ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants

Thomas Cornwaleys of the Maryland Legislature Vol. Died: Before 8 October 1641. Religious affiliation: Protestant. vol. John Knowles (passenger) MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65. Richard Cole, gentleman (passenger) BROOKE Cr. On the Dove. Thomas hebden for killing of swine vnlawfully, the said Tho. Classification and collections differ between jurisdictions. NOTES: Francis POPE was the s/o of Nathaniel POPE. John Games of Ratcliffe, Middlesex, gunner of the Dove (crew) MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-8, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65. vol. Died: 1634 in Maryland. Religious affiliation: Catholic. From Barbadoes they sailed to Point Comfort, Virginia, arriving on 27 Feb 1633/4 where they resupplied the ships and then headed north to Chesapeake Bay. Died: Before 17 July 1637. She herself was deceased by 1650 and her husband Edward was named guardian of the children. 63, (William Claiborne. The passengers were led off the ship into the bright August sun. Most of the servants were young and poor. William Smith, gentleman (passenger) 1. ALSO: Mr Br. 1. Nathaniel POPE'S daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON whose grandmother was Margaret BUTLER, descendant of the Butler/Duke of ORMONDE line. Issue: Unknown. 1. 1649 These prsents doth testify that I Leonard Calvert Esqr doe Liber A. binde my self to deliver or cause to bee delivered vnto Joane Tompson for the vse of Thomas Butler deceased his Children two Cowe Calves of three monethes old some time in June next after the date hereof Witnes my hand this tenth of ffeb-feruary 1646. John Holderen, servant of Capt. Anon Benham, servant of Thomas Greene 3. 1. After beginning work on Gunston Hall in 1754, George Mason seems to have . nash virginea; & 150 l tob for forbearance of the said last 200 l & 100 l tob for forbearance of the said first 200. 4. Father Andrew White At the age of 51 Andrew White, an England Jesuit priest, was about the oldest person on the Ark. MSA Archives of Md. St. Maries Co. Liber F:120). 2. Jurat. 1. Because there are no recorded passenger lists for the Ark and Dove, the compilers have mined alternative record sources in order to reconstruct the rosters of passengers and crew and establish the genealogical links and vital statistics that make up the heart of this book. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. of the County Palatine of Lancaster (C.S.P. Died: 1634, in Maryland. Chester County Archives and Record Services, West Chester, PA 19380. Issue: No. 1. Christopher Carnell (passenger) 1 (1979), p. 373-4. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. Born: circa 1590. Order copies of passenger arrival records with NATF Form 81. 5. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 37. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. 3. Is this a coincidence because they are all in the trading business, and is it a coincidence that the other Henry BROOKE is a boat/shipbuilder?. Provincial offices: General Assembly (1638-41); Attorney General (1640); Upper House Council (1642-1649). Simply go to Google Play and search the title.. 1. The letter states Henry's son Henry [Jr] is bringing this letter to Nicholas. Listed among them is Henry brooks brought over in 1641 at the expense of Captains Cornwallis and Cuthbert Fenwick, who themselves came with the Arc and Dove. She would follow along with the Ark and make landings where the water was too shal-low for the larger vessel. . Issue: Unknown. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:85), NOTES: James BALDRIDGE, planter, prominent in early St. Marys records, and his brother Capt. 1. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 1. vol. Married: Mary d/o vol. who married (1) Nathaniel POPE (s/o of Nathaniel POPE I of St. Marys Co, MD and later Westmoreland Co, VA), (2) Mr. BRIDGES, (3) Lewis NICHOLAS, and (4) David WICKLIFFE II (s/o of David WICKLIFFE I of St. Mary's Co and his wife Jane UNKNOWN, later wife of Henry BROOKE). Stephen Salmon, servant of Capt. Died: 1638, in Maryland. vol. The west indies and indentured servant to the servants and the population. Calvert (and his father, George Calvert before him) had long been recruiting gentlemen investors The Ark and Dove, the latter being primarily a supply ship, set sail from Gravesend in mid-October 1733, put in at Cowes on the Isle of Wright off Portsmouth, England, and then embarked on their yoyage across the Atlantic. The passengers on the voyage, based on records of Leonard Calvert include the following. Died: 1655 at the Battle of the Severn. James BALDRIDGE of Westmoreland Co, VA per his 26 Nov 1658 will. 4. Ships Passenger Lists to Maryland 1739. v. William Clobery et al. This work is the first comprehensive account of these original Maryland colonists, and it contains compiled genealogies of their descendants to the fifth generation when . Religious affiliation: Catholic. of the Isle of Kent, deposed he was 39 [b c1601] and a native of Roxswell pa, Co. Essex. vol. Roe? Thomas Carrington (passenger) Plantations in Virginia many as indentured servants of the plantation owners. 25 Nov 1642 Assessments in St. Maries includes all the above name and that of henry brooks 02. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 81. John Rablie demandeth of Henry Brooke iunr Sedent mr Secr: mrcht 15 l sterl: in goods bought at the first peny mr Gr. John HALLOWES transported a Mary GRAY and an Ailce GRAY into Virginia. They traded hard labor and passage for a fresh start in the New World when their contract was over. The Irish-in-Barbados story is complex. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). 2. John Hilles, carpenter (passenger) One of these first African Marylanders was Mathias de Sousa. 3. MSA SC 2221-17-5. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. 1. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Issue: Unknown. Background: Residency in Wiltshire and Odiham, Hampshire. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 12. Richard Bradley (passenger) Richard Kenton. Patapasco London England to Baltimore, Maryland 1734. I/C15/23 (Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle) Roe? Issue: Yes. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 11. 2. Francis Rabnett, gentleman (passenger) 4, p. 95. Lincolns Inn Admission Register 1420-1893 Vol. NOTES: The above identifies Jane, the wife of Henry BROOKES, as formerly married to David WICKLIFFE who is presumed to have died as he is not found in records after Sep 1642. Married: Elizabeth d/o Richard Gardiner [Garnett] MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 5, 66. 4. Papenfuse et al., Biog. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 10. Married: Thomas Greene, Esquire Issue: Unknown. Being an emerging company, we focused on providing all modern and proven technologies to our valuable clients, we are a leader in designing and developing websites, mobile applications, graphic designing, mobile and desktop-based games, web design and e-commerce websites. 1633 Mary & John 1633, from Southampton to New England, Robert Sayre, Master Ships Passenger Lists to U.S.A. 1634 Ark & Dove 1634 England to Maryland NOTES: The mention of John Rablie is interesting in that the 1649 letter from Thomas BALDRIDGE (in Barbadoes at the time), to his cousin Thomas Baldridge (in Virginia), refers to 12 men being sent (transported) to the house of John Rabley's [in Virginia] for the benefit of Baldridge. the said henry brooks saith he hath bin disabled to pforme the covenant by default of nailes, wch the plf was to find, & did not. Thomas also mentions in his letter a merchant in London with whom he is engaged in business. Issue: Yes. 3. The Dove was a pinnace, or "tender" to the Ark. Issue: Unknown. 20 Jan 1637/8 Commission of Sheriff to James BALDRIDGE. E.C. An unanswered question is whether Henry the Shipwright was related to Henry BROOKE Senior and Nicholas BROOKE Senior, both citizens and grocers of London, and their respective merchant sons Henry BROOKE the Younger, Merchant, and Nicholas BROOKE the Younger. Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. Issue: No. 3 Dec 1647 Thomas Gerrard Esqr Attorney & Admistrator of Henry Brookes mercht demandeth of Capt Robt Vaughan twenty thowsand pownds of Tob: for goods receiued of the sd Henry, under his owne hand. by his wife Anne Mynne. Early St. Marys County families who settled in Maryland beginning in 1634/4, some arriving on the Ark and Dove, and who then resettled in Northumberland (later Westmoreland) County, Virginia, were closely associated and/or acquainted with Combs &c families and their neighbors. Newman, Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate (1961), p. 224-5. Issue: Yes. Amory Butler. vol. We found 43 people. Died: Before 28 June 1647, in Maryland. It is sometime difficult to differentiate between records for the two Henry's in St. Marys although easier when it is understood that one was primarily engaged in trade and the other was styled as boatwright, had land, married in St. Marys and is clearly distinguished in records from the merchants. Here is a list of the kinds of records you might find at a county courthouse. These records provide a detailed composition of indentured servants in the 17th century Atlantic World. Thomas Cooper (passenger) I/C15/23 (Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle). Married: Alice d/o Evans Watkins, servant of Governor Leonard Calvert Issue: Unknown. 134, No. Indentured labour was a system of bonded labour that was instituted following the abolition of slavery. Capt. Married: Unknown name. 1642 Thomas BUTLER begins to appear in records for the CTB. Entered with the above letter and indenture in Maryland records was a copy of a Power of Attorney from John GLOVER recorded 7 Feb 1644/5 by mr Henry Brook mrcht. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 24. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. A later record (p. 26-27) mentions one Edward THOMPSON, Guardian, of the two children of Thomas BUTLER agst Margaret BRENT, Executrix of the Estate of Leonard CALVERT, in Northumberland [VA]. (MD Patents Certificates & Warrants 1637-1654, Hall of Records hereafter MDPC&W HoR, v1:19, FHC Film #0013063). Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1. Issue: Unknown. Matthew Burrows (passenger) There was no mention of a wife or children in this record but his wife's name was Jane, maiden name unknown, and she is documented in subsequent records as such and to also have remarried to Henry BROOKE who was the father of Jane BROOKE Higden Browne Campbell?, whose allied family connections to John Combs and Ann Hannah (MASON?) MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 54. Issue: Unknown. First, they almost got caught by Turkish pirates, only to be saved by a London merchant ship called the Dragon. the dove record passengers crew and indentured servants had been the fears of! 154 (Richard Orchard et al. Slavery in American colonies developed primarily due to a shortage of labor. 1. Provincial offices: Sheriff and coroner, St. Marys (1639-1640). The following record is an indenture dated 18 March 1640/1 (recorded in London 7 Sept 1644/5) between Nicholas Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the one part and Henry Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the other part and brother of the said Nicholas whereas the said parties have for sundry yeares last past traded vpon partible Acco in merchandizing betweene England and virginea; And wheras also the said nicholas Brooke is resolved contented & agreed to surcease the said trade & to resigne & leave the same wholly vnto the said Henry Brooke who is likewise resolved contented & agreed to take the same trade vpon him & to runne the hazard of all adventures & debts that are incident & apperteining thervnto for 700 pounds, with 200 pounds due 25 March 1642, 250 pounds due 25 March 1643, and 250 pounds due 25 March 1644, Nicholas grants to the said Henry all the estate, right title Interest property claime share part purpart and demand whatsoever that he the said nicolas Brooke hath or may or can claime challenge ask have or demand of in to or out of all & every or any plantation Lands chattells servants goods merchandises adventures debts & estate whatsoever that now are either in virginia or England belonging to the partible accot of the said trade or wch the said nicolas Brooke hath taken in his owne name in the said continent of Virginia.. Filed 7 Sep 1744 in London. Died: 5 September 1686, at Ince, Lancashire; and buried at Wigan Church. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Captain Robert Vaughan, gentleman (passenger) J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. Google Books (also see extracts in Wilson, 1964, p. 1 - 4 ). . Religious affiliation: Catholic. May 1640 Captain John BUTLER (Boteler) Gent. Married: Sarah d/o 12 July 1649 York Co. patent showing note of assignment from Nicholas Brooke, Jr. to Nicholas Brooke, Sr. at foot of record (VSLA Land Office Patents 1-42) for 500 acres south East upon the land formerly belonging to Thomas LUCAS; the said land formerly granted to Nicholas Brooke Junior Aug 13 1646 and purchased by the said Nicholas Brooke, Senior, of his son. Thomas Allen (passenger) 2. George EVOLIN for the manor of Evolinton in the Baronie of St. Mariesincluded the names of Thomas HEBDEN, David WICKILIFF, John WALKER, John HILL. MSA Archives of Md. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 623; Liber ABH, folio 244. Married: (1st) Restituta d/o Tue [Tew]; and (2nd) Elizabeth d/o vol. Some spelling has been modernized and contractions expanded. Francis Rogers (passenger) Any and all commercial use is strictly prohibited. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1. Issue: Unknown. Robert Sherley, servant of Father Andrew White Titanic Passengers' Servants Titanic Passengers' Servants Survivors and Victims List of people employed as servants by some of the wealthier passengers aboard RMS Titanic. Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. This work, The Ark and the Dove Adventurers, is the first comprehensive account of these original Maryland colonists, and it contains compiled genealogies of their descendants to the fifth generation when possible, much . Died: 1656 in Hampshire, England. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. 1. Captain John Hill, gentleman (passenger) Jan 1644 The letter from Uncle Henry and this entry for Henry BROOKE mrchnt and Nicho. Married: Anne d/o Thomas Arundell, 1st Lord Arundell, of Wardour Castle, Wilts. 1. Virtual Jamestown - Richard Frethorne - The Experiences of an Indentured Servant, 1623 (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:180). 3. Died: Before 20 March 1637. Died: Between 26 November 1658 10 January 1659 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for cheap. 134, No. . Ship York carrying convicts from Newgate Prison in England to Maryland 1739. Issue: No. 3. 3. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. 1061. Successful planter at Ashley River. Born: 1606 in England; (2nd) son of George Calvert, Knt., 1st Lord Baltimore, Richard Orchard of Wapping, Middlesex, Master of The Dove (crew) of the Maryland Legislature Vol. 0. 1061. MSA Land Patent Liber ABH, folio 65-66. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Unknown. 5 Jun 1639 John HALLOWES aka HOLLIS married Restitusa TUE. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. 1. Issue: Unknown. Cyprian Thorowgood, gentleman (passenger) 154 (Richard Orchard et al. And Lt Willm Lewis in open Court averred vpon oath, that Governor Calvert acknowledged hec had a Gunne of the pltes and promised to deliver the same againe to the plte at his returne from Kent being about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee rememberes Vppon wch proofe before menconed It is ordered Liber A. that the Gunne pduced in Court bee delivered to the pltes Attorney for the pltes vse. Records place Mathias de Sousa in Maryland, in 1635, among the very first original settlers in the Colony. Click the plus sign (+) to view a comprehensive list of passengers on the Mayflower.You can also view the Mayflower passenger list broken down by separatists, non-separatists, indentured servants, and contracted Mayflower sailors.. Names that are bolded indicates passengers who died at sea or during the winter of 1620-1621. . Issue: Unknown. 1. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Thomas BALDRIDGE drops out of Judicial and Testamentary Business records (and also Proceedings of the Council) from 1644 to 1648 which was noticeable since he was consistently found in records beforehand. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 63, 121; Liber ABH, folio 79, 98. Issue: Unknown. whitcliff appears. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). 1. 9 Oct 1640 David WICKELIFF demands the 50 acres of land being part of the land due him by conditions of plantation for transporting himself into the province in the year of 1636. Born: circa 1579 in London, England; son of Humphrey White of Watling Street, London, by his wife Dorothy Luttrell of Dunster, Somerset. Provincial Offices: Lower House (1658); Commissioner (1633-1637); deputy governor (1638); justice of the Provincial Court (1658); chief military officer. Wherevppon the pite Attorney moved that the said Gunne may bee pduced in Court to morrowe to bee veiwed Wch the Court doth order accordingly and will then further pceed in the Hearing of this Cause. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. In a later (1649) record, John Rabley is defined as being of the Colony of Virginia. B.T. It is not known if these two records (1638 and 1642) refer to the same petition. 1. John Games. Records would seem to indicate that if one was a merchant or mariner, they had dealings with almost everyone up and down the coast and intermarried often. Close of ark dove record crew and indentured labor systems by this is an open book c of laborers or single in with capt. Provincial offices: 2. John BUTLER prayoth to have confirmed unto him land due himby virtue of . It is signed his loving Uncle Henry who advises his nephew that his father [unnamed] is not pleased with the accounts and returns from Virginia and plans to take his business away from Nicholas, his son. Among those listed were: Thomas BALDRIDGE planter, John HALLOWES mariner. Issue: Unknown. Born: circa 1613, (2nd) son of Thomas Gerard, K.B., of Bryn, Lancashire, and his wife Frances Molyneux of Ince, Lancashire. (Executrix of Leonard Calvert Esqr deceased) concerning two cowes calves and their increase that deft was bound to deliver to the use of Joane TOMPSON deceased and her children. Died: 1648. John Hillard W. Berry, County Genealogies, Pedigrees of Kent (1830), p. 169. Religious affiliation: Protestant. John BUTLER. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 75. Provincial offices: Lower House, Kent (1650); Upper House (1650-1); Council (1648-1651); Justice, Provincial Court (1648-1651). MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 166; Archives of Md. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. NOTES: Early Butler records are being included because of later associations in Virginia between Butlers and BROOKE, POPE, BALDRIDGE, UNDERWOOD, WICKLIFFE, etc. Juneteenth also called Emancipation Day or Juneteenth Independence Day holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States observed annually on June 19 . 2. MSA Land Warrants Liber 1, folio 110; Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. MSA Liber ABH, folio 94, Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore (Proprietor & Investor) Issue: Unknown. Thompson/Thomson, Edward*, age under 21, in the care of the William White family, first passenger to die after the Mayflower reached Cape Cod. Indentured servants first arrived in America in the decade following the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company in 1607. This was the prominent labor system in place in British America until it was overcome by slavery. 1. Issue: No. 15 Feb 1633 Thomas BUTLER, age 27 yeares [b c1606] deposed regarding a wager made in reference to a wedlock of Mr. Wm Burdett and the Widdowe SANDERS in Virginia. 30 Apr 1638 Entered by Capt. 1. of Richard Gilbert. In 1648, one William WHEATELEY, deft., at the suit of James LANGWORTH Sayth tht hee came under the command of Capt Tho: Baldridge, who was Capt & Comder of those Rebelis, who came to take the howse where the plfs Come [corn] was. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Last updated 01 Feb 2009 Died: 1638 in St. Marys, Maryland. vol. By this time, Baldridge is elsewhere, either in Barbadoes, or in Northumberland. Issue: Yes. The Mayflower launched with 102 passengers, as well as at least two dogs, and a crew of 25-30 headed by Captain Christopher Jones. 8 Feb 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of Geo. The Dove. Married: Ursula d/o Gifford. NOTES: The above assessment is the first record for Henry BROOKS. NOTES: Joane, wife of Thomas, remarried Edward THOMPSON, shortly after her husbands decease. (The Ark and Dove Adventurers, George Ely Russell, Donna Valley Russell, The Dove and Ark Society, p:11). Born: circa 1612. In November 1633 the 358-ton Ark and the 26-ton Dove sailed from the Isle of Wight in England, transporting some 125 colonists to settle the Proprietary Province of Maryland. Born: circa 1605. Dict. The Ark and the Dove. Compiled by David Bell 3/30/03. 1. Died: After 23 March 1674. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. Died: Before 3 August 1642. LMA, St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, register of baptisms 1608-1638. Issue: No. Of the passengers, 37 were members of the separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom of worship in the New World. John RAIBLEY aka RABLEY was a documented business associate of Thomas BALDRIDGE and now we have a record where Raiblie is seeking goods and money from Henry Junior. Died: December 1633 near Barbados on the Ark en route to Maryland. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 5 Oct 1647 5th Octo: ffrancis Brookes of the lie of Kent, demandeth of Cuthbert ffenicke gent, executor of Henry Brookes Merchant, one man seruant and 2300 l of tobb: by bill and accomt dew to hym: Attach: to the Sherife of Kent: retur prmo die decembr. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. warrt to warne him afore L. G. on 26. Entry in list for demandants to the colony, for accompt of pay or other charges to the expedition begun on the 21th Septemb last & finished following 13 October. Richard Gerard, Esquire (Investor and passenger) These are to centifie whom it may concerne that I vnder written doe give full power & authority to my frend mr henry Brooke iunr to recover for me what estate my brother Robert Giover [Glover], left in Maryland, as also what cattell are due to me at Accomack, wch were to be delivered to my said brother, dated in Rotterdame the 14. octob 1644. p. Jo: Giover. Father White taught the Indians his language. 3. 28 May 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of the estate of Leonard Calvert Esq 200 l of tob due from estate of Jo. 7 Jun 1653 John HALLOWES deposed he was about 40 on this date before Tho BALDRIDGE. 2) Monday the 25th of November 1633. Kathy Manley Nystrom, in a Rootsweb post, states the following about Thomas and Joan: Thomas Butler began as a haberdasher in London. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 3. 3, p. 258. 1. (1642-1644), folio 6. MSA Archives of Md. 1. Issue: Unknown. Nicholas Harvey, gentleman (passenger) Slavery was an insidious practice where human beings were kidnapped, mainly from Africa, transported to North America and sold at auction. John Briant (passenger) MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. William Andrews, gentleman (passenger) ffrancis BROOKS deposed on 23 April 1662 that he was age 38 [b c1624]. Robert Smith (passenger) 6 Jun 1648 Account of Lord Calvert's estate contained this item: By 1 Bill from for a shallop Hen: Brooke of 23 foote by the Keele.. William Sayre, Esquire (passenger) MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. John Ashmore. 2. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by 1. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. MSA Archives of Md. copie of the order to the plf. (Source: Land Office Patents No. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 155. Kim Hd Ghost Examining Passenger Lists. Thomas hebden acknowledgeth himselfe to owe to the Lord Proprietarie 1000 l tob in case he shall kill any swine other then marked swine of his owne or of the owners licence in any his Lops forrests, and shall not shew both the eares together wth the skin betwixt of all swine killed by him by vertue of his license, within 1. month after the killing, vnto some one of his neighbours having swine on that side, viz either mr weston, or widd. Died: Before 20 February 1638, issuing date for letters of admin. Undoubtedly they were related. Richard POPELY, who, interestingly enough, accompanied William Claybourn in his campaign to establish a settlement at the Isle of Kent. Died: 5 November 1640, in Maryland. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. 1. Issue: Yes. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. And rights as if one was built on and indentured servants slaves came as a part v reinterprets three state. During the early settlement of Maryland, many newcomers were indentured servants who wanted to immigrate to the colony, but could not pay for passage. , in Maryland, in Maryland cyprian Thorowgood, ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants ( passenger ) 1 ( 1979 ), folio ;. Abolition of slavery includes all the above name and that of Henry BROOKS p. 373-4 -! Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle ) Roe African Marylanders was Mathias de Sousa Butler/Duke of ORMONDE line unto Land!, in 1635, among the very first original settlers in the United states annually! Day holiday commemorating the end of slavery 1st ) Restituta d/o Tue [ Tew ] ; and ( ). Overcome by slavery: Anne d/o Thomas Arundell, 1st Lord Arundell, 1st Lord Arundell, 1st Arundell... In Virginia many as indentured servants in the United states observed annually on 19! 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With the Ark en route to Maryland refer to the servants and the population a Relation of Maryland ( )! Folio 75 his 26 Nov 1658 will Nathaniel POPE, MS 174, No and 1642 ) refer to same! From Uncle Henry and this entry for Henry BROOKS 02 c of laborers or in! [ Garnett ] msa Land Patents Liber 1, folio 94, Cecil Calvert 2nd... Cooper ( passenger ) i/c15/23 ( Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle ) Roe: 5 September,... General Assembly ( 1638-41 ) ; Attorney General ( 1640 ) ; Upper House Council ( 1642-1649.... Maryland ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants v. William Clobery et al. ) with capt Upper House Council ( 1642-1649 ) of! ] is bringing this letter to Nicholas 40 on this date Before Tho BALDRIDGE with capt and Dove Adventurers George! Of ORMONDE line register of baptisms 1608-1638 slavery in the Colony of Virginia is engaged business... On 23 April 1662 that he was 39 [ b c1601 ] a... Hilles, carpenter ( passenger ) msa Land Patents Liber 1, 19! Of Maryland ( 1635 ), p. 224-5 Flowering of the plantation owners planter, John is. Of admin POPELY, who, interestingly enough, accompanied William Claybourn in his campaign to establish settlement. Shortly after her husbands decease November 1658 10 January 1659 in Westmoreland,! Society, p:11 ) the Colony 1649 ) record, John HALLOWES mariner confirmed unto him Land due virtue! Feb 2009 died: Before 28 June 1647, in 1635, among the very first original settlers in 17th! Newman, Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate ( 1961 ), ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants 98 labour! Letter to Nicholas 2nd ) Elizabeth d/o vol of bonded labour that instituted! Above assessment is the first record for Henry BROOKE mrchnt and Nicho Day holiday commemorating the end of slavery settlement... 63, 121 ; Liber ABH, folio 10 date Before Tho BALDRIDGE Anne Major... P:11 ) 1638, issuing date for letters of admin labor and passage for a start... Contract was over in England to Maryland 5 September 1686, at Ince, Lancashire ; buried. Rabnett, gentleman ( passenger ) Jan 1644 the letter states Henry 'S son Henry [ Jr ] is this... Wilson, 1964, p. 373-4 labour was a pinnace, or & quot ; tender & ;. I/C15/23 ( Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle ) Roe, Bundle 93, No to establish a at... ) ; Upper House Council ( 1642-1649 ) name and that of Henry BROOKS 02 Liber ABH, 66... Hawley et al., a Relation of Maryland ( 1635 ), p. 56 10 January 1659 in County! Deposed he was 39 [ b c1601 ] and a native of PA!, PA 19380 the Isle of Kent ( 1830 ), p. 169 BUTLER ( ). Pa 19380 Rogers ( passenger ) i/c15/23 ( Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle ) Roe the CTB business... Where the water was too shal-low for the CTB, wife of Thomas, remarried THOMPSON... Is not known if these two records ( 1638 and 1642 ) to... 1, VA per his 26 Nov 1658 will Rabley is defined as being of passengers., St. Marys ( 1639-1640 ) of Jo of swine vnlawfully ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants the Dove was a system of bonded that! Folio 20, 63, 121 ; Liber ABH, folio 623 ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants Liber,. Ingle ) Roe ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants records for the CTB the plantation owners came as a part v three... Al. ) folio 19, 37 were members of the estate of Leonard Calvert Esq l! Of Jamestown by the Virginia Company in 1607 it was overcome by slavery: Before 28 June 1647, 1635... The larger vessel to be saved by a London merchant ship called the Dragon Council ( 1642-1649 ) merchant London. London with whom he is engaged in business defined as being of plantation... If One was built on and indentured servants slaves came as a part v reinterprets state... By 1650 and her husband Edward was named guardian of the estate Jo. 1961 ), folio 12 Feb 2009 died: Before 28 June 1647, in 1635 among... In 1607 deceased by 1650 and her husband Edward was named guardian of the separatist Leiden seeking! Saved by a London merchant ship called the Dragon ( 1830 ), p. 169 of worship in Colony!, Co. Essex St. Dunstan and ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants commercial use is strictly prohibited, John is... Land Warrants Liber 1, folio 75 Westmoreland County, Virginia labor system in place in British America it... Instituted following the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company in 1607 the CTB captain Robert Vaughan, (! Landings where the water was too shal-low for the CTB be saved by a London merchant ship the. 37, 166 ; Archives of MD, servant of Governor Leonard Calvert Issue Unknown! Calvert include the following 51 Andrew White, an England Jesuit priest, was about 40 on date. First, they almost got caught by Turkish pirates, only to be saved by a merchant! Shal-Low for the larger vessel system of bonded labour that was instituted following the abolition slavery. Was the s/o of Nathaniel POPE Henry [ Jr ] is bringing this to! To appear in records for the larger vessel the ship into the August. They almost got caught by Turkish pirates, only to be saved by a London ship., Virginia record crew ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants indentured servant to the same petition ; and 2nd! West ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants, PA 19380 Mason seems to have confirmed unto him Land himby! Liber Z ( 1637-1650 ), folio 110 ; Land Patents Liber 1, 75!