Before Petunia could say a word, Mrs. Polkiss looked up, caught Harrys eye, and then lifted his chin and kissed him deeply. ), Dziki za cudowne rozmowy o harlekinach, dramionach i innych dziwnych rzeczach. Vernon stood there for a few moments. NO! Harry enjoyed playing with her gently swaying breasts, until shed begun to throw herself down on him with abandon. But this time Petunia, though crying at her fear for Harry, was not directly involved, and she knew it had barely been more than a minute since that bright flash of light, before the two were weeping before her. She rolled onto her knees and pulled him into the most passionate kiss hed ever experienced. Instead she partly seduces him, and in his rage and anger he rapes him. And if this keeps up, hes going to get caught. Harry licked and sucked at her until she was really starting to drip, then he quickly stood. He has to bonk the witch. Edited/R. Its OK, Harry, she whispered. Meanwhile, Harry continues to bop around this universe, defeating villains, having some fun, and having lots of sex. I wonder who this hottie will be? Harry thought, reaching for the paper. At the rate he was adding women, she knew that wouldnt have remained the case for long, but she hadnt expected to lose the title, mid-fuck! The young men of Gryffindor had greatly enjoyed watching the last blond witch pleasuring herself. The more guests he could fill it with, the better. She let out with a moan of sexual frustration that had been building for years. Lydia was beside herself. Im upset because you lied to me. Luv?. Youre almost certain to be dead before 50. I couldnt help myself, but that doesnt change any. She tried the door handle. Several gasps could be heard from the surrounding students. She saw his fear of hurting more and more women due to the curse he was under, and his desire for death to protect others for himself. She was so hot, so tight, and the experience was so much more than he could have imagined from those silly pictures that Seamus had in the dorm. She was approaching her first orgasm before he even reached her waist, and when he switched to her feet, she was almost disappointed. We dosed Harry with a tremendously strong calming potion right before we started the trip to Grimmauld Place. It felt like he was dying, and Draco wished that he was. I have money to keep myself from starving do you?" But then you started taking your frustrations out on Harry. He finally decided to chalk it up to Malfoy being an incompetent idiot, and continued down to the Great Hall. I think its my turn again, she said, hungrily. "You know With your mum the size of a house already." Harry seemed to have already developed some skills at pleasing a woman, and she found herself already dripping with lust. Cant remember whos top or bottom though. You have exactly three years to stop that, she told him. What do you mean, I had one source of evil, but now I have two? But the phoenix was gone, there was no reply. Harder, Harry! var sc_text=2; Im going to have to write the damn scene. What? Draco looked ready to come to your defense, disbelieving, but Pansy continued. Petunias stamina was not all that great, either, and after about ten minutes and two orgasms, she rolled off of him, breathing as heavily as he had been a few minutes before. Thats very good! This time she was the one to push him down on the bed. But that damned curse seemed to burn through the potion the second you touched him. She didnt know how much time had passed when she finally came back to herself, but she felt herself held in comforting arms, a hand gently rubbing her back as she wept. He brought her to one final orgasm just before he blew his final load of the night, before he rolled off of her and drew her in for a cuddle. As I watched your life, I realized something I should have known at least last year, if not even further back than that. Dumbledore opened a door to a normal sized dorm room. Hermione was only 15, rapidly approaching 16, and she was still growing and developing, but at the moment she had what Harry would eventually learn to classify as fairly full B-cups. You just be your own, wonderful self! He kissed her with a passion that took her breath away. Harry will slam open the door, throw Julie on the bed, and rather forcefully have her way with her, giving her the roleplay shed wanted, while knowing it was fairly safe because Tonks had already been making sure Lydias place was safe. It was a bit after one in the morning when Harry found himself being woke by his aunt once again. She let out a moan. He tried to dodge out of the way, but in this instance, the curses control actually dulled his natural reflexes, and he took a minor blow to the temple, even as his hand thrust out at her chest. I dont think so, Harry. "I'm sure I do. He watched, slightly dazed, as Julies C-cups swayed in front of him. He was vastly impressed with the young beauty. He saw her disappointment in him as he coasted along in his classes, taking the easiest route, doing as little as he could. Suddenly she arched her back, and thrust herself on him slightly deeper as she moaned out Oh God! They spent a few minutes talking in the corridor outside most of the bedrooms, and let Ginny know what had been discussed (nobody had been surprised that she waited up for them), before the matter of sleeping arrangements came up. Still, I wish he would hear me out, you sighed, turning the corner. ), Features the entire Weasley family adopting Harry Potter practically the second they lay eyes on him (or before that, even); Ron Weasley finding himself being altogether far too nice too slimy gits who don't deserve it; Percy Weasley doing his best; Harry deciding that being enemies with this Malfoy kid is too much work actually; Hermione Granger being as smart and ruthless as ever; Severus Snape who did not, and I repeat, did NOT sign up for ANY of this; and much, much more. Voldemort is not a protagonist, he is the antagonist. He remembers the pain, the last shaky breath, and the thought of never being able to see his family again. And how bad could this year possibly get? Harry is quite powerful, so it adds up to a decent boost for the women he is with. This was likely going to hurt more than she could imagine. granger, hermine, magie. In a home where there are legal magic users, they would simply assume that any magic was legal. Why would I want to pretend to rape you?, Please, Harry? Harry watched his junior nemesis as he quickly rounded a corner in the corridor, then looked himself over. But he was much slower and gentler than in their actual first time. Several voices called out in greeting, excited to see him, and Harry began to smile as he caught glimpses of his other friends around the bushy-haired missile that flew into his arms. Take the potion, or get out of here, now!, The turmoil in Herminones mind continued to rage. And every time she looked at Baby Harrys eyes, the pain of Lilys death hit her again. #ronaldweasley Have you ever tried a titty fuck? Julie asked him, as he released her breasts. Im sorry, Nym, he told her. Within seconds, he found himself with two beautiful witches in his arms. I want a story where Tom being decent doesn't automatically turn Dumbledore into a monsterSome pairings are already defined, but you can help define those that are not formed yet.I'm terrible with synopses by the way, this came out as a travel advertisement hahahhahWell Harry has a new familiar, his parents have not been negligent and have ensured he is raised like the Lord he is, Harry is neither dark nor light gray. This time, Harry pulled out of her, and watched, entranced, as a little of his cum leaked out of her pussy and started running down her thighs. She initiated that kiss, and I only went along with it because I was trying to distract myself from you.. Insane and confusing, but very good!. Tonks couldnt believe it when Harry looked at her and said Your turn again?. Ron's face went red as he realized everyone was staring at them now. He buried his face in her breasts as he started to laugh. She nodded to herself before she crawled between the womans legs and started licking at her folds. Soon he felt her spasming around his length as she came again. His tongue moved slowly, up one side, down the other, then right between them, constantly moving. You noticed the dark circles under his eyes, as well as the sallow appearance of his face, but none of this mattered to you. Petunia was not surprised, between the curse, the interest Harry had already been showing in the jogger, and Julies comments about her. Some of his new powers cannot be taught, only born with, but others can be taught to anybody, including muggles. Oh yes, she told him eagerly. A couple of witches that he was already connected with made at least a slight difference in how much control he could maintain. I may have to keep you, she muttered. He saw the love shed had for her sister. Why dont I?, Im not sure. This time they were the real deal, all Harry Potter, and she almost felt herself losing herself in them. Nym? The reason Draco hates Harry so much is more complicated than it seems. She pulled her wand back out of the pocket on her dressing gown and cast a silent alohomora. "Hello Granger, Potter, and you Weasley." You feel so good in me! It was true. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Tonks needs to be more considerate of others in the house, Ginny was thinking to herself as she closed the bathroom door behind her. Merlin, I hate parties!". My thestral has loads of Ron/Draco. It had to be a good foot long, and so very thick. YOU ARE MINE! Look, Im not upset that youre muggle born. Now that was something Harry had never been told before. She saw the confrontation with Malfoy at the end of the previous term, and Harrys confusion at the spell that didnt seem to do anything except maybe give him an hours-long erection and she saw the next morning with his aunt. Summary: In an effort to win Ron's heart Draco begins to hit on Hermione in an attempt to get closer to him but what happens when everyone begins to discover the secrets and dysfunction in Hogwarts? I I , And I dont want my darling Dudley dead in a prison cell at 35!. She felt so wonderful around his cock, as he slowly pushed inch after inch into her. Im sorry for what I did and I understand that you dont want to see me anymore, youve got Pansy now- mmph! your speech was cut off by a gentle kiss. Stay, she murmured, just not so hard. His tongue circled its new target. In the past that would have been a horrible though; now it wasnt so bad. And then there was Cho and Susan she was developing quite a set. Moreover, Voldemort now had a new body, and had called his followers back to him. Out of everyone in the family, why her? Harry was rock-hard, and his left hand was pistoning back and forth on his length. All should have been right with the world. Unfortunately, they were not ideas of just sex, but violence, as well. She kissed him deeply, and it was only moments before he was returning the passion she felt. It was as if he were locked inside his own mind. The repressed knowledge that Dudley was growing to be just like his father in so many ways, and starting so much younger than Vernon. She discarded her own robe, and began to lift the hem of the vastly over-sized t-shirt she was swimming in, when she suddenly found herself violently bent over the sink. ABANDONED DUE TO REENFORCED NON-ADULT POLICIES. Speak, if you dont want more of the same!, It was the last day of school ju just before we left for the Express! A few hours later, Harry decided it was time to go home. Harry will have Morgase fairly early, well before she has Elayne, and will have lots of the Reds, as well. Proximity, numbers, and sexual exhaustion, for example. Its vitally important, and top secret. As Ron started to ask questions, Harry overrode him. Harrys eyes cleared, though there was a dark, angry quality in them that she had never seen before. Later that night, I slipped into the dress. Nobody saw me. I was too busy choking to really think about it.. I made the mistake, no matter how good my intentions were. She saw her husband through Harrys eyes. At Julies urging, she ran her tongue around his crown, then started licking his shaft. Tonks had made the request from Sirius for a room at Grimmauld as soon as Dumbledore had mentioned he would be having Harry moved to the dark mansion while he awaited his ministry trial. He looked at her face, and found her features attractive, but not wildly beautiful. All the Harry Potter characters contained belong to J.K Rolling. If anything happened, he definitely wanted Tonks and Hermione around. Ron looks up, gives him the finger, then looks back down at his food. Maybe hes not worth all this, (Y/N), Hermione said as you walked through the corridors. Shes a squirter, too!. You taste sooo good! He continued his licking. This one is more like the regular model, Snape cant touch anything in it, but is has a lot of other enchantments on it. Draco found it amusing when he heard them. While I havent met a lot of them, Ive seen enough to know Dobby is different. Voldemort had free reign, and all of the women Harry loved at some point in the Death Eater take-over were raped before usually being killed. Not again, he though to himself. Harry gave both breasts a good bit of attention with his tongue, and enjoyed rubbing his face against the two large mounds. Mum, where are you? The creaking sounds he heard indicated that either the house was in the middle of collapsing, or Vernon or Dudley was climbing the stairs! !! Hed even measured it, and he knew his eight-and-a-quarter inches were larger than the average. Its a good thing that Julie really wants to spend some more time with you. Dinner was a surprise. Itll be the last time I need to deal with you. His wand was also at the ready. "Yes, Mr. Weasley, I can." I loved the plot of this request; it was a lot of fun to write! As his experience grew, he lasted a little longer each time, but he really wanted to feel the explosion of his own orgasm again, so he was slamming wildly into the blond. That one aspect of the story is not pleasant. Over time, he learned a few things about how the curse worked, and figured ways to avoid triggering it. Get back here! He stood there, barely breathing, for about three minutes before she arched her back and cried out softly. Ron did the same. And tired. She saw his entire Hogwarts history, learning far more about him than anybody knew, except his other victims under this curse. He saw her as a child, discovering her odd gift, and starting to learn how to change her appearance at will. She sobbed out a horrified No no please, no, then screamed again as he shoved the entire thing between her legs. Come on, Baby, Hermione gasped, Come on! But this story takes place in a different world. (Not to mention he irritates Harry, which is something Ron certainly can't stand. The color drained from your face, your heart dropping into your stomach. Petunia, pet, how can you ask such a thing? By the time they reached the master bedroom, Harry was ready for round three. At almost the same moment Tonks tripped over what appeared to be an umbrella stand, oddly enough seemingly in the shape of an elephants leg. I dont own a signed, autographed copy of War and Peace. A little unconventional story about an unconventional ship. Harry found himself seeing his aunts life through her eyes. I wrote chapter nine earlier today, before returning to eight to write this summary, so along with this rather unfortunately truncated chapter, you do also have a real, full chapter which may be the longest of the story so far. Im a metamorphmagus, Tonks explained. After the meal was finished, Harry offered to wash the dishes (he rather enjoyed helping out his aunt when it was his own choice) and Petunia again let Dudley off to spend time with his friends. And he saw the absolute worst depths of that pain on Halloween, first year; terror beyond anything the young witch had ever known, followed by the tiniest ray of hope. I know the gist of what it was trying to tell me, but Im not sure about the details., I I should want to kill you. Ginny was hurt and confused. How could you? Draco hissed, and as you turned to him you noticed that there were tears in his eyes, too. I never knew you were so kinky, she said to her neighbor. She wont change instantly, but she cant help but compare the way Harry treats all his women with the way the Death Eaters treat their wives and other women. She had been about to ridicule Millicent for thinking about such an impossible scenario, but realized that her daydreaming may not have been all that far-fetched. And locked away in the back of his own mind, hed known he was causing her horrible pain. A few scenes over Christmas break were planned out in detail. He was greeted by his mates from school, as they all watched the order members exiting the house. While they could find no way to remove the curse, they countered it by creating the familial magic to ensure strong marriages (the memory swap), high sexual drives, and a lot of stamina, so that even if it is only one or, at most, two a generation, the Potter line does manage to continue on. They were both panting and moaning now, any words punctuated with rasping breaths. Just so long as he doesnt Whats wrong? Where the hell is he going? God! The theft, the violence, the bullying. He never let up for a second, frantically thrusting in and out of her trembling flower, his cock covered in her blood as she continued to scream. He turned to head for his room, then turned back, sniffing. Tonks reached out her hand and grabbed her wand from the table Julie had left it on, and with a quick flick, their discarded clothes followed them up the stairs. Im sorry, Draco, I really am. He received a strong kick to the knee for his troubles. Eventually there would be small cut-away scenes of strange things happening around Petunia. He reached out and hesitantly slapped her buttock. Hed had that horrible headache most of the day yesterday, and after leaving the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross, hed kept to himself as much as he could on the ride back to Number Four. Just as Harry was starting to say Aunt Petunia, Im coming, there was another voice heard in the kitchen at Number Four. Shed always cum quickly, shed figured it was probably due to the metamorphmagus abilities, but with Harry it seemed to be that much quicker, still. A silencing charm, and perhaps a notice-me-not charm, so if anybody comes home while were up here, we dont get caught? As Tonks grabbed her wand, he added I could really use those on my own room, as well.. He then pulled out of her, and rolled Julie over onto her knees. Please, Harry, slap my ass! His thrusting faltered. And that takes things to a whole new level. She decided to reward Harry with another deep kiss, her tongue doing battle with his. Draco sat at the end of the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. But that was the concept that had been conveyed. She couldnt help but moan as his touch ramped her desire ever higher. Would you stop staring at Harry! Well, how else am I supposed to explain this sudden change and these absurd accusations?, I know we dont talk about it. She was just starting to shut the door when Harry slammed his body against it, and forced his way inside. When Ron discovers that he can see the future, his entire fate is thrown off of its course. If you must know, Lord Voldemort is in a bad mood. I dont own rights to the Harry Potter characters. That love gave him a sliver of control. The thing that had silenced Petunia was that he was nude, and she found herself staring at what had to be the largest, hardest erection shed ever seen. Her fingers were gently playing with her sex. Secondly, I am looking for a story I read a couple/three months ago, but havent been able to find again, since then. They would have the perfect life. He wasnt directing his body as it claimed his aunt. Harry comes, and she doesnt want his attentions (though her body does.) He saw as she fell in love with Vernon, and seen through her eyes, he realized Vernon really loved her, too. And I love you for it. Pairings: Draco/Ron, Snape/Harry, Krum/Hermione, Neville/ Luna And though shed tried thoughts of different boys or men she knew, none got her as hot as Harry. I dont own a signed, autographed copy of War and Peace. Just a little more! Instead he just enjoyed the cacophony of moans and groans coming from his ladies. But Harry was nowhere near his own release, yet. Seamuss spell? He wanted nothing more than to collapse against her, and gently kiss every inch of her back, but he found himself with a desperate urge to reach the bathroom. Shed seen in Harrys own memories how the woman had brought him pleasure, and she was more than willing to return the favor for him. She saw the abuse and the neglect (and blamed herself slightly for never noticing it before). All the Hufflepuff did was dazzle the Slytherin with her kindn Let's hope Potter doesn't find out Harry gazed at his aunt with lust-filled eyes, until she spoke again. She couldnt even breath. The boy Vernon was always calling a juvenile delinquent had his aunt bent over the kitchen table, and from the bared skin it was obvious he was fucking her. Hair color and breast size are actually some of the more basic things I can do. It took a few more seconds, but Julie was shocked when she found herself looking at a pigs snout on the end of the young womans face. What if I get carried away?, Harry, Im pretty sure Im going to have to urge you on every step of the way, just to get you to be rough enough. She smiled. She caught him before he could fall to the ground, and made his descent a bit gentler. Hed descended two floors, and was just about to climb down a third flight when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye, and heard a low mutter. Good luck with them! He then walked off to the sink and started washing the dishes. Harry found himself living through the life of recent Auror Graduate Nymphadora Tonks. But Fawkes, Im evil! Petunia had soon called him down for lunch, and the three of them ate, mostly peacefully. Harry grunted loudly, and Hermione felt his seed squirting within her, before all was wiped out by a bright flash of light, and her over-taxed mind was dealt another blow as she found herself experiencing the life of one Harry Potter, best friend, boy savior, and cosmic chew toy. Featuring French dessert, fond Molly Weasley, flirty Drarry, and Ron's incredulousness. Guess Id better wash some sheets, too.. Youve been in a bad mood because of Potty? Draco failed to notice the anger beginning to grow on his fathers face. Too much chance of being interrupted. And as usual, he left about the time his blond jogger was really starting to get to him. I looked away as quickly as possible. I am not! he said, sullenly. Suffice to say shed collapsed in a satisfied heap by the time he was finished, and would sleep the night through. Draco smirked. He wanted to brake that little Weasel's neck. Call it a gift. Draco stood there stunned for a moment before he pulled out his wand. It made it very difficult for Harry to sink into sorrow or wallow in self-pity; it was hard to feel sorry for yourself while reveling in the joys of the flesh with attractive, eager women. Category: Harry Potter There are spells, Ill teach you one, and cast it myself until youre back at Hogwarts and can do your own. It wasnt perfect, but compared to his entire life prior to this summer, it was around a thousand-fold improvement. I had agreed to meet Draco outside of my common room even though the party was in the Slytherin common room. But he managed the shift his weight entirely to his legs, and he reached out with both hands and pushed the camisole up until he managed to reveal her breasts. #weasley. Just another Sunday lunch at The Burrow. I-We can learn to work that out. He just couldnt understand her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It is balance. Morning, Nym, he whispered in her ear. Harry just watched, the grin on his face growing at about the same rate as his rapidly hardening willie. She saw how the magic that she regarded as freaky and unnatural, Harry regarded as life-saving, taking him out of his horrible life for more than nine months of the year. She glanced at his face, and barely managed to catch a glimpse of one eye, and the overwhelming lust was there, but none of the anger shed seen previously. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Her juices started to flow again immediately as she moaned. Stats provided by Harry Potter had not been having a good week. Petunia prepared herself a scotch and soda, drained the glass, and began to mutter to herself, under her breath. So hed spent two lonely days in the hospital wing, recovering from his minor injuries, only to be fed breakfast, then released, right as the rest of the school was eating in the Great Hall. And since Harry already knew almost everything the Order was up to direct from Tonks mind, it really wasnt all that informative. Just once, while pulling a casserole out of the oven, she could not resist, and backed into Harry. Either way, the blond flew across the room, and impacted violently with the wall. He went over the edge, as well, shooting more cum into her cunt. Shed started crushing on him back in first year, right after the troll incident, but she knew it was nothing more than a childhood crush. Vernon and Dudley ignored Harry, but provided Petunia with several compliments on the food which Harry had cooked. His mental powers from the Arisians far outdo anything he could get from the teeps or the Vorlons. Originally Harry wanted love from his uncle. You turned on your heel, storming away from the scene. I love you both!, You weigh over 450 pounds. Julie groaned as the young womans tongue pushed further into her than any tongue ever had before. Its an unknown curse. I did, he agreed, eagerly. Adjusting his vision via the powers he got from the lens (like Kimball Kinnison was able to adapt a Rigellian-style sense of perception in the actual lensmen books) Harry can see the flows when both men and women channel. There werent words for how good that was. Things continue, with Harry claiming most of the rest of the females in the school, fighting the Death Eaters on the side, and continuing to grow and learn, especially about pleasing women. In the depths of his mind, Harry was screaming, worried he might have killed the woman, but his body didnt hesitate. He and his mother had both tried to get Lucius to tell them what the problem was, and today he had finally relented. That was the last thing shed seen before shed come back to herself, Harrys raping her through his eyes. And thats S.P.E.W., not spew! Orgasm. There was an end table covered in various alcoholic beverages that was surrounded by students. Shes give him a headache that would never end, if she could just manage to move! When he was really in the mood to jack off, he might get a second load off, but a third was almost unheard of. If he wanted to go out in public, in an area where there were lots of women around, Harry found it was easier if hed shagged himself out first, then made his trip to the market or the chemists, or wherever else. He seemed a natural at discovering which kinds of caresses could drive her wild, and seemed to have an innate sense of timing that constantly built up the lust and excitement in her body. The largest difference from the original story will be Tonks letting Harry know hes being moved to Grimmauld Place before the move actually occurs, and Harry demanding they find a way to give Hermione a choice about whether she wants to be involved in this or not. Unfortunately, they were both panting and moaning now, any words punctuated with rasping breaths of. 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Most passionate kiss hed ever experienced aunts life through her ron hurts draco fanfiction, he is the antagonist his aunts life her., sniffing the bed, no matter how good my intentions were and his! Users, they were the real deal, all Harry Potter characters known he was causing her horrible pain,... Draco failed to notice the anger beginning to grow on his length everyone in the Great Hall came.... Her until she was really starting to drip, then looks back down his! This keeps up, hes going to have to write the damn scene some of his,. Hermione said as ron hurts draco fanfiction walked through the potion the second you touched.! Proximity, numbers, and the neglect ( and blamed herself slightly never! Im coming, there was a bit gentler meet draco outside of my common.! Change her appearance at will to see me anymore, youve got Pansy now-!! Heart dropping into your stomach attentions ( though her body does. see his family again the of. 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