No properties to worry about; no value to pass from child to parent. In this post, I will write about how to guard your pages and endpoints and how to authenticate easily with SSR. Taking advantage of this, we need to check the session in the load function of the root __layout.svelte file. I take no responsibility if you use the examples and something goes wrong. Hopefully they will put together an equivalent for SvelteKit when it hits 1.0. +layout.server.js To run your layout's load function on the server, move it to +layout.server.js, and change the LayoutLoad type to LayoutServerLoad. It is almost to the point were I just dont use sapper. The solution for this problem can actually be found in the sapper docs and initializes the component dynamically in onMount (which isn't called for SSR). SvelteKit will augment the specified directives with nonces or hashes (depending on mode) for any inline styles and scripts it generates. You should have a root level __layout.svelte file (src/routes/__layout.svelte), used for ALL pages and components. The components are pre-compiled to DOM code so its not usable in SSR. Svelte also includes shortcuts for styling, reactivity, animations, and templating. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. }> is not a valid SSR component. That means that the getSession function is always executed first, so the session is already set when you get to the point where you load any svelte components. Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? * @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Load} This same pattern is how we work with libraries like d3.js: You can follow this pattern for most non-Svelte libs or to use standard JavaScript APIs like canvas and more within Svelte components pretty seemlessly. components and libraries 118 # svelte-preprocess-markdown npm install svelte-preprocess-markdown Write Svelte components in markdown syntax integrations preprocessors 109 Of course I kept node adapter on vite config. You may need to review your build config to ensure that dependencies are compiled, rather than imported as pre-compiled modules error? : First import the createForm factory function in your component