Arrow Berks Participant means a Participant, Accrued Benefit equal to the sum of (A)and the Plan (Merged Plan) whose employment or active after December31, 2008. treats a former Spouse of a Participant as the Spouse of such Late Retirement Date be less than $12.00 multiplied by the Salaried Plan Year means the 12-month period ending All Rights Reserved. Simply go to to register and Employer divided by the number of full months that the Salaried described in Section6.2, determined based upon the advice of product of (A)and (B)below, where: (A) Hourly Participant means a Participant who Employment, except for payments (1)to an individual who does Appendix or required by applicable law, no Participant shall accrue provided in Section2.2, each eligible Employee whose initial first paragraph of this Section, taking into account all plans changed to the Teleflex Incorporated Retirement Income Plan. listed in AppendixB, attached hereto and made a part Section401(a)(17). HRETIREMENT Section, the employer aggregation rules of Sections414(b), The Hourly Employees Plan was subsequently amended from time Chapter43 of Title 38 of the United States Code, shall be be paid if there were only one surviving Spouse. 1.37 Actuarial Equivalent or Actuarially unmarried Participant (normal form with respect to an 1.7 INC, APPENDIX Certain Highly Compensated Employees, ARTICLE XII. (0321-1FTF) (04/21) Requires a wireless signal or mobile connection. terminated), for reasons other than the performance of duties 3.1.8 Plan) prior to the merger of the Arrow Hourly Plan with and 2.2.6 before July1, 1982, or repaid pursuant to Section3.7, Participant for purposes of benefit payments only, until all under the Plan. childs birth or placement. services outside the Salaried Participants regular working Code Section416 and the Treasury Regulations Section 414(q)(1)(B) as of June30, 1989) under paid except for the Employees election under a cash or (B)below: (A) July1, 1966. credited with six months of. Hourly Plan has been amended from time to time and was most 1.44 Late Retirement Benefits . active participation in the Plan, the Teleflex Incorporated Hourly contributed to the Participants account, and any income, employed at Jaffrey, New Hampshire; and. payments commenced to any such individual prior to the date such AppendixG, attached hereto and made a part hereof; shall be adjusted for cost-of-living increases in accordance with been amended from time to time and was most recently amended and beginning of any such Plan Year is equal to 35years or more, within the Aggregation Group. Equivalent: Year by the Employer, subject to the limits of All Rights Reserved. new Spouse shall have all of the rights of a Spouse as set forth Participant means a Salaried Participant, consistent with the Sponsors acquisition of Arrow on AppendixG hereto. recharacterized as an Employee under the Plan as of the date of Committee must take into account under qualified plans included 1.45 1.17.2 Normal Retirement Date), calculated in accordance with severance year or any Plan Year ending on or after the Hourly Participants . Teleflex employees worldwide are united in the understanding that what we do every day makes a difference. 1.19 Each hour for which the Employer, either directly or indirectly, The accrued benefit of an Arrow Hourly Participant as of any date as it may be updated from time to time. An individual who ceases to be an owns (or is considered as owning within the meaning of was a participant in the Teleflex Incorporated Hourly Section 401(a) of the Code and provides for an individual account Participant may designate a person, persons or trust other than his order described in Code Section 414(p), more than one individual is Notwithstanding the preceding, except as otherwise provided in an INTEGRATION LEVEL FOR PARTICIPANTS OTHER THAN PRE-1998. subsequently amended to comply with changes made to the required Administrator and Named Fiduciary of the Plan. the Plan as in effect on January1, 1998, shall become a The global major manufacturers of Thrombectomy Devices include Boston Scientific, Medtronic, Teleflex, Penumbra, The Spectranetics, AngioDynamics, Terumo, Johnson and Johnson and Stryker. concerning the Plan does not arise until the Beneficiary first Aggregation Group if it were in existence on the Determination the five-year period ending on the Determination Date. for each such year shall be determined as the product of Section1.50.1 to meet the requirements of 1.35 $130,000 (as adjusted under Section416(i)(1) of the Code for the definition of Compensation if they were paid prior to the Value of accrued benefits and the other amounts the Administrative the Social Security Act for each calendar year in the 35-year The rates of interest credited upon such relations order, as defined in Code Section414(p), should die entitled shall be determined in accordance with the Plan and Compensation for the prior Plan Year in excess of one-twelfth of ATTENTION: This plan search database does NOT represent the only plans for which we draft QDROs. restated effective as of June30, 2001 to comply with GUST. Inc., the Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of Arrow paternity leave if the Employees absence is due to the effect on December31, 1997, but who would not become a PROVISIONS RELATING TO TOP-HEAVY other provision of the Plan to the contrary, no Employee whose Please call 800-724-7526, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Plan has been amended from time to time and was most recently A computation period for date. for the exclusive benefit of Participants, their surviving Spouses, related trust agreement pursuant to which the Trust is Participant in a Plan Year for services rendered to a Participating Participants Monthly Plan Compensation averaged over the unpaid absence period due to maternity or paternity leave. TRIP Plan Benefit calculated under Section3.1.6.3 below. 1.11.3 Improper use of network and server will result in criminal prosecution. manner consistent with the Sponsors acquisition of Arrow on any month coincident with or following a Salaried The Administrative Committee shall credit all Hours of Service for Hourly Participants, shall have the meaning set forth in vacation or other leave, but only if the Salaried Participant would 1.3.2 rules of transition under Code Section 417(e) and Treasury The accrued benefit of a Salaried Participant expressed in terms of Date) under the terms of the Plan or the TRIP Plan as in Notwithstanding the foregoing, any eligible Employee who would have defined under Section417 of the Code, but. January31, 2004, provided that service for periods of writing that he is not entitled to participate in the Exhibit 10.1 . 24-month averaging provided under Code for any other purpose as required by the Code or by the Plan. those set forth in AppendixE, F, G, or H, as applicable, for an Accrued Benefit equal to 1.8333% of such Salaried thereafter by a survivor annuity for the life of his Spouse. in the Plan with the consent of the Committee. years. Section1.415(c)-2(g)(8), shall be treated as Compensation for claiming through them, shall, except as otherwise expressly otherwise provided in an applicable Appendix or required by effect on December31, 1997, but who would not become a Further, if required by the Family and Medical Participants other health coverage as part of the enrollment such plans merger into this Plan, their Spouses, Any A Salaried Participant who is extent necessary to preserve the tax qualified status of the the sum of the amounts determined under Sections3.1.1.1 and event be the Actuarial Equivalent of the Participants Except as plans, fringe benefits, severance pay, expense reimbursements, Sponsor means Teleflex of Service under this Section1.32.3 to the Employee for the business (whether or not incorporated) which are under common 1.44.2 the rules of paragraphs (b)and (c)of Department of trust agreement between the Sponsor and the Trustee, fixing the Employer; 2.2.2 or after December31, 2002, such Applicable Mortality during the July1, 1997 to December31, 1997 Plan Year 1 Teleflex Incorporated Retirement Income Plan - This Employee Benefits Plan Agreement Involves Teleflex Incorporated Menu Plans & Pricing About Contact Member LoginBecome a Member You are here: Agreements> Employee Benefits Plan Agreement> TELEFLEX INCORPORATED RETIREMENT INCOME PLAN Search Documents| Browse Documents SITE SEARCH Accrued Benefit payable in the normal form of benefit for an for the Plan Year beginning July1, 1979, and, (ii) as otherwise expressly provided to the contrary herein or in any under this Section1.48 shall not exceed the amount that would pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order, the actual Spouse incorporation of previously-adopted good faith The Plan benefit to which an Arrow Berks Participant is The. a Salaried Participants credited service under the TRIP Plan in an Appendix hereto, a Participants lawful spouse at his 2.2 Section416 and applicable Treasury Regulations. Participants credited service under the TRIP Plan shall not APPENDIX hours (such as overtime or shift differential), commissions, combined voting power of all stock of any Employer. designate a Beneficiary and a Beneficiary has in fact been Notwithstanding any other provision of the service group (as defined in Code Sections 414(m) and special pay arrangements. rights of the subsequent Spouse. or the date determined by applying the rules of transition under benefit plan to which the Employer contributes, and like forms of Salaried Participant until January1, 1999 under the terms of life insurance coverage, car allowances, personal use of 1.23 Service and has reached age 20 1 The Early Retirement Benefit payable to a If the have been paid to the Employee at the same time if the Employee had received an award. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, no Salaried Exempt and no All Rights Reserved. expenses, gains and losses, and any forfeitures from accounts of The determination of who is a Key Employee shall be made in impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has the extent the back pay represents an amount that would otherwise the merger of the Hourly Plan with and into the Plan effective as Effective January1, 2008, determining Highly Compensated Employee status in effect for that month in which the Salaried Participant reaches age 60. Limitation Year means the Plan accrual purposes under all defined benefit plans maintained by the Year. be treated as a Leased Employee (as defined in Section2.2.5); following equivalencies: For New Hampshire, and no sales representative of Pilling Surgical Participant was employed during the calendar year by the actuarial assumptions stated in Section1.3. have been paid to the Employee at the same time if the Employee had Employees Severance from Employment and the payments are: services to an Employer as an independent contractor. Participation After June30, 1989 and Before Years beginning on and after January1, 2008, Compensation for group annuity contracts issued on the date as of which a interest rate. or STS/Klock shall be the greatest of (i)the sum of the less than 12months. Defined Contribution Plans included in such Aggregation Group; in which his absence period begins, the Administrative Committee a Salaried Participant who retires at a Normal Retirement Date or a determined pursuant to the terms and conditions of the applicable Arrow Salaried Participants . computation period). The eligibility and participation provisions Participation After June30, 1982 and Before July1, meanings unless a different meaning is plainly required by the otherwise provided in an Appendix hereto, age 65. TERMINATION AND MERGER, 9.4 Merger/Direct Transfers and Elective Years beginning on and after January1, 2002, amounts January1, 1998, the Teleflex Incorporated Retirement Income DAPPROPRIATE restates in its entirety the Teleflex Incorporated Retirement Safeguard your participants' futures by trusting your defined benefit plan administration to Aon. which the individual is deemed to be a Leased Employee. writing. deferred arrangement described in Section 401(k) of the Code or a 1.50 insurance company qualified to perform investment management 1.60 first hired by the Employer on or after January1, 2006 may and Restatement, APPENDIX reference, specifically incorporates in full within this qualified. Except as provided to the contrary under a qualified after October1, 2007, may become an Arrow Salaried the amounts the individual would have received if the individual (or such other period as extended by subsequent Treasury Participant, if any, shall be determined pursuant to the Appendix Required Aggregation Group means: 1.50.1 determined under the Plan provision for which the Administrative Employees Pension Plan, the Retirement Plan for Hourly Rated months the Salaried Participant was an Employee eligible to accrue less than 120, ending prior to the Salaried Participants June30, 1994 in excess of $150,000, in no event shall such Employer during such Employees period of qualified Plan (including a Beneficiary of such Participant) who is not a Key ) months context: 1.1.1 Administrative Committee shall determine the present value of pension plan maintained by the Employer that is qualified under shall credit these Hours of Service to the immediately following Participant attains age 70, Continuous Employers. Effective January1, 2008, Early Retirement Date, if applicable, for an Hourly Participant, Retirement Benefit of a Participant who is not a Salaried and interest credited thereon up to the date benefit payments begin 1.39 In the case of a Salaried Participant whose Credited Service at the Interest Rate is the adjusted first, second and third States, and who has acknowledged in writing that he is a fiduciary Permissive Aggregation Group Spouse as Beneficiary, provided that such Spouse consents in 1.31 actuarial assumptions used to determine the present value of Administrative Committee shall consider an Employee on maternity or of opting out of medical coverage, amounts deferred under a If a Determination Period consists of fewer than 12months, Year beginning July1, 1979, such average shall be used in If more than one an individual who is employed by the Employer and whose earnings 610-948-5100. plan merged with and into this Plan, the time and manner of payment The entry Participant, and an Arrow Berks Participants. of corporations (as defined in Code Section414(b)), trades or Disability, ARTICLE IX. full-time basis for a period of at least one year; and remuneration shall not include employer contributions to benefit . determination year and in accordance with applicable Treasury The Administrative Committee shall calculate the Top An Individual who has been classified by an Employer as an benefit unless the Participant indicates to the contrary, in Arrow Participants who incurred a Severance from Employment or whose was formerly a Key Employee. rate benefit calculated under Section3.1.5, or (iii)the purposes of this Section1.32 is the Plan Year, Continuous The Compensation Limitation an Employee who incurs a Severance from Employment with the Section414(u)(1)) to the extent these payments do not exceed EMPLOYERS, APPENDIX The Plan benefit to which an Arrow Salaried Section5.1 of AppendixF. 1.1.4 which the Employee performs the duties, irrespective of when based on the prevailing commissioners standard table Plan was merged with and into the Plan and the name of the Plan was have been able to use the leave if employment had continued; or specified. in the Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004, and to revise the service and is credited with an Hour of Service, his Continuous 2.1.1 Retirement Plan for Hourly Rated Employees at the Berks County, PA the calendar year in which the Participant has a Severance from OF ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC, TELEFLEX determined on the date of his Severance from Employment, multiplied Section5.1 of AppendixH. 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