doctors speak out against flu shot

Ask your health care provider which one is right for you. $(".mega-back-mediaresources").removeClass("mega-toggle-on"); It is also about protecting othersyour family, friends, community members., The flu vaccine is most effective for all of us when more of us get it, so we can get closer to achievingat least for flu seasonthat herd immunity, she said. On average, COVID-19 has a 99.96 percent survival rate, judging from the admittedly compromised statistics over the last 18 months. and the First Nations Health Authority.". El Gato al Agua, a current affairs show hosted by Jos Javier Esparza broke the news that toxic nanoparticulates of graphene oxide have been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer vaccine analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna, a small group of Spanish researchers headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Jos Luis Sevillano. Still, the influenza vaccine is not 100 percent effective against the virus. Guess what? Someone gave them the flu, Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams said. The toxic substance graphene oxide was found in the Pfizer vials by Spanish researchers has now been confirmed to also be the main ingredient in the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to another scientific research group. Emerging Infectious Diseases. It increases the chance . During a recent visit, I talked with a 78-year-old patient named Phyllis (not her real name) about the importance of getting the flu vaccine. But physical distancing, good hand hygiene, mask wearing and staying home when unwell (which . by Amanda D'Ambrosio, Staff Writer, MedPage Today January 5, 2021. However, a growing body of medical experts and researchers are raising the alarm over these unprecedented moves built on what they claim are, firstly, questionable COVID-19 virus case numbers, secondly, the potential dangers posed by the vaccines, and, thirdly, fraud. Since the Dr Fauci emails debacle, the idea that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab has gained more traction, a notion summarily dismissed by the media a year ago. 100,000 Doctors & Medical Professionals Oppose COVID-19 Vaccine by: News Editors (Natural News) Doctors are now uniting against the pre planned and fabricated plandemic, which is quickly turning into a full genocidal push across the world. Some say their doctors told them not to get vaccinated anyway. . We will definitely say, If it means you end up getting a flu vaccine and you'd rather choose a nasal spray, get that nasal spray, she added. Imagine how the parents of those children must feel, Schaffner said. Professionals make a variety of excuses for not getting the influenza vaccine, chief among which are that they are too busy or that getting vaccinated is inconvenient. }); During the CDC vaccine meeting last week, health officials said that data indicates the vaccines were more than . $('.mega-back-button-specialties').on('click', function(e) { Learn more about new COVID-19 and flu at-home test. ]]>,, Alarm grows as researchers warn of dangers of the COVID-19 shots, Min Aung Hlaing visits troops in Rakhine State, Spring Revolution Daily News for 1 March 2023, Arakan Army monitors Min Aung Hlaings visit to Rakhine State, Protesters try to storm stage at Taiwan massacre memorial. Dr Chris Moy is the Vice President of the Australian Medical Association, and he joins me now from Adelaide. All of the major chain pharmacies in the US -- CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Walmart, Kroger -- offer flu shots at most of . }); jQuery(function($) { These kids are vulnerable and can infect others, too, said Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, a pediatrician at Seattle Childrens Hospital. Your email address will not be published. More than 4 in 10 Americans aren't sure about or aren't . I verify that Im in the U.S. and agree to receive communication from the AMA or third parties on behalf of AMA. Drive in style with preferred savings when you buy, lease or rent a car. Olivia did not elaborate on her . Deadly flu killed 80,000 people last year, A record number of children died of flu this season, When should you get your flu shot? The UWorld exclusive offer on product discount codes to AMA members has ended. While the numbers of flu-related illnesses/deaths have decreased markedly since that flu pandemic, influenza still imposes a significant medical threat and burden upon society. People heading to their doctors office or pharmacy for their COVID vaccine or booster can also get their influenza vaccine at the same visit, said Dr. Kirley. "Body of CDC Doctor Who Exposed Flu Shot Found Floating in River." Your News Wire. But well tell people all throughout flu season, if you havent gotten the vaccine yet, its still OK to get it and youre likely to benefit as long as influenza viruses are circulating, she said. It's the information you need from voices you want to hear. Overall, the CDC reported approximately 79,400 deaths from the flu that season. It writes, "Doctors in British Columbia are being warned they could face investigation or penalties from their regulatory body if they contradict public health orders or guidance about COVID-19. "Guess what? Collaborating and networking to advocate for patients and the medical profession. Developing a potentially deadly virus is one thing; pushing a questionable and potentially deadly cure is another. Although the flu shot is not as effective as other vaccines, it still greatly lowers the risk of death, said Dr. William Schaffner, medical director for the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. }); Its why people feel wiped out for two weeks or more after theyve stopped coughing.. Pfizer/BioNtech Vaccine is for people age 16 and older. Two Minnesota doctors, Dr. Scott Jensen and Dr. Jeffrey Horak,spoke out on "Fox & Friends" after being silenced for reiterating the importance of individual rights as it pertains to COVID-related . This is because the types of influenza viruses that go around often change. But the pandemic narrative is beginning to collapse as health authorities start to roll back the numbers as seen in the recent announcements of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and what are now recognized as heavily overinflated RT-PCR testing cases and COVID-19 death figures. Sure. He said thousands of . MADISON, Va. "I haven't been . Influenza is especially formidable, for when children have problems breathing because of the influenza infection and require intubation and placement on a ventilator, it can take weeks to extubate them and liberate them from the mechanical breathing support. Get your health care news from physicians, scientists and other leading voices in medicine. Dr. John Torres weighs in, Heres how flu kills some people so quickly, Flu on a plane! Explore reports on this topic from the Council on Medical Education presented during the AMA Interim and Annual Meetings. Speak to a AMA adviser, contact the membership office, media office or give feedback. Even the language of a pandemic was being developed during this time. jQuery(function($) { Are we rolling the dice that it will be completely effective? By getting the flu vaccine yearly, people reduce the chances of serious complications from the influenza virus. Turns out the actual number against COVID vaccines was zero. Earlier this week, Sir Bruce Keogh, national medical director of NHS England, called for a "serious debate" over whether NHS staff should be forced to have the vaccination. Opposition is building and growing shriller. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.. As discussed on the WI Morning News today, Dr. Robert Malone, immunologist, virologist, top researcher and inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology is speaking out to warn parents against Covid . Each year the flu shot is formulated to protect against the four most likely . "Vaccines are the single best public health tool we have for managing influenza.". Usually, flu hits first in one region and then another, but this past season saw widespread flu activity all at once, for weeks on end. By STEVE STECKLOW and ANDREW . Abby Haglage. February 27, 2018, 1:40 PM. New South Wales has become the latest state to offer free flu shots, joining WA, SA and Queensland. Lack of clarity with this case toll and death toll has led to a situation where it is becoming clearer that the COVID-19 toll may be exaggerated. Those 80,000 people who died from flu last year? 19 September 2021. Schaffner added that, in the midst of an influenza outbreak, it is crucial to have healthy people on hand to take care of patients. Its high, but its consistent with what we had last season, the CDCs flu division director, Dr. Daniel Jernigan, told NBC News. The flu shot can come in a variety of forms that protect against three or four influenza strains. Alarm grows as researchers warn of dangers of the COVID-19 shots. In fact, that is exactly what happened to me last flu season. All rights reserved. The cry of warning is also being censored by the media and social media in an unprecedented push that in itself ought to set off alarm bells, and could get worse as Joe Bidens administration in the USA colludes with Facebook to block out unwanted information and opinion on this platform. The company reportedly knew that is would be placed in the front of the line as early as March 2019. On 15 January 2018, disreputable conspiracy disseminator . }); Having a flu jab every year is the most important way to help prevent the flu and possible complications. On the contrary, COVID-19 may. Because they are also clearly one of those high-risk populations for COVID, it is even more important for them to protect themselves against the flu as well.. While there's no way to predict if the U.S. will be as hard-hit, "last year we were . Approximately 59 million people died in 2020 of various conditions including heart disease, cancer, accidents and old age. Michael Yeadon was a scientific researcher and vice president at drugs giant Pfizer Inc. Finally, the CDC stopped predicting a peak as the flu season continued worsening. However, in my clinical practice, for those who received the flu vaccine and still became sick with the flu, their clinical illness was not nearly as severe as for the individuals who did not receive the vaccine. About 58 percent of kids 17 and under were vaccinated. The CDC had already feared a severe flu season because it was the H3N2 strain that was circulating. Governments and health authorities are beginning to admit that they got it wrong both in terms of the COVID-19 numbers but also in terms of the potential dangers posed by the vaccines. Many health professionals are calling for an immediate halt to the vaccine rollout often putting their own jobs at risk for speaking out. Vaccination rates ranged from 36 percent in Nevada to 55 percent in Rhode Island. Getting a grip on the complexities and figures involved with the pandemic will help in understanding why the world sleepwalked into this unprecedented crisis. 5 April 2018. Someone gave them the flu, Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams said at a news conference. However, care needs to be taken with the claim highlighted in Dr Faucis attempts to cover up that COVID-19 was made in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China as part of gain of function virus development. Here's what you need to know about the Dr. Sean Brooks video: 1. Over 100,000 doctors and various health professionals have now united against the government planned . What is now evident is that over the last two decades dangerous gain of function virus development has been carried out by American, British and Chinese scientists, often with US taxpayers dollars, to develop potentially deadly viruses. And when they go to school, they share all those secretions, Swanson said. Earlier this week, Sir Bruce Keogh, national medical director of NHS England, called for a "serious debate" over whether NHS staff should be forced to have the vaccination. The researchers note that graphene oxide has been used before in small quantities as an adjuvant in vaccines, and may be found at low levels in flu shots. Harry Styles contributed to a new tradition at his concerts last week when he helped a fan come out to her parents.. During his tour stop in Melbourne, Australia, on February 24, the 29-year-old . One of the most influential people in the anti-vax movement is an osteopath physician called Joseph Mercola in Florida, who was profiled in The New York Times last month. Transitioningfrom medical student to resident can be a challenge. As for the adverse effects of the vaccines, the numbers are growing rapidly with a major cover-up underway. Garcia: The early data suggest the flu vaccine has performed well, and that is most likely due to the fact that the vaccine does appear to have been a good match against those strains that were spreading through the fall and winter. In addition, there is a question of perception. Renz states that this report of 45,000 deaths is just from one system that reports to VAERS. Most people are not in a position to understand what is happening and fear prevails. Interestingly, Dr Fauci had lamented year after year at medical conferences that few were taking the flu shot. There are different types of flu shots, including some especially for people 65 and older. Given the heavy government and media propaganda used around the world to encourage people to take the shot the COVID-19 vaccine rollout continues at a pace, with over a billion people already jabbed. The flu vaccine is really to get the protection against that scenario.. Ideally before January is whats best. Legal cases are being drawn up. Learn more about the process with the AMA. By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer. After her last vaccination, Ludwick said she got sick. As doctors and lawyers following these developments closely note, the COVID-19 vaccine rollout campaign ties in with the World Economic Forums Great Reset which WEF director Klaus Schwab says seeks to use the virus as an opportunity to dramatically restructure economies, food supply and politics around the world. Most local pharmacies offer flu shots, as do drug stores and quick clinics. He is a pediatric intensivist at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles with a focus on pediatric cardiac intensive care. Cold & Flu season is here! }); Health experts said that while September usually . By Jan Raphael. Some vaccines are only approved for . Yet, despite his grilling in the Senate, he remains Americas health czar. December 8, 2008, 2:11 PM. Then his career took an unexpected turn. Myanmar junta kills two villagers and tortures six in Shan States Indian state-owned firm sold artillery barrels to Myanmar: activists. Every year, influenza causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths in the United States, she said, noting that were still concerned about hospital capacity related to COVID, so its important to do everything we can to keep people out of the hospital and getting a flu shot is one of the best things we can do to stay healthy during flu season., Additionally, it is possible to get influenza and COVID at the same time, and then you really have that double whammy in terms of two significant respiratory illnesses, said Dr. Kirley. $(".mega-back-specialties .mega-sub-menu").hide(); For example, the Minister of Health and Sports in Myanmar stated in 2020 that possibly 90 percent of the COVID-19 death figures in his country should be attributed to other conditions and diseases, not COVID-19. The AMA promotes the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health. AFLD falsely claimed the Covid-19 vaccines were "not effective in treating or preventing" the virus and that they had killed 45,000 people in the U.S. "This is an experimental biological . Of those who said they will not be getting vaccinated, 41% noted that they didnt think flu vaccines work very well and 39% had concerns over the side effects. It was reportedly patented in April 2002 before the outbreak in Asia. "I have . $("mega-back-mediaresources .mega-sub-menu").show(); However, the medical response to the COVID-19 threat in these countries may be being mismanaged, with an atmosphere of fear and poor health, contributing to the death figures. Although no type of flu shot is recommended over others, you should speak to your doctor about . After he had administered about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA COVID-19 injections, he sounded the alarm over the severe reactions he was observing in his patients who chose to get the shot, which included death. Find savings to help organize personal finances and manage debt. An Australian doctor has hit out at a rule that prevents medics from encouraging people to get the coronavirus vaccine, claiming their "hands are now tied". "A health care worker, annoyingly, could be incubating influenza and transmitting to any number of people," Hooper said. My family and I will continue to get vaccinated every year for the flu. Health authorities and professionals encouraging people to take the vaccine including those who directly administer it are by and large sidestepping the normal protocol of providing people the opportunity for informed consent. JOHN MCAFEE FOUND DEAD IN SPANISH PRISON CELL "Young adults in the prime of their lives are being forced to take the vaccine because Tony Fauci said that," he said, contending Malone's expertise makes him "the single most qualified" person to . Dr. David Epstein is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care medicine with 19 years of critical care experience. According to a statement made by Peter Daszak, head of EcoHealth Alliance in 2015, published in February 2016: We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. Published Jan 17, 2018. In September 2019, Moderna's amended patent filings mentioned "an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen", which is a direct quote that was later used in the WHO's "A World At Risk" book, resulting from their pandemic scenario simulation used in Event 201, just weeks before the COVID-19 outbreak started. Learn more with the AMA's COVID-19 resource center. But, Id rather take this bet than gamble on getting the flu without a vaccination. Olivia Newton John. Thats just their immune system responding to the vaccine and doing exactly what we want it to do.. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Getting the flu shot is not just doing something for yourself, but it definitely is a way you can contribute to good health in your community., You have a lot of options in terms of where you can receive the flu shot. The numbers for the 2017-2018 flu season go far beyond that. Vaccine makers and various players linked to the commercial exploitation of a pandemic, including Dr Fauci, spent years working towards a vaccination programme, involving patents, lucrative contracts and funding. Influenza can kill the elderly quickly, but it kills more slowly, too. I explained that tens of thousands of people die each year from the flu. It is delivered through shots in the muscle of the upper arm. If you would like to speak to a registered nurse, call healthdirect on 1800 022 222, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). The news first came out on June 25 on a Spanish television show. Flu killed 80,000 people this past season and put 900,000 into the hospital, making it the worst influenza season in decades, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. Officials and members gather to elect officers and address policy at the 2023 AMA Annual Meeting being held in Chicago, June 9-14, 2023. And with the media making a fuss about problems of disposing of bodies in India and Myanmar, there is need for caution. Visit the Department of Health website for more information on the flu vaccine or or call the National Immunisation Hotline on 1800 671 811. However, the finger-pointing also involves scientists in the West. I'm doing my own trial to see how I would feel or not.". An urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data issued by the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states that the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the UKs Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.. But the truth is, some doctors and nurses might talk the talk without walking the walk. Learn about the latest changes for CPT Category III Codes for emerging technologies, services and procedures. On July 29, 2020, we reported that many members of America's Frontline Doctors, a physician group that spread misinformation . After receiving the vaccination, I still got sick with the flu. Data has shown that this vaccine is 95% effective at preventing COVID-19 in people without evidence of the previous infection. A woman receives a flu shot at a Walgreens pharmacy. It can take up to two weeks after receiving the vaccine to develop full immunity. There's going to be a big awareness push to help people find where they can get their flu shots., AMA Recovery Plan for America's Physicians, Featured updates: COVID-19 resource center, Subscribe to the AMAs Advocacy Update newsletter, AMA Morning Rounds: Your daily dose of health care news. There remains the looming threat of a combination of a severe flu season and the current COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, a massive trial is underway, with the vaccine makers admitting that everybody who accepts the vaccine is in an experiment, one due to finish in 2023. The doctors should never have assumed that the patients they tested who came for walk-in COVID-19 tests or who sought urgent care for symptoms they experienced in the middle of a pandemic . It is alleged that the core problems with the tests is, firstly, they dont test for what is said to be COVID-19 a virus that has yet to be isolated and, secondly, the RT-PCR cycle threshold used in most of the tests around the world was far too high, leading to a misleading number of false positives. Overall, 71% of 575 U.S. doctors who were polled said they thought the available evidence supports giving boosters to people who have already had two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 . At face value, the official figures of 189 million infected and over 4 million killed worldwide sound frightening and there is no reason to make light of the fact that people have suffered and died from what is labelled COVID-19. As a doctor, I love it when my patients dont get pneumonia or have to get admitted to the hospital. As has been pointed out by one researcher, if they actually called it what it is, namely gene therapy chemotherapy, most people would wisely refuse to take it. Dr. Robert Malone gestures as he stands in his barn on . }); Primary care physician offices usually have lots of options for how you can come in and get your flu shot, but there are other places as well., This year there still may be a decline in employers offering the flu shot with so many people working from home.