you. WHERE does such heartless criticism come from?? I had to throw out every hope and dream I ever had not just for myself but for them too and instead I just count the days as they go by getting nothing meaningful done except care for two individuals who will never become anything except a burden on someone else in the future after I get too old to care for them. And its still okay for me to break down and have bad days too. So far my prayers have been answered by the devil. I KNOW I was. She is blogging about her life. She could have recorded the video and showed it to a close group of people who really and truly understand and are able to help. Googling am i a burden on the parents but mild/moderate fidgeting can be i can 't handle my autistic child anymore in a classroom students. 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