Contact the Company at:Email: ir@asiabroadbandinc.comWebsite: www.asiametalsinc.comPhone:702-866-9054Parkin Investor RelationsKevin Parkin. Raw materials transport: We has long-term cooperation agreementwiththe logistics companies in Xinjiang, Gansu, Hebei, Henan and other places, we can ensure that all raw material of paprika & chili which purchase from different planting area could transport to company timely ,even from the farthest of Xinjiang planting area, can be guaranteed within 4 days to arrive at the company. Its also why we contribute meaningfully to the goal of all Ingka Group operations running solely on renewable energy by 2025. Forward-Looking Statements are contained in this press release within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The 2018 agreement guarantees a $34 million capital commitment allocated over a 3-year period on a time-lined payment schedule to earn-in a maximum 40% equity interest in the Company. That's because early investors, who are paid with the assets of later investors, believe they have a great investment, so they tell friends, family and associates. Copyright 2018 Mining Connection LLC. Asia Metals Inc. has formed a management committee with representatives of the joint venture partner to oversee, approve and direct budgeting, capital expenditures and decision-making regarding operational processes and expenditures. We invest in businesses that support IKEA to become climate positive and regenerate resources by 2030. AABB conducted a pre-feasibility study assessment of the GGB property and facilities in the fourth quarter of 2020, which formed the basis for managements decision to negotiate the sale of the GGB assets. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/*