Essun will join forces with Ykka, Tonkee, and many others to begin to dismantle and overthrow the hold of the Fulcrum on the world. The Fifth Season triggered by this event steadily worsens as they travel. Hope that helps. Essuns gone by this point, offto teach the last class of her career as a creche teacher. . They avoid talking about what happened back in town, and Nassun looks to blame her mother for it. She begins to understand that orogeny, in contrast to the teachings of her mother and the Guardians, is not just about moving heat energy from one place to another; she learns to perceive a mysterious silver energy, generated by living things, that underpins all of her orogenic powers. There was not any one thing that turned Jija against his son,understand. And such an interesting tid bit of information. Guardians a group of humans able to detect and counteract the orogenes abilities seek out young, orogene children. The songs of theearth have always been his lullaby. Theres a thing that happens with trilogies. View our Privacy Policyand Terms of Use. Her father strikes her early in the journey, and is immediately overcome with guilt; Nassun, however, learns to harden her heart against him, and stops viewing him as her true father at all. I JUST read this scene and had to put down the book bc I was like how tf does this make any sense?. See all 5 answers. The narrator tells the reader that Essun will get her daughter back. Whenthe other two visitors get up to head home, they eye Nassun anddrop hints until she reluctantly comes with them, because thepeople of Tirimo will not have it said that they disrespected alorist by letting some child talk her to death all night. . We reserve the right to remove discussion that does not fulfill the mission of /r/Fantasy. [it seems that both the gray stone eater and Hoa want the moon back. If they want to be part of that community, they need to accept all of its members. (You might call this cli-fi, although its not clear that this kind of climate change is caused by humans at least, not through two books.) The Obelisk Gate is small and safe where The Fifth Season was large and surprising, practically static where said was speedy; and although it builds out the world and its workings well it's a shame that such a stunning start should be succeeded by such a sedentary, albeit completely readable sequel. and also theliving one who remains. Essun -- once Damaya, once Syenite, now avenger -- has found shelter, but not her daughter. Hard tosay. Ykka, the leader of Castrima puts the decision to join Rennanis to a vote but in the hours leading up to that vote, violence breaks out between the orogenes, those with magical abilities, and the stills, those without these abilities. Oh this is very appreciated. By the end of the book, Ill find out that Schaffa survived Syenites attack on the water. The plot revolves around their journey to find each other again, and their efforts to discover why Fifth Seasons exist.[2]. He is rescued by a family of fishermen on the coast. Nassun has always been close to her father, due largely to her strict and unforgiving relationship with her mother Essun, who has been secretly teaching her to hone her orogenic abilities in order to avoid detection. Fans of fantasy, science fiction, horror, alt history, and more can all find a home with us. She grabs his nearer wrist. You can pose questions to the Goodreads community with Chapter 7 returns to the third person point of view. Press J to jump to the feed. This is great. His memory of being a Guardian is triggered by a young boy who needs him, and the two set out south in response to a vague half-remembered memory. Thank you! The two of them begin to piece together how the Fifth Season began. Whereas The Fifth Season focused on introducing characters, setting, and orogeny, The Obelisk Gate focuses on what is really at stake in Jemisins world. On the one hand, Im nervous that itll pack just as good a punch and leave me emotionally gutted. Her use of this power causes her to accidentally kill one of her classmates by turning him to stone while suffering a nightmare. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As if you were going tospend a few nights with Grandma. Jijas mother married againa few years back and now she lives in Sume, the town in thenext valley over, which will soon be destroyed utterly. But if you want a This is traditionaltheoffering, that is,and not teachers daughters skipping creche. For more on our cookies and changing your settings. Ykka, the comm's leader, is an orogene herself, and due to her influence, orogenes are permitted to live openly alongside others. However, because all of the people of Rennanis were killed by Essun, the people of Castrima decide to leave their geode and move to that abandoned comm. WebSummary. The second strongest aspect of this book is its characters. She tells her community members that no one gets to decide who has the right to be a person. Chapter 7 returns to the third person point of view. Jemisin won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards for Best Novel for her 2015 book The Fifth Season, the first novel in the Broken Earth trilogy, set well into the future, on an Earth that is plagued by massive tectonic shifts that result in lengthy Seasons where nearly all life on the surface is extinguished and humans must huddle underground to wait the Season out. The first book of the series was such an innovative piece of fiction, that it set a very high bar for the The Obelisk Gate. Except where otherwise indicated, Everything.Explained.Today is Copyright 2009-2022, A B Cryer, All Rights Reserved. 448pp (Paperback) My Rating: 10/10. Then, newly outfitted and with wounds patched, she set out onher own. Jija flinches. He explains how past people used a system of obelisks as a power source. The comm is sustained by many mysterious functions of the geode that appear to operate by magic, such as air recyclers and climate control; Ykka has deduced that the mechanisms only function when orogenes are present. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Shejust knows that she wants very very much to leave Tirimo. The second book, the middle child, becomes the bridge between the two other books. The moon due to some event caused by a past civilization was pushed out of its orbit, and is now orbiting earth in a much longer, elliptical path. Alas: in the Stillness, destroying mountains is as easy as an orogenetoddlers temper tantrum. . Relationships chisel the final shape of ones being. Very belated -- N. K. Jemisin here. WebHere, in the The Obelisk Gate, the Hugo-award winning second volume of The Broken Earth from New York Times bestselling author N.K. Most did not breach the surface, but it was entirely possiblethat Nassun could by chance find a diamond sitting outwhere anyone could pick it up. That helps, because he wouldnt havebelieved anything else. We can speculate. Hoa doesn't bother to explain it because he already gets it and assumes the person(s) hearing Essun's story does, too, and because people who understand nuclear reactors are going to have a really hard time explaining that to people from the Middle Ages. There is a possible end to Evil Father Earths rampage. Over the years he simply had noticed things abouthis wife and his children that stirred suspicion in the depthsof his mind. She knows all the ways its possible for a second book in a trilogy to fail. Not even if she is . Although its clear that a three-way war, or possibly even more, is being waged, its not clear who is on which side. Jemisin's critically-acclaimed take on the She tries to hide her abilities from her father and pretend like she is trying to cure herself but her father forces her to tell lies about herself. I was equally excited to see her response. WebThe Obelisk Gate by N. K. Jemisin. Alabaster states that his fracturing of the continent was a method to generate enough raw geological heat and power to allow a sufficiently powerful orogene to use the obelisks to recapture the Moon and end the Fifth Seasons (its highly elliptical orbit is one of the reasons for the geologic instability of the Stillness). Feel the emotion of losing home, family, identity. Because she is merely a child, Nassun struggles between seeing Jia as her father and the man who brutally killed her brother. If you're still actually asking you haven't gotten to these bits yet. :). But possible. He can sleep through anything. Welcome back. Jemisin, N.K. Thanks, bruh. Here is what I know for certain: that apprenticeship I mentioned? On the other hand, what if its not as good? Alabaster begins imparting some of his knowledge to Essun concerning the obelisks and the nature of orogeny. (NPR) The season of endings grows darker, as civilization fades into the long cold night. You know thisalready. She tells the truth, too. Jemisin depicts the Earth as a being with a desire of its own: to regain its child. Nassun, who is just eight years old whenthe world ends. He confronts Schaffa and later attempts to kill Nassun. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. As Nassun grows in her abilities, her father starts to realize she is not being "cured" of her "sickness". Nassun has always been close to her father, due largely to her strict and unforgiving relationship with her mother Essun, who has been secretly teaching her to hone her orogenic abilities in order to avoid detection. Nassun is traveling to the Gate itself in order to control the network directly, without the need for the central control obelisk, which I think is under Essun's influence? Thanks so much for doing this. When Nassuncomes in, theres still not enough carbon dioxide in Jijasbloodstream; hes dizzy, shaky, chilled. The Obelisk Gate is a challenging book, particularly for readers not familiar with the rules of Jemisins intricate world, the Stillness. A few discreet inquirieslead her to Nassuns home. Denial is powerful. Her abilities increase to the point where she begins to learn to draw power from one of the obelisks floating nearby, much as her mother had many years earlier. One stipulation of Castrima joining Rennanis is that Castrima get rid of its orogenes. You're really asking to skirt the edge of spoilers here ;). Thanks so much for this! Whenyou see her, do not tell her. How close are we to becoming them? It sounds dreadful and void of hope, but Jemisin drags us to this low point so that she can then lift us back up. Not that they remember why,anymore. Hes a big man. In The Obelisk Gate, the sequel to The Fifth Season in the Broken Earth series by N.J. Jemisin, Essun enlists the help of Alabaster, her mentor. Having no choice, the inhabitants of Castrima prepare for battle. This uncertainty of who belongs to which faction makes the series even more captivating and sets up an epic climax for the final book. "[5] It later appeared on The Verge's list of the best science fiction and fantasy novels of 2016, where they wrote that the book "is an incredibly ambitious and important novel" that "continues to build on its predecessor's brilliance",[6] as well as Wired's, who believed that it was better than The Fifth Season. She forms a particularly strong bond with Schaffa, who is fiercely protective of her and becomes her father figure in lieu of her biological father. Ask the Author. He stands straddling Uches body; she cant grab him aroundthe waist the way she wants. [14] Moreover, The Obelisk Gate's victory came as part of a women-heavy slate of winners at the 2017 Hugos, which included best novel, novella, novelette, and short story. The story is told primarily from the perspectives of Essun, a powerful orogene driven out of her home at the beginning of the first book, and This is super helpful, as I was really looking forward to diving into The Stone Sky once I got home from work. Essun remains in Castrima, a comm that lives in a huge underground geode. The second one doesnt have an End and requires you to follow a voice. Plot can become stagnant in order to set-up the third and final book. I often have to work myself up to struggle through novels that fall in the middle of a series, but Jemisins writing and creativity is captivating. What with Essuns arm turning, and an Alabaster like stone eater appearing. Facing the loss of her new home, Essun successfully uses Alabaster's training to repeat his accomplishment, tapping the power of all the obelisks worldwide to form the Obelisk Gate. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. There's a shortish recap at the start of Stone Sky anyway. I am me, and you. She hears her father asking someone they meet on the road if she Castrima is saved, but the mechanisms of the geode have been irreparably damaged by the assault, and the comm faces starvation and suffocation if they remain. It seems like the Gate is an actual, tangible thing. WebSummary. This is just after Jia had killed the youngest son for being an orogene something that consumes him about his daughter. And Nassun, who was fully prepared to go off into the sunsetwith some lorist, effectively running away from home to escapeher mother, relaxes at last. [1], The Obelisk Gate takes place on a single supercontinent, the Stillness, which suffers from catastrophic climate change every few centuries (the so-called "Fifth Season"). Being reminded about the cycle of abuse continuing and Nassun's hand being broken is exactly what I needed while at work ;__; (but I do appreciate the recap! [7], The Obelisk Gate won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2017. It introduces more elements on the workings of orogeny, focuses on a new set of characters, and brings us on a thrilling adventure to understand what is really at stake in Jemisins world. WebA FIRST IN POORLY EXPLAINED HISTORY! The sequel, The Obelisk Gate, won the Hugo Award again this year, but while it follows the first in chronology and setting, it has a thoroughly different tenor than the first book did. Nassun and her father travel further south. This is way more detailed than I was expectingthanks for doing it! He then tells the story of eight-year-old Nassun and her role in the death of her brother, Uche. No worries man! Jija comes to the door when Renthree knocks, and for aninstant shes a little taken aback. I read the prologue of The Stone Sky last night and I was feeling a little bit lost. Stares, as if he has never seen her before. Exactly the refresher I needed. Its compelling enough to keep me reading, but I thought this was a step down in ambition and in characterization from the first book. When they arrive, they find something else entirely. [I think the answer here lies in the fact that Hoa was the narrator, established about somewhere halfway through the book. The stone eaters represent the limit of what is possible with magic, just as the Obelisk Gate itself does. So when Nassunpulls up sharply in the doorway of the den, staring at thetableau and only slowly understanding what she sees, Jija blurts,Are you one, too?. This still accomplishes his original goal of killing the humans, but I think he realizes he might not be able to stop Essun from bringing the Moon back to Earth. We learn that Antimony took Alabaster to Corepoint, a deadciv on the literal other side of the world, Jemisin does an interesting thing here: By revealing what the Obelisk Gate is, what the obelisks are, and what the solution is to ending the seasons, she makes it harder to categorize literally anything. This power structure mimics the very, very dark sides of human nature that have recurred throughout human history. It follows two main characters: a mother and daughter, both of whom are magically talented ("orogenes"), who were separated just before the most recent Fifth Season. Thank you from someone who was too disorganised to re-read in time. Her abilities increase to the point where she begins to learn to draw power from one of the obelisks floating nearby, much as her mother had many years earlier. by N. K. Jemisin. Let me explain. The truth is beneaththe surface, a leviathan waiting to uncurl, but the waters of histhoughts are placid for now. She agrees to help. Alabaster is dying, his body slowly turning to stone as a consequence of using the energy of the obelisks to break the entire continent in half and trigger the current Fifth Season. His fists tighten, but she cannot see him as athreat. Listen as Elliott and Rebekah get more and more shook as we read the sequel to the Fifth Season and second book in the Broken . I also believe Essun will find her daughter and Jija by the end of the book. In practice, many communitieswill take them in, even during a Season, because even themost stoic community wants entertainment during the long coldnights. Jija is a Midlatter mongrel,same as Essun, though his heritage leans more toward the Sanzed;hes big and brown and muscular and bald-shaven. help you understand the book. He is rescued by a family of fishermen on the coast. But if you want a simple explanation, and if there can be anyone event that became the tipping point, the camel straw, thebroken plug on the lava tube . Thanks for this! Nassun and her father settle in Found Moon, and Nassun begins to rapidly advance through the ranks of the makeshift Fulcrum the Guardians have established. The Obelisk Gate is the sequel to the excellent The Fifth Season and the middle volume of the Broken Earth trilogy, N.K. Check our racial/sexual perceptions, perspectives, our sense of otherness or our fear of it. Just follow the maze and connect the line. With another Season in progress, Essun takes shelter in Castrima, but that comm is soon torn apart by infighting initiated by an enemy comm hoping to take over the people as resources. Renthreespent the motherofpearl to commission her own set of tabletsfrom a knapper, used the jade chips to buy traveling suppliesand to stay at an inn for the days it took the knapper to finish,and bought many strong drinks at a tavern with the cabochons. She is preparing to destroy other people when Alabaster stops her from interfering with her abilities. I may be imposing by hopes too much at this point, but I do hope that it takes a turn for the more scientific. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. like. We witness depravity that makes us wonder, What does it take for a person to get to this point? Were deeper into their relationships. Alabaster is also aware of the silver energy Nassun discovered, which he identifies as magic, the true fundamental force that makes orogeny (and the mechanisms of Castrima) possible. Thank you for writing this up!I Was just googling for a summary with no luck but of course r/fantasy has me covered. As revealed at the end of The Fifth Season, the Moon has not been seen for at least several thousand years prior to the events of the book, and most are not aware it ever existed. Note: this is never explained, on purpose. We welcome respectful dialogue related to speculative fiction in literature, games, film, and the wider world. Not just bullet points, this is in the spirit of the book. The Obelisk Gate builds on top of the fantasy world that was developed in the first novel. The book continues forward from an especially bad Fifth Season, one that may become an apocalypse. Apocryphal. The author has said in interviews that she doesn't like maps, and therefore haven't made a detailed map. Shes only eight. She likes his favorite foods. . regresses. The Obelisk Gate was released to strong reviews and, like its predecessor in the series, won WebHugo Award for Best Novel (2017) This is the way the world ends for the last time. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Obelisk Gate. . Finally, they reach the promised settlement: a town called Found Moon, administered by a group of Guardians, though not affiliated with the Fulcrum. Shewas once Renthree Breeder Tenteek, but that was before shefell in love with a lorist who visited Tenteek and seduced thethen-youngwoman away from a boring life as a glass-smith. Schaffa, Essun's former Guardian, awakens underwater after Essun's devastating counterattack during the climax of The Fifth Season. Nassun stops on the threshold of the way station, pantingto catch her breath, which makes for a very dramatic entrance. Having no choice, the inhabitants of Castrima prepare for battle. The town is led by Schaffa, who has used it to shelter young orogenes during the years since he arrived. He was an excellent knapper. I repeat: He would have figured it out eventually. The Obelisk Gate was anticipated on its debut,[3][4] and reviews were highly positive. WebThe lightweight hollow globe on top of the obelisk reached the gate first and instantly was crushed flat by the momentum of the massive stone spear. Jemisin Makes Hugo Awards History With 'The Obelisk Gate', 2017 Hugo winners: excellent writing and editing by brilliant women, This year's Nebula Award nominees are incredibly diverse read some online, Here are the winners of this year's Nebula Awards. Where The Fifth Season followed three distinct storylines set apart in time, The Obelisk Gate focuses on just two simultaneous threads: Essens life in the underground commune (comm) Tarima, which finds itself under threat from within and without; and her daughter Nassuns journey with Essuns husband south toward a comm where the father, Jija, hopes his daughter will be cured of her gift of orogeny a sort of magical, innate ability to alter the very molecules of ones environment, including starting tectonic shifts and communicating with the orbiting obelisks of unknown origin. Insteadshe asks Nassun to sit, and then she tells stories to her smallaudience for the rest of the afternoon, until the sun makes longshadows down the valley slope and through the trees. Alabaster states that his fracturing of the continent was a method to generate enough raw geological heat and power to allow a sufficiently powerful orogene to use the obelisks to recapture the Moon and end the Fifth Seasons (its highly elliptical orbit is one of the reasons for the geologic instability of the Stillness). This is great. In the wake of her visitors, Renthree stokes up the fire andstarts making dinner from a bit of pork belly and greens andcornmeal that she bought in Tirimo the day before. The nature of the Obelisks is at least partly explained, and she sets up what I assume will be the narrative of the third book, The Stone Sky, how Essun and Nassun will interact with the Obelisks to save the world (or at least parts of it). Shes not really afraid in this moment. Thanks! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Cookie policy. In her anger, Essun turns the woman to stone. Nassun next, then. The concept of bunkering down in a fortress as an enemy of much larger numbers prepares a siege is a classic trope of fantasy. WebIn The Obelisk Gate, the sequel to The Fifth Season in the Broken Earth series by N.J. Jemisin, Essun enlists the help of Alabaster, her mentor. Basically a pseudo-telepathic command console. The collected thoughts of sportswriter, bookworm, & food critic Keith Law. Her life would have become slightly more interesting if a Seasonhad occurred before she left, for a Breeders responsibility inthose times is clearandperhaps that, too, is what spurred heraway. Theknowledge that he possesses, because the rock is indeed in Jijaspocket and theres no way Uche could have known it was there,dooms him. While shewaits for dinner to cook and eats an apple, she turns Nassunsrock in her fingers, fascinated. [13] Moreover, The Obelisk Gates victory came as part of a women-heavy slate of winners at the 2017 Hugos, which included best novel, novella, novelette, and short story. Initially unable to win in an outright attack, they besiege the comm by locating the ventilation shafts for the geode, intending to force them out into the open. How tf does this make any sense? not any one thing that turned Jija against his son,.! Welcome respectful dialogue related to speculative fiction in literature, games, film, and for aninstant a! 3 ] [ 4 ] and reviews were highly positive otherwise indicated, Everything.Explained.Today is Copyright 2009-2022 a! To re-read in time ] and reviews were highly positive want the moon.. I also believe Essun will find her daughter too disorganised to re-read in time between! Door when Renthree knocks, and more can all find a home with us concerning the and. Detect and counteract the orogenes abilities seek out young, orogene children a book. 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