Francis and Olivia Francis promises him a fate worse than death. House of Stuart (Marriage) Lord Narcisse has fled, but Francis is determined to find him. My greatest fear is that Elizabeth will make examples of them. Clarissa is also an antagonist. Francis then introduces Mary to Louis of Cond as the man who saved his life. This gave him the right to the throne of Scotland and assured the Scots . The Italian wars continued through Francis I's reign. They need leverage over Narcisse, and since he is suspected of murdering families to take their lands, they decide to follow that trail. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from, If your plan doesnt work, I want to shove this cloth down his throat. Catherine always has a Plan B when it comes to protecting Mary. Francis goes to see Narcisse. Queen Catherine: The heir to the Spanish throne, he's like a nice potted plant. Luckily for Francis, he draws a King and wins. She vows revenge if she finds out he had anything to do with the accusations. Narcisse promises to do anything Francis asks of him. Frances asked if she was cold, and she told him she wished she could go back in time, to when they were first married in Paris. Francis had always had his country's interests at heart, but when Queen Mary arrived, he struggled to balance his duties with his desires. After the Ambassador leaves, Mary and Narcisse argue over how to respond. Taking his counsel, Francis goes to Mary and tells her that he's willing to go to Scotland with her, as long as she'll wait until they resolve the issue with the cardinal. Once again she makes a tough choice in order to save her country: Mary will marry Don Carlos. Well, Mary can cross avoid the wrath of the Spanish King off her to-do list, as Don Carlos (whose beard still looks fabulous, by the way) miraculously wakes up. Mary defends her husband but Cond doesn't want to listen to it. The official synopsis for "Reign" season 2 episode 14 titled "The End of Mourning" reads: "As Mary (Adelaide Kane) and Francis (Toby Regbo) investigate who was behind the poisoning of King Henry, they unearth secrets of the past which force Mary to confront her feelings for Cond (Sean Teale) as she attempts to move forward. Mary and Francis meet with Princess Claude, Sebastian and Charles to make plans for the future of their country. Randall is branded by a masked Bash on the Crown's behalf. They later use it as an opportunity to show Charles exactly who Catherine is. Francis reminds her that if the nobles see that she obeys him, they will too. There is only one catch - the Duke and Duchess Von Amsberg want to meet Lola. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Catherine tries to convince Henry that maybe Madeleine should just meet them all here since it's a several hour journey. He gives her a status update and learns that she killed the men who attacked her. says the actress. He looked over to see his brother, who was for whatever reason in their room. After he loses the first time, he tries again, this time the wager has been raised to 16 times the original debt and the housemaster draws a Queen. by Sarah Wasilak As Mary and Francis stroll in Tent City, Mary tells Francis that she knows she needs to play that part. She is intent on living separate lives. Francis says she has the heart of a warrior. Queen Elizabeth reaches out to Mary with an offer: if Mary and Francis grant her an engagement to Prince Charles, she will reduce her aggressions on Scotland. Royal Blood Mary instantly charms him and shares a dance with him. Lola refuses to accept the fact that Narcisse could be behind the rat in her bath and the note in its mouth. Lola testifies in front of the inquest and after sharing her story about the rat, Cardinal Morel commends her. Mary and Francis admire the two and silently reminisce about their childhood romance. He tells her that he needs to think about it. In order to finally get this regicide inquest tied up and Catherines fate handed over to the Parlement de Paris, Narcisse plays his trump card: Claude. The lies and mistakes kept piling up until last night, when he found a way out. She said she thought Francis was innocent. Claude promises not to tell the inquest about being poisoned by her mother if Catherine will convince Charles to let her choose her own husband. When Henry walks away, Catherine assures Francis that she's on his side, always. Francis was baffled at his request, as he was seeking a position higher than the one he originally lost. Only a couple hours later the Scottish queen made her decision. News arrives from a page that Catherine hanged herself after the death of her lover, but Mary and Francis recognize that as a decoy. From crucifixion to suffocation, poisoning to beheading and stoning to starvation, check out 10 particularly gruesome deaths suffered by popes in the early history of the Catholic Church. Francis returns to the castle with Lola and his newborn son in tow, causing tension with Mary. Francis continues to be absent. After their meeting, Mary and Francis discuss whether or not they should tell Charles the depth of Catherine's betrayals. I may be guilty of favoring my sons over my daughters, but I love you, I swear. His wife, Queen Catherine, discovered he had been poisoned by his personal bible, and that is what caused him to go mad.. Queen Catherine eventually reveals she knew her son Francis killed King Henry after he went mad.. Although Catherine is imprisoned in the dungeon, Mary feels that it's not enough punishment and exhorts Francis to sentence her to death. He then reveals that his disease is progressing, and to compound the situation, Mary reveals that she is not pregnant. House of Valois The real Francis became the King of France at the age of 15, in the year 1559. As it turns out, framing Catherine for murder is the one horrible thing Narcisse hasnt done; the whole scheme was put into motion by Cardinal Morel, who was acting under the orders of a very nefarious looking dude. His father got him betrothed to Mary, Queen of Scots, when he was 4 years old. Is there truth to her theory? Francis tells his father that the English cant try to attack Mary at French Court, and he says there is no proof until a body is found. Lady Madeleine is arriving by ship. While the guards are disposing of the decaying bodies, Francis is trying to mend his relationship with Mary. In the dark, he orders Francis to cut the rope and help the now dead Colin down. To no surprise, the King, and Queen of France had not come to welcome him. Bash later reports that their mission was unsuccessful. As they walk through the tunnels, Catherine begins concocting a story to cover their connection to his accident. Mary is in the courtyard looking for her rapist in a string of chained prisoners. When she shuts him down, he warns her not to behave like that at court and lets it slip that he wants her there. , Reign: Here's How the Real King Francis II Died, The "Stranger Things" Prequel Stage Play Dives Deep Into Vecna's Origin Story, Can't Wait For "Daisy Jones & The Six"? Narcisse informs Catherine that the evidence is stacking up against her; its pretty damning that right before his death, Francis had his mother imprisoned. He soon manages to let Mary leave. that requires that she go there. Unfortunately, Narcisse has Claudes diary and begins to read the entry from that time Catherine went all The Sixth Sense on her daughter and slowly poisoned her by way of soup. He was recently imprisoned in The Tower of London but released by Queen Elizabeth with order to seduce Queen Mary . Just as Cond lunges at Francis, the guards hold him back and the ladies realise that they're competing over Mary. Leith goes to Francis. 5 hours ago, by Njera Perkins Sounds like itll be a super fun time for Catherine and Bash. However, the three must soon leave because the plague has reached the house Lola was staying at. By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from POPSUGAR. Mary names Lord Cond as a trusted Protestant who deserves some land of his own. Not long after that was Francis standing in front of an altar waiting to marry Mary. Is Mary pregnant in Reign Season 2? Toby Regbo. Francis is making a sword in a secluded room when Mary walks in, to his surprise. Cond received the deed to the lands, but he doesn't feel worthy of it. Theres no other woman in all of the realm that could wear that hat and still instill so much fear. I get it. In 1536, Francis established a military alliance with Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire. Mary then recounts how Cond told her that he was approached by Elizabeth's envoy some weeks ago, though he swore that he would reject her proposal. Catherine points out that this imprisonment only further clears her name how could she have poisoned her son if she was locked up? There have been a lot of theories about exactly who Clarissa might be - but . He is an actor, known for Mr. Nobody (2009), Treasure Island (2012) and One Day (2011). In a Clearing However, she also wanted Francis to promise to keep his brother safe. She promised they would be married that night. Prince of France Episode Guide, Official Pictures from each episode, and an additional 50 pictures gallery is available, Lola was revealed to have a mother, father, and three brothers. Later, Herr Schuler approaches Mary and asks her to have Francis release German prisoners in return for German grain. Inquisition - (Mentioned) The Cardinal informs the King and his Deputy that a noble lady named Cond as a traitor who bore The Devil's Mark. Such doubts start wars. Lord Narcisse: Please, God. And then Henry died. Francis walks into his room to find the lady from earlier waiting for him. By her third trial, there wasn't much physical evidence left. When he reveals his plan to marry Charles and Mary after he dies, she asks that Charles be sent to her for love and comfort. Mary confessed Bash had come to see her and thought Francis had tried to kill him. When Catherine is accused of poisoning Francis, Lola is shocked when Mary thinks Narcisse framed Catherine in order to become Regent of France. He finds her after she has given birth. He wanted to rip him from limb to limb, but he decided he has better use for him alive. Spain is the greatest ally she could hope for, plus now Don Carlos wont be asking her to do weird sex stuff anymore. Francis finds Narcisse and attacks him. Mary was pregnant with his child, but lost it soon after. As Mary and Catherine start to rip into each other, Francis asks them both to take it down a notch. This was a first of its kind alliance between a Christian and a Muslim empire. She goes to sleep and Francis joins her, with the baby in between them. Before she can get into too much trouble, Bash, who, at Marys request, has been helping Catherine investigate (of course) the accusations, arrives with some news. He is not too pleased about having to marry Mary, but his father doesn't care. As they're starting to go further, Mary briefly pauses and points out that the sound of Francis' breath makes her nervous. Francis and Charles bond over the Scottish win against the English just before Francis collapses. Queen Catherine: We were here. Three Queens - (Mentioned) It is revealed that Elizabeth sent imposters to France to impersonate the King and Queen of France. A little different than the Francis we're used to, right? In fact, the Duke even calls Mary out for having Madam Greer at court. But the Duke knows he got what he wanted. Marys such a good friend! Those babies were so incredulous they almost went vertical. Queen Catherine then ushers them out to let Francis and Mary attend to the situation. He made fun of French people with her! Before the conversation could get too deep, Francis was pulled away by his mother who interrupted them. Lord Cond swears his loyalty to King Francis. Mary aims to reinstate her half-brother, James as regent, as he is both religiously tolerant and loyal to her. Perhaps a few words from (former) star Toby Regbo will help to mend your broken heart. He knows the offense cannot be erased, but he will make every one of them pay with their lives. Rey's blood test reveals that he's been poisoned by a deadly substance called thallium, and a worried Sharon hasn't left her husband's bedside since he's been admitted to the hospital. King Henry's death marked the 55th death of Season One. Carissa Pavlica at February 6, 2014 11:46 pm. Unlike on the show, however, he isn't attacked in a clearing after magically being revived, nor did Mary's mother die so that he could live. He found Sebastian first and happily told him, Mary and he were going to wed. Edward disagreed, and said that they loved each other. Francis would be so proud! Queen Mary: It's not what Francis wanted, or what France needs. By noon they are both downstairs again ready to part ways. Back in the office, Bash comes in bearing news that the hostages are scattered throughout the monastery, making it impossible for them to rescue all the boys at once, and the radicals have gunpowder. Francis agrees to it at first, but the next day, when he shares a moment with his son, he decides against it. If you like TVLine, you'll LOVE our email news alerts! Queen Mary: No, it's the truth. Prince Henri (Brother) She was going to explain about Nostradamus, but news Francis didn't care anyway. Francis warns his father to stay away and returns to his chambers. Catherine swiftly denies his request, insulting Bash and Henry in the process. Francis assures her she will not. That afternoon, Queen Catherine and King Henry inform Mary about the runaway Colin MacPhail, claiming that he was working with the English, and that is why she was attacked by him. Catherine is worried for her. Mary, though, has a soft-spot for the guy, whips and all. Queen Catherine: You are offering me a kindness and consideration I have rarely shown you through the years. King Henry II stated a new condition of Scotland and France's marriage alliance is that Mary Stuart delivers England to France. He agreed to fight for the Crown and win back Calais, but in return, he wanted the position of Lord Majesty of France. We were playing a game of chess - which I won. However, Francis disagrees as he cannot curse his mother as one of his last acts as King. Perhaps a few words from (former) star Toby Regbo will help to mend your broken heart. 2023 TVLine Media, LLC. Catherine suggests Mary consider marrying Don Carlos, even in his condition, to save Scotland because Narcisse does not honor the alliance between their countries. Queen Catherine shares her plans for the coronation of King Francis and Queen Mary. They exchange greetings and Mary sheepishly talks on, losing her composure. Mary uses that as even more of a reason that Catherine should be charged with treason, but they decide to allow Charles to meet with his mother, after they've had a chance to speak to her first. People are advancing on them. If it were up to Catherine, they would ensure he never wakes up from his head trauma (possibly by cloth suffocation). Marys dealing with both regicide and a sex horse injury today, sister has no time for your barley problem! Catherine outs Narcisse as the real rat culprit in front of Mary, but Narcisse continues to deny it. Mary continued to kiss his neck, and Frances ignored his brother. They bond over the burden of being a royal and talk about how they're going to rule France and Scotland one day. Francis makes his way down to the courtyard. Now he cannot go back. The conversation switches to when Francis will wed Mary and if they arent going to, to let Mary go. The cardinal has come to discuss rents and tenancies with King Henry, money that the French depend on. On his way, he encounters the tree from Nostradamus' prediction, and not long after, he finds Mary after hearing her scream. As with all things on Reign, the heart wins. As she leaves, Francis hears Lola and the baby outside, having fun in the snow. Francis and Lola When Lord Narcisse enters the celebration, Catherine's face drops. He slips away just as Delphine, Charles, and Bash arrive. Francis was described as sickly and abnormally short, and eventually died of an ear infection. A festivity is taking place to celebrate Francis' return. Francis comes in, greeting his sister and shooting a look at one of the ladies. Death Toll [3][4] What episode does Francis die in Reign Season 3? Instead, it ends up being the thing which drives Lola away from him completely. “After Nate tells Sharon that Rey’s been . A man comes out of his tent and calls for the people outside to quiet down so that he can hear the spirits speak to him. Princess Emone (Sister) Confronting Rome in this way takes courage, and gives them hope that Francis is a tolerant man. Two years later, Mary was forced to leave French Court after an assassination attempt on her life was made by the English. Later that evening, Mary informs Francis that she was reunited with her half-brother, James Stuart, who informed her of a crisis in Scotland. Catherine thinks he should follow Mary's lead and do what she asks. Princess Claude (Sister) Pages related to King Francis are the following: Francis was named after his father's older brother, Francis was taught how to sword fight by his older brother. That night, Francis and Cond sit by the fire and the latter offers to send Lola and the baby away on a boat to Amsterdam. Your father and brothers are being taken hostages. 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