eggs taste weird all of a sudden

A study from July said that 7% of some 4,000 people reported smell issues, which means the number of people dealing with parosmia during the infection can be quite high. Cookie Notice I can occasionally tolerate some ham, but for the most part I cant tolerate it. My sense of smell didnt return to its full strength, and now, after a month, inexplicably, all meat smells terrible, to the point of gagging. If you find yourself wondering why your food suddenly tastes like either of those two things, you should call your primary care physician immediately. I rarely cook for them now because I either cant handle the smell or I cant taste the food to see if its ok. It took about three months to get to about 95% recovery. However, the interesting part is the timeline of everything. It seems to have started again. Every brand of Applejuice just started tasting WEIRD I actually hadnt gotten my smell back but was tasting things pretty well despite that. Pasta, chips, eggs, anything toasted, most cheese, all meat (but hamburger and steak) alcohol, fruit taste and smell horrible to me, some veggies are tolerable but have kinda a weird smell. I can definitely relate to your story and so sorry you are going through this! Like I said, I didnt forget about the post but I have reduced the frequency of trying eggs for the past couple months because I could only spit out something that tastes eh so many times. Currently I can eat apples and banana again, but they dont taste great. Its permanently affected how some things taste, for example bell peppers now taste exactly how freshly cut grass smells. Water tastes oddly like chemicals. I was alright for 6 weeks, then had a two week bout of extreme fatigue and mild confusion. The most difficult part is that I cant eat garlic or onion and Im allergic to all peppers so I cant add flavor/spice in other ways. It's your body telling you to stop eating them! Maille Baker suffered from a COVID-19 complication called parosmia, a condition affecting her taste and smell in strange ways. So, I had to start eating them a little more cooked / I would make scrambled & hard boiled and then out of no where at like 20 wks, eggs made me so sick. The fever, chills, and severe fatigue had improved, and her senses of smell and taste were returning. Unfortunately, there are not any medications proven to increase the odds of smell recovery. The essential oils are the only entities I have found that gives me any type of relief. Perfumes all smell awful. Recovery from parosmia I have also asked my husband if he smells this bad smell in the house and he says no. Covid is also linked to a condition known as parosmia, which turns a pleasant odor such as coffee into an unpleasant one. Definitely will be depressed if you have this. (Although this doesn't explain most quirky food hates, says Rozin.) I used to eat liver occasionally and it tasted different than now. 2. I got to the front porch of my house and started vomiting. I had a mild case, loss of taste and smell, and a runny nose were my only symptoms. Only a few things are remotely enjoyable to taste, one being Monster energy drinks, which I believe are strong enough to taste differently. But . This could be because both are caused by hCG. Fast forward again to today (1/14/22), and I am absolutely miserable. I had surgery mid Dec and had a severe reaction to general anesthesia. I was worrying that it could be something much worse but all these posts have pretty much confirmed what it is. Im going through the same thing as Mailer. You should never eat more than one egg if you live anywhere near France because there one eggs "un oeuf". Anybody try anything else? It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Now for the past few weeks, more things are starting to smell & taste bad to her. A lack of vitamin B12, which plays a vital role in nervous system function, might change your sense of taste, too, according to Harvard Health Publishing. A lot of things have a metal or a plastic taste. Im nowhere around someone who smokes. When your chickens consume feed that is high in Omega-3's, they produce eggs that are also high in this key nutrient. My sons room is the worst. The folded eggs that are used on biscuit sandwiches are also liquid eggs, but they were cooked off-site and frozen, and then heated up on the grill at McDonald's. And lastly, the eggs in their breakfast burritos are made from liquid eggs that are cooked off-site, and then microwaved at McDonald's. Sweet is what still working, I find Green tea Frappuccino from Starbucks to be my best friend now, its the only thing that still taste the same to me. I can hardly eat anything. It's horrible and so strong. Not the same as outside, but still, pretty bad. A common reason why your vape suddenly tastes bad is a new or damaged coil. Eventually his diagnosis confirmed the suspicions of parosmia. The main problems for me include the air fryer, toaster oven, most processed foods, butter, cucumbers, tomatoes, french fries, onions and canola oil. I have the same issue. You may not reject these. Anyone else have this after toothpaste??? 243 Charles Street, Boston, MA 02114617-523-7900, 2023 Massachusetts Eye and Ear | Privacy & Legal Notices Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Its thought that this might be caused by overactive neurons.". Some dark chocolate not milk chocolate! Please go get this simple blood test. At first I couldnt eat bananas minty stuff or and kind spaghetti sauce ketchup onions or garlic. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a sudden change in taste alone, without any other common symptoms, may warrant getting swabbed. It must be Parosmia but I had no idea what it was called! Also, my dog and cats poop and mine have that same smell, which is horrible because some foods smell the same. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons, can also lead to problems with smell, including phantosmia, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders (NIDCD). My smell and taste returned to normal one week later. Yeah I get it. 4. For example, Katie McHenry previously opened up about her experience developing parosmiaa condition characterized as a lingering, foul-smelling scent and altered sense of taste after battling with coronavirusto The BBC. I wouldnt wish this on anyone. Peanut butter not really, but i can still tolerate a peanut butter sandwich Hamburgers, fried egg or cheese sandwiches or frozen burritos are about my best go-to foods, especially because easy no cook or smell prep, as long as Wendys or somewhere cooks the burgers! The most commonly reported symptom of COVID-19 affecting the senses is called anosmia, a loss of smell. New findings from research studies conducted at Mass Eye and Ear. Thanks for sharing your story. I burnt my food the other night and didnt even notice until the smoke filled the room and thought my eyesight had gone funny! Answer by Guest - Aug 9th 2016 . Something has changed in your body chemistry to cause this. Didnt pay that much attention to it but within another day or two every thing tasted bad. It's possible there's an underlying neurologic issue with the nerves that control the sense of taste or the brain's interpretation of taste, Dr. Kaye says. It seems to be getting worse. And as for smell almost everything that once smelled good to me smells horrible I still spray on my perfume but it smells terrible to me my deodorant smells terrible to me also! Hope this helps someone. When I got home, I heated up a veggie burger in my air fryer (as I normally did) and couldnt fathom the smell that was coming out of the air fryer. I have lost 32lbs since Nov. and can eat hardly anything. Upon vomiting I could taste putrid onions and burnt grease as it came up. They have steamed or fried. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. ALSO, a previous appointment with my ENT had him tell me that he himself has seen patients who had Covid, recovered for a time, then their smell and taste changed with that being their only symptoms (silver lining, thats much better than pulmonary symptoms). Its been a year and two months since I got covid and my taste and smell is so messed up my daily life is all screwed up as well. and chicken taste like swamp water. I got into my car and noticed my car also had a weird scent. The last couple of days have been the worst so it makes eating hard but I push through it because I know its not the food going bad but my senses being goofy. Smell disorders can be diagnosed and treated by anotolaryngologist, or ENT, who specializes in ear, nose, throat, head and neck diseases. Hang in there everyone who is suffering with this. This gas is usually air that enters through the mouth or is a byproduct of bacteria breaking down food. I am often nauseous and have diarrhea as well as being very tired. Stories from patients of Mass Eye and Ear. So now I can only eat noodles with butter or brown gravy. No illness though and I usually love eggs :) xx, I had scrambled egg recently and promptly threw them up - I've avoided them since x. I used to love eggs, now they don't taste good and they give me indigestion. To this day I still cant smell much of anything unless its right under my nose. pizza dipped in curry or bbq pozza i can tolerate as well. Had Covid symptoms August 2021, tested negative 2x. It is now August and now many foods I cannot tolerate or taste really bad, garlic being the number one awful taste and onions. We guide our loyal readers to some of the best products, latest trends, and most engaging stories with non-stop coverage, available across all major news platforms. I am very depressed as there seems to be no cure for it. It not only alters my life, but my family as well. Taste, as you may know, is influenced by flavors on your tongue and the odors that you smell. my taste buds are not working properly. The foaming of the baking soda/vinegar will eat away at anything clogging the drain. I may already be doing it and not realize it or Ill find more food from it. Its unclear why the symptom appears, but scientists speculate that the noses neural tissue needs to recover. It is annoying. "Maybe people smelling pleasant smells are less likely to look for help.. Rotting garbage. My favorite perfumes smell horrible now. Ive tried many sodas and theyve all began to taste like dirt, like actual soil, and it awful. Everything smelled horrible and theres only certain things that dont. Or your peanut butter toast was extraordinarily bland. The first Friday, I started feeling really sick, so I went to the nurse, who happened to be my friend's mom. As far as smell, I can only smell when something is directly at my nose or get a hint if it is super strong. When you eat, two of your senses work together. Then in Oct. started taking headache medicine and by Thanksgiving my smell and taste were going wonky. Everything is putrid. Dental Problems. I had never heard anyone say anything so disgusting about the taste thing, until I started reading these others with what is called parochial. It's not a conscious thing; brains do it . I havent been able to smell anything up until about a week ago and now if I can smell it its horrible. I did loose my smell and taste for about 2-3 weeks but it came back normal. Im suffering from from this now. It doesnt work because it stands out so much. Parosmia is not typically a permanent condition. It makes me sad to hear about the stories people have faced since having covid. And not just onions alone, but I cant even enjoy snacks that contain onion powder. Dont know if this adds anything but my sense of smell is no longer gone but doesnt feel at 100%. Now today, June 13th, I had new chicken, rice, and broccoli (prepared the exact same way) and both the chicken and broccoli tasted the same as the awful sausage. A Facebook group consisting of more than 35,000 people with COVID-19-related smell issues led her mom to a doctor in California. It was good to read that Im not the only one. I had already lost over 11 pounds from not eating. About late January my toothpaste started to smell really bad and I used to love McDonalds diet coke but now the taste of it makes me sick. In rare cases, however, dysgeusia could be a symptom of liver disease, hypothyroidism or other health . This problem is beating me down mentally even though I was never a big eater anyway but I cant handle it. Neurologist said no help for it. Its a rough way to live thats for sure. I am already pescatarian and so I dont eat meat however the smell of meat when I go into the cafeteria at the hospital I work at smells awful, I cannot eat salmon anymore it taste spoiled, I cannot eat pizza or anything with garlic. But now almost 10 months later, my everyday life, morning to night, is completely affected all the time, she said. "Patients lose their sense of smell for three to seven days, but we do have a fair amount who lose it longer. I also developed parosmia. Whenever I go into the lunchroom at work and people have these trigger foods, I cannot stay in there long. Now 4 and a half months later things taste awful. My mom and I are dealing with this too! I had covid back in September of 2021. I was also 6 months pregnant. My family got an airfryer a little over a year ago and ever since my smell got back everything that came out of it smelt like a dead animal thrown in oil. See further information and configure your preferences. Your taste buds pick up on flavors, including four basic ones: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. There are certain foods I havent been able to eat the entire time. Mine is still iffy. Its a constant need to be able to taste again. I wish everyone took this virus seriously. I knew I wasnt going crazy. Some other things i can eat but they still dont taste like they should. Idk what to do. It doesnt seem to be getting better. It both smells and tastes like burnt popcorn and chemicals. Plain swiss cheese tastes terrible. I hope that helps someone. Doctors seem to think i had an undiagnosed case of covids. I had my second shot on Jan 25 (about 2 months after smell and taste came back. I was unvaccinated at the time. So bread and honey it is at the moment., until next week when its unpalatable. I think if everyone started listing foods that are able to eat would possibly help someone who is struggling to find food that is not disgusting. This taste occurs in your mouth because it is not being flushed out or expelled by your kidneys. Even fresh air stinks to me. They may be beyond their usage date and no longer taste eggcellent. My shampoo smelled bad. It is when those nerves are regrowing that parosmia can. 1. Experts first recognized anosmia, or the loss of smell, as a common symptom of COVID-19 in late March.But for an increasing number of survivors, that reaction is simply the precursor to another . THANK YOU. Because this was pre-Covid, it was extremely rare and very few doctors had even heard of it. (If you call all food being basically bland normal.) It wasnt until December (3 months later after covid) that I started having strange (and very pungent) phantom smells and tastes out of the blue. But it brought her to tears to the point she had to have a friend from down the hall remove it from her room. And then this hit me right in the face, she said. Ive been lost not knowing what to ask about or if I should even go to my doctor but it was calming to me to read what was posted here. I did lose complete smell and taste for about 6 weeks. My taste and smell slowly started to come back but it never fully did. They sell a box of 9 steamed for $8.50. I caught Covid the last week of September and had lost all sense of taste or smell for about a month afterwards. its been almost 1.5 month we didnt even know what that was.. we dint even guess what it could be but thanks to google and this article n peoples comments which led us to a point that we r not only ones having this issue n led us to Dr. Makes brushing my teeth something horrible. Reading other peoples stories helps me feel less alone as I navigate through this time. I cannot tolerate coffee, chocolate, mint, peanut butter, garlic, or sodas. These cookies are required to enable core functionality such as security, network management, and accessibility. I am having alot of gastro issues when I do eat meat which I never had before. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Most notably, eggs are good sources of selenium, tryptophan, iodine, protein, molybdenum, vitamin D, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, and the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. The only time I smell anything, is if it is something really bad. Its been challenging trying to eat at home because of the ingredients my parents always use in their cooking, but this article and all these other comments have helped me feel less alone. Im sad that I might have to live with it because I love chicken . Finally, 3 days ago I had chicken, rice, and broccoli. No more Italian night, no brownies, because I cant even stand to have it near me. I almost through out our entire contents of the fridge because of it. I wish you the best and hope your able to overcome this and return to yourself again. Thank you for this article! She gives the example of Bell's palsy, which causes facial paralysis on one side of the face. Baking Soda. 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