'Although it is the jury's duty to acquit a defendant if it finds the circumstantial evidence susceptible of two reasonable interpretations, one of which suggests guilt and the other innocence, it is the jury, not the appellate court that must be convinced of the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Baca always carried a loaded gun for protection. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. ), As previously indicated, robbery involves the taking of personal property in the possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will, with the intent to permanently deprive accomplished by means of force or fear. With Rebecca Romijn, Antonio Banderas, Peter Coyote, Eriq Ebouaney. Her relationship with half-sibling and fellow inmate Shayna was indicative of this. Defendant's intent to take the property must have been formed before or during the time she used force or fear. 1437 rendered the felony-murder special circumstance enhancement unconstitutionally vague as to aiders and abettors. (Ibid. What was Rebecca Temme's crime and where is she now? Would love your thoughts, please comment. Sawtelle flatly rejected the defense theory and Statens argument for a new trial. Then I left. The special circumstance requires that the defendant have ' "reckless indifference to human life" ' rather than ' "simply the specific intent to commit the underlying felony." You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. To the extent she argues a separate hearing on her ability to pay the restitution fine was required, we disagree. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com In response, Baca said that he did not want to have sex with defendant, explaining that he did not "love her like that" and would not disrespect Montoya. During her time serving out her sentence, she started a romantic relationship with Daniel Dolla Carter, through conversations shared through the toilet pipes, surprisingly enough. Rebecca and her accomplice, James. The gun Ervin used to murder the victim had been loaded with one bullet. . ' " (Banks, supra, 61 Cal.4th at p. As relevant here, the People were required to prove: (1) defendant took property that was not her own; (2) the property was in the possession of another person; (3) the property was taken from the other person; (4) the property was taken against that person's will; (5) defendant used force or fear to take the property or prevent the person from resisting; and (6) when defendant used force or fear, she intended to deprive the owner of the property permanently. "; (4) " 'Was the defendant present at the scene of the killing, in a position to facilitate or prevent the actual murder, and did his or her own actions or inactions play a particular role in the death?' After Montoya dropped Ikon off, she and Archuleta met up with defendant and Baca at a different gas station. Likewise, the mens rea requirement for the felony-murder aider and abettor special circumstance is different from that required for first degree felony murder. Thus, while the robbery would take some time to complete, "the period of interaction between perpetrators and victims was designed to be limited." But here there appears to be nothing in the plan that one can point to that elevated the risk to human life beyond those risks inherent in any armed robbery. These different charging options subject a defendant to different penalty options (cf. (function (v,i){ The DA's office also adds that Rebecca has a longer rap sheet. As we have outlined above, defense counsel said at the sentencing hearing that he had received the probation report recommending the $10,000 fine and was comfortable going forward on the issue. Rebecca Temme, 36, goes by Baby Girl on the show, and was serving out a life sentence for murder and robbery at the time of the show. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". (See, e.g., People v. Jones (2019) 36 Cal.App.5th 1028, 1035; People v. Johnson (2019) 35 Cal.App.5th 134, 139. 2019 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. For more details on the crime, here is the post-conviction press release from the Sacramento County District Attorneys Office: James Martin Baca and Rebecca Irene Temme were convicted by a jury of the first-degree murder of Leonora Montoya with the special circumstance that the murder was committed during the commission of a robbery. Despite her harsh upbringing, Temme maintained that she held responsibility for her actions. at p. Still, Rebecca says, "I love my mother f---ing life.". ( 1202.4, subd. ), The major participant requirement means a defendant's personal involvement must be "substantial" and greater than the actions of an ordinary aider and abettor to an ordinary felony-murder. We do not review his conviction on this appeal. He admitted that he tossed his gun during the foot chase because it was "slowing [him] down.". we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog) and stories of exonerations. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. (People v. Gonzalez (2012) 54 Cal.4th 643, 654; 189, subd. at p. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Although Rebecca mentions that the victim, Leonora Montoya, was her wife, I could find no confirmation that they were actually married in the numerous news articles about her arrest and conviction. Montoya then reached toward her right side and started to stand up. We disagree. " 15, 3097, subd. ( 187, subd. Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code. 611. Rebecca 'Baby Girl' Temme. While we recognize that it may take defendant some time to pay the $10,000 restitution fine with prison wages, that circumstance does not support the conclusion that the court abused its discretion in imposing the maximum restitution fine. There, the defendant and his brother and cousin conducted surveillance of a computer store, studying the number of employees and their activities around closing time. at p. In response, the trial court imposed the recommended maximum restitution fine, explaining that it would not reduce the amount of the fine recommended by the probation officer because it appeared defendant was able-bodied and would be able to work while incarcerated. / CBS Sacramento. And I'll never forget her face. Both Katrina Haslam and Dolla, or Daniel Carter, are still outside of prison and have been active on social media. Both Baca and Temme now face life in prison without parole. There's no news from Jay, real name Courtney Koranda, which seems to imply she's not back in the Sacramento prison. 617-618 [participation in an armed robbery, alone, does not demonstrate reckless indifference to human life].) SACRAMENTO (CBS13) The two accused in the 2017 killing of a woman at a Sacramento motel have been convicted of murder. ), The Banks court discussed these factors in relation to a non-shooter aider and abettor in an armed robbery that resulted in a murder. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The evidence also showed that defendant was in a position to facilitate or prevent Montoya's murder; she was present in the motel room when Baca pulled out a gun and demanded the women's cell phones. As Montoya started to speak, Baca shot her in the face. [Citations.]" Among other things, the court must, as it did here, also consider "the seriousness and gravity of the offense and the circumstances of its commission." This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Megan "Monster" Hawkins Is Grateful for Her Time on 'Jailbirds', Bobby Gonzales Was Sentenced to Life in Prison When He Was Only 15 Years Old. Rebecca "Baby Girl" Temme Age: 36 From the series: She was first introduced to viewers as an inmate in administrative segregation. Regs., tit. In contrast, the penalty for felony-murder aider and abettor special circumstance is death or LWOP. Fifty percent of a prisoner's wages and any trust account deposits are deducted to pay any outstanding restitution fine, plus an administrative fee to cover the cost of this deduction, not to exceed 10 percent of the amount collected. at p. 1170). Thereafter, Archuleta gave all her money to Baca, and either defendant or Baca took her cell phone. Prior to the statutory amendments enacted by Senate Bill No. In one of those incidents, he was shot in the leg and one of his friends was shot and killed. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? (Id. Font: 'Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif', At that rate, it would take her a little more than 37 years to repay the fine. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. ' [Citations.] That jailbirds cliffhanger left viewers in shock of how much Baby Girl's, or Rebecca Temme's, relationship with her sister had changed. ), "Senate Bill 1437 was enacted to 'amend the felony murder rule and the natural and probable consequences doctrine, as it relates to murder, to ensure that murder liability is not imposed on a person who is not the actual killer, did not act with the intent to kill, or was not a major participant in the underlying felony who acted with reckless indifference to human life.' 703 (Special Circumstances: Intent Requirement for Accomplice After June 5, 1990Felony Murder); CALCRIM No. when the court can determine from the record that the verdict rested on a theory which is supported by sufficient evidence.' Copyright 2023 Distractify. (Id. Defendant had notice as to the proscribed conduct and potential punishment." Substantively, Senate Bill 1437 accomplishes this by amending section 188, which defines malice, and section 189, which defines the degrees of murder, and as now amended, addresses felony murder liability." In the former situation, once he determines that the proof will support conviction under either statute, his decision is indistinguishable from the one he faces in the latter context. Martin then directly addressed Baca as she repeated her mothers name. Instead, "[a]ll may be weighed in determining the ultimate question, whether the defendant's participation 'in criminal activities known to carry a grave risk of death' [citation] was sufficiently significant to be considered 'major' [citations]." Prosecutors say James Martin Baca and Rebecca Irene Temme drove to the Surf Motel in North Sacramento to get a tattoo. Defendant also said that she loved Baca and that Archuleta was only alive because she had instructed Baca not to harm her. (a).) "Felony murder and premeditated murder are not distinct crimes, and need not be separately pleaded." Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania. Defendant's suggestion that a restitution fine is automatically invalid if a defendant is unable to pay it is without merit. Finally, there was evidence that defendant attempted to evade police officers the following day while driving with Baca and then on foot, and that defendant told Clark during a jail visit that Archuleta was only alive because she had told Baca not to harm her. 1055. The defendant argued that, because the prosecution had unfettered discretion to select the charge, he had no way of anticipating whether he would face a sentence without, as opposed to with, the possibility of parole. . Given defendant's apparent efforts to minimize violence and the relative paucity of other evidence to support a finding of reckless indifference to human life, we conclude that insufficient evidence supports the robbery-murder and burglary-murder special circumstance findings, and we therefore vacate them." at pp. Source: Netflix Article continues below advertisement Rebecca Temme's Crime (f).). And I know how to drive. When Ms. Montoya didnt comply, Baca shot her. Teeme brightly greeted a female sheriffs bailiff as she sat to await her fate. vioptional1: '', The next day, defendant attempted to elude the police as the driver in a high-speed car chase and she ran after a patrol car blocked the car. Someone got killed and I got caught. 15, 3041.2, subd. Montoya sat down in a chair and said, "Break yourself," which Baca understood to mean "give up what you got." We affirmed codefendant Temme's conviction on September 24, 2020. . Temme's criminal history includes convictions for the battery of a peace officer while in custody; aggravated battery while in custody; felony evading a peace officer; and felony vehicle theft. (a)) is indistinguishable from the felony-murder special circumstance ( 190.2, subd. ), With respect to duration of the interaction between victims and perpetrators, the court noted the defendant planned the robbery for closing time, when most employees would be gone, and those who remained would be handcuffed in the bathroom. But also relevant to his culpability as planner, there is evidence supporting that defendant planned the crime with an eye to minimizing the possibilities for violence. When homicide detectives responded to the scene of the shooting, Montoya was slumped over in a chair holding a closed pocketknife in her right hand. !9:16 The Movie coming soon ! I cant really discuss it because Im still fighting it. Like Ill never forget the look she gave me. The asportation, the final element of the offense of robbery, continues so long as the stolen property is being carried away to a place of temporary safety. He claimed that as applied to the actual perpetrator of the killing, the felony-murder offense ( 189, subd. She said she's looking to prove her innocence an. Julie didn't mention that the drug. at pp. Squeak from Fort greene #Brooklyn describes his time being the only new york city inmate in a deadly #Neworleans #jailListen to his mixtape "Squeak" till dea. According to Archuleta, Montoya did not do anything to provoke the shooting. The only gun used during the attempted robbery was carried by Ervin, not the defendant, and that gun was loaded with only one bullet. Its a just and proper sentence. The issue is whether the defendant exhibited a willingness to kill (or to assist another in killing) to achieve a distinct aim, even if the defendant did not specifically desire for death to occur. PlacementID: 'pltJl5BMKdPlU98hflT', "She was a good person. Alternatively, she contends the trial court abused its discretion in imposing the maximum restitution fine because there was no evidence in the record showing she could pay it. In late April 2019, defendant passed two notes to other inmates, instructing them to warn Archuleta that she was aware Archuleta intended on testifying against her and Baca, and that she would be "catching up with [Archuleta] real soon." Here's a look at who has been released, who's been re-arrested. James Martin Baca and Rebecca Irene Temme were convicted by a jury of the first-degree murder of Leonora Montoya with the special circumstance that the murder was committed during the commission of a robbery. As soon as the door was shut, Baca pulled out a gun, pointed it in the direction of Montoya and Archuleta, and ordered them to place their cell phones on the table. Therefore, a getaway driver who has no prior knowledge of a robbery, but who forms the intent to aid in carrying away the loot during such asportation, may properly be found liable as an aider and abettor of the robbery." Prior to sentencing, the probation officer filed a report stating that defendant had no income and no source of income but recommending the trial court impose various fines and fees, including the maximum restitution fine of $10,000 under section 1202.4, subdivision (b). 618. . Rebecca, who went by the nickname Baby Girl on the show, has been sentenced to life without parole for her role in the murder of a 53-year-old woman in 2017. Text_Color: '', I am who I am. But looking to context, the Dueas court took issue with "section 1202.4, subdivision (c)'s prohibition on considering the defendant's ability to pay the minimum fine" (Dueas, at p. 1170) and interpreted that statutory provision "to avoid serious constitutional questions" of due process and equal protection (id. Such a factor does not, in itself, necessarily preclude a finding of reckless indifference to human life. Code Regs., tit. The plan was for one man, Ervin, to enter the store around closing time with a gun, which was "apparently [supposed] to be unloaded," and handcuff the remaining employees in the restroom so no one could call the police. We find no basis for reversal. No evidence was presented about defendant's role in supplying the weapon, although inferences can be drawn from [the evidence] that use of a weapon was part of his plan for the robbery. Prison wages range from $12 to $56 per month, depending on the prisoner's skill level. Defendant or Baca grabbed Archuleta's cell phone and they fled the murder scene in Montoya's car. ), As for the mens rea requirement of reckless indifference to human life, our Supreme Court has explained that a defendant must be " ' "subjectively aware that his or her participation in the felony involved a grave risk of death." Temme, along with her co-defendant, James Martin Baca, were accused of murdering Temme's wife, Leonora Montoya, on March 19, 2017. Rebecca Temme, 35, and 35-year-old James Baca were both arrested Monday night for robbery, murder and violation of parole. (d); see also DeFrance, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at p. 505; Potts, supra, 6 Cal.5th at p. Baca fired the fatal shot from close range before Teeme rifled Montoyas corpse for her belongings. var sc_security="af495448"; This story was originally published June 28, 2019, 5:16 PM. (Id. (a), 189, subds. "The victim happened to be my wife," she adds. Language: 'en-us', Rebecca C Temme, age 60 View Details St. Petersburg Presumed owner of the real estate located at 2814 61st Ln N, St. Petersburg Associated persons: Matthew James Stroh, Jeffrey A Temme (727) 347-8792 View Details Rebecca Temme View Details West Sacramento 2024 Manzanita Way, West Sacramento Associated persons: Adi Maraivalu, Robert Thomas (a)), with the special circumstance that the murder was committed during the commission of a robbery ( 190.2, subd. Hawkins is back in the Sacramento County Jail, where Jailbirds was filmed. (CALCRIM No. The statutes are not vague as to notice and defendant does not argue otherwise. When authorities finally found her, TMZ reports, she was allegedly found with a number of credit cards that didnt belong to her. A review of security camera footage revealed that defendant, Baca, Montoya, and Archuleta arrived at the Surf Motel in Montoya's car at 9:07 p.m. on the evening of the shooting. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. As we have already explained, there was evidence supporting the conclusion that defendant was in on a plan to rob Montoya and Archuleta and lured them to Baca's motel room for that purpose under the pretense that Baca would supply a tattoo and drugs. It does not store any personal data. After reviewing the relevant statutes, the Andreasen court concluded that the statutes "provided defendant with notice that if he commits a statutorily-specified felony and kills someone during that felony, he could be subjected to a sentence of 25 years to life with the possibility of parole, [LWOP], or death. In addition, Baca was found guilty of a firearm offense and the jury found true firearm enhancement allegations. (CALCRIM No. "; (2) " 'What role did the defendant have in supplying or using lethal weapons?' Jailbirds captured the hearts of Netflix viewers with an in-depth look into the inner workings of the Sacramento County Jail, and a wild cliffhanger after its release on May 10. She was a good person. There was no evidence Ervin was known to have a propensity for violence or the defendant had any knowledge of such a propensity. Defendant approached Montoya's car and said that Baca would not give Archuleta a tattoo because Montoya and Archuleta "weren't supposed to bring anybody with [them]." The trial court's inference that she has the ability to pay the restitution fine imposed in this case from probable future prison wages was not an abuse of its discretion. TV Shows. Ct. No. The record strongly supports the inference that defendant knew a gun would be used in the robbery, and there was evidence defendant knew that Baca was likely to kill during the robbery. Hawkins was released during Season 1 with hopes of calling her mom to help her with money. . Though they were seen outside of prison together on Jailbirds, the fate of their relationship is unclear. whether they directly commit the act constituting the offense, or aid and abet in its commission, . The court stated: "I know that it's a huge fine, but I think it's commensurate to the crime. Under these circumstances, the brief duration does not weigh in favor of defendant and is arguably irrelevant. Prosecutors say James Martin Baca. She explained she didn't want to return to a life of crime, or associate herself with anyone from her past. Prior to that, me and her had a really big falling out. Baca and Temme were found in the vehicle in the Bay Area city of Menlo Park, and the pair led officers on a high-speed pursuit. Pair arrested on suspicion of homicide in shooting at Auburn Boulevard motel, What does Jailbirds really cost? (People v. Gomez (2008) 43 Cal.4th 249, 255.) (a), (e), 190.2, subds. (Id. The letters were written by "Harliquinn Baby Girl" and "B.G." 'a carjacking tutorial and instructed them that a resisting victim was to be shot.' Others are still serving out their sentences, and two women have since been arrested for new sets of charges. Moreover, contrary to defendant's contention, the prosecutor's discretion to select the charge against a defendant does not render the felony-murder special circumstance enhancement unconstitutional for arbitrary enforcement purposes. We only recite the facts and procedural detail necessary to the resolution of this appeal. [Citation.] 2019 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Femme Fatale: Directed by Brian De Palma. Again, as we have explained above, there was evidence that defendant lured Montoya and Archuleta to Baca's motel room under the pretense that Baca would give Archuleta a tattoo and sell Montoya and/or Archuleta drugs, defendant was inside the room when Baca pulled out a gun and demanded Montoya's and Archuleta's cell phone, defendant ordered Montoya to hand over her car key while Baca was pointing a gun at her, and defendant went through Montoya's pockets immediately after she was shot and took items, including her car key. She was a very outspoken person. We recognize that the duration of the interaction between the perpetrators and victims in this case was brief, but unlike Clark, supra, 63 Cal.4th 522, where this factor weighed in favor of that defendant because he planned for limited interaction between the robbers and a limited number of victims during what would be a fairly extended period of time they would be robbing the store, thereby minimizing the risk of violence, here the robbery itself was immediate upon defendant's closing the motel room door, trapping the victims at gunpoint. at p. 808; see also Clark, supra, 63 Cal.4th at pp. (a), (e)), finding true the special circumstance allegation that the murder occurred during the commission of a robbery ( 190.2, subd. On May 14, 2019, a jury found Baca and Temme guilty of first-degree murder and robbery. (a)(17)(A)). I regret it. "[T]he commission of a robbery for purposes of determining aider and abettor liability continues until all acts constituting the robbery have ceased. She will be forever cherished and. During their investigation, authorities found that Temme and Baca had. We conclude substantial evidence supports the conclusion that defendant was a major participant in the robbery and acted with reckless indifference to human life. Baca was found guilty of the same offenses and the jury found true the felony-murder special circumstance allegation. (DeFrance, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at pp. rebecca temme in california unsorted. ( 190, subds. This was sufficient evidence from which a reasonable jury could have concluded that defendant was a major participant in the robberies within the meaning of section 190.2, subdivision (d). "Prior to that, me and her had a really big falling out. Yasmin Sundermeyer is still in prison, though she's now booked for "escape from custody," according to Baller Alert. Keep reading to find out. The victim happened to be my wife, Temme told producers. 1056.) The incident happened back in March 2017. Although Baca was still worried that he was being set up, he weighed out some drugs and then started setting up his tattoo equipment. She got shot execution style. (Id. Applying the relevant factors identified by our Supreme Court, a rational jury could have reasonably concluded that defendant was a major participant in the robbery. "; and (5) " 'What did the defendant do after lethal force was used?' View the profiles of people named Rebecca Temme. 730 (Special Circumstances: Murder in Commission of Felony). (People v. DeFrance (2008) 167 Cal.App.4th 486, 505 (DeFrance) [no abuse of discretion in imposing maximum restitution fine where the trial court considered not only inability to pay but also the seriousness of the crime and no inability to ever pay the fine was shown]; People v. Lewis (2009) 46 Cal.4th 1255, 1259, 1321 [no abuse of discretion in imposing maximum restitution given defendant's crime (special circumstances rape-murder) and evidence he would have funds in the future to pay the fine]. This case was filed in San Mateo County Superior Courts, Southern Branch Hall Of Justice And Records located in San Mateo, California. . Offers may be subject to change without notice. Sacramento County prosecutors said Temme, Baca, Montoya and a fourth person met at the motel for tattoos before Baca turned a gun on Montoya and friend and demanded their cell phones and Montoyas car keys. The statutes give notice to a defendant that if he or she aides and abets an enumerated felony (including robbery) that results in death, he or she could be subjected to a sentence of 25 years to life, LWOP, or death. 1600.). (Id. 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