A love story with a backdrop of politics, war and scheming, two lost people finding each other at a most inconvenient time. The Iron Throne may not be comfortable to sit, but Eddard Stark thinks the Throne of the North might just be worse. As the years go on, his hopes for a royal marriage wane more and more as he fears the gods' coin flip may have fallen for ill twice in succession. Until she met her fate, until she has found pleasure in flames and dreams in her own veins. In my twist on GOT/ASOIAF, I envision Robb waiting just a moment longer and waiting to receive word back, the conflict would play out very differently. Little did she know about the monster that lurks inside him. Or, I'm bitter about seasons 6-8 and want to re-do it all. Until dreadful dreams came to him and he was forced to go North, causing his father to send an Army to look for him. And then to their luck, they spot land, a continent called Tamriel. Hes torn between his family by blood and his family by choice. His eldest son, Joffrey, takes his rightful place on the Iron Throne to rule over the Six Kingdoms, but danger lurks around every corner in the viper's nest of King's Landing. When Ned Stark finally reaches the Tower of Joy, he finds his sister alive and well and having given birth to Prince Rhaegar. He is placed in the middle of all this against his will, but he must do his duty for House Stark. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (12), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (7), Ned Stark/Original Female Character(s) (2), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), Past Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (3), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (3), The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire) (3), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Arianne Trystane Obara Nymera tyene Sarella Rhaenys and Aegon being choas cousins, Dornish Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire), please this is not some stupid ExL dump R and life happily ever after, Ned Stark/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II), R Plus L Does Not Equal J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Not Jon Snow's Parents, The North is Powerful (A Song of Ice and Fire), But you know that comes with the territory, The territory being pissing Tywin Lannister off, Though the threats are more implied than anything, Maybe cold Ned Stark is a better description, The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire), Oh wait one of the death threats is not implied, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, N Plus A Equals J | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Jon Snow's Parents, Two Broken Betrothals (Truths) and A Royal Marriage (A Lie), He's got a lot of support behind the scenes, But he also low-key just trashed Ned in front of half of all the important people in Westeros, The reason Ned is such a good liar is that he never lies, Hoster Tully is also in a difficult situation so lets cut him a little slack, La divisin de los 7. Le escudri el rostro con los ojos. I would prefer no gun-powder. The Targaryen family still rules the seven kingdoms, but rebellion is still in the air. Tywin calls the council of old to discuss the problems plaguing the realm and what can be done about them. (Un fanfic de Cancin de Hielo y Fuego), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Eddard Stark is The Knight of the Laughing Tree, Stark Siblings are Wargs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Stannis Baratheon/Original Female Character(s), The North Remembers (A Song of Ice and Fire), Northerners really don't like the rest of westeros, Greenseers & Greensight (A Song of Ice and Fire), And thus accidentally kicks off Northern succession, Wyman Manderly just wants to make some money, and Howland Reed wants to screw Robert over, Howland Reed has the greensight and southerners don't like magic, Because how the else do you explain him being so Northern after being raised in the Vale, he kind of kidnapped the heir of the six kingdoms though, Rhaegar Targaryen pines for a relationship with the Starks, I couldn't get this out of my head once I thought about it, Probably some more ships that I haven't thought of yet, It is Game of Thrones so Some Peeps Will Die, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued. Joffrey: Bring me his head.Ned: Hold on, let me ask Cat.Joffrey: Its not a choicNed: She said no!Theon: Thanks, Dad Why is everyone staring at me?Sandor: You just called Captain Stark dad; you said thanks, dad.Theon: What? Work Search: Requests are open feel free to comment any characters and scenarios. He take his lessons seriously as he wants to be someone worthy to help his wild brother rule the North when the time comes and make his family proud. Severus started rebuilding his life when he decided to leave Britain and abandoned fools to their war, letting no stranger's judgement hinder him from reaching his potential while making a family of his own . but what happens when the fools of Britain try to drag him back into their conflict and what happens when Mildred returns home and meets her so called father whose face she doesn't want to see ?. Ned married Ashara after the Tourney at Harrenhal and was imprisoned in Starfall during Robert's Rebellion. No contis con mi ira, Lord Stark? For a long time winter was coming, but now winter is here. Sandor rumbled, as he felt her fingers wind through his hair. "What are you doing, Little Bird?" And there he is. The Gods decide to take a more active role in their disciples lives, and for the first time in over three centuries the Valyrian Gods awaken to protect the last Targaryen's. Ned Stark has PTSD from the Rebellion POV Ned Stark POV Robb Stark POV Catelyn Tully Stark POV Edwyle Stark Eddard Stark swore that he'd never allow his family to be destroyed again. Thank you, Ash. Rhaegar knows his madness and blind obsession led to the destruction of everything he loves and cares for. As it turns out, Sansa is the new Northern Witch, with a rare power: thread magic, which allows her a massive powerbase in the clothing others wears. Roberts Rebellion cost the Starks more than anyone, and they say King Rhaegar never stopped being sorry for that. But tragedy struck when Ashara died giving birth to their son, who she named Torrhen Stark. Well let's put it this way, she doesn't even exist yet.. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Sarra Stark pouse Roose Bolton pour calmer le Nord. All when the Dornish Princess finds out she has a brother, that her brother lives. In his defense, being unexpectedly made King would always be a difficult thing to be prepared for. What does that southern kneeler say about me? He asked, meeting the eye of every man and woman there. Ashara quietened immediately, wondering if she was really about to say what she was thinking.I can be his mother. Uncategorized jon snow rebuilds the north fanfiction. But Eddard Stark was patient and was willing to wait to bring pain to house Targaryen and his own sister as payment for what she did. But in three, the future survives. Dragons of Ice and Fire seems to be moving in this direction of a strong/independent north, and his other experimental story, Lions and Wolves, Iron and Gold (snippets of it are up on Dark Lord Potter, it's a Ned/Cersei Stark/Lannister alliance story with a huge focus on . Zephyr Baratheon is the true Baratheon heir of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. Read and find out. A Princess hidden and smuggled out by her uncle, the Prince of Dorne. Que har ella cuando se le de la oportunidad? 140K 4K 62. Jaime Lannister had never sought redemption or forgiveness, but when he accepts an invitation to dine with the Stark family he receives that and more than he had ever expected. Regardless of how he might snap and snarl, she knew that he would never hurt her. Arya didn't think she would be the one to encourage her own engagement. Covered in ash and blood offering her his Targaryen babe. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. One cold winter morning, Police Officer Sandor Clegane meets a newly single Sansa Stark. Please consider turning it on! Ned had to take Cersei as his wife and Stannis took Elia as his wife to appease Dorne. And as Ned Stark was about to be excuted, he decied enough was enough. Crafting an elaborate lie, Ned secures Northern Independence from a devastated Robert Baratheon and makes an alliance with the infamous Tywin Lannister, whose sole demand is this - Ned make his old flame, the Old lion's daughter - Cersei, his queen.Lyanna gets to raise her child and sister-in-law in her home, nursing her broken heart.Follow the lives of the King in the North and his family as they play the Game of Thrones.The Pack stands tall and proud as they guard their dragons, waiting for the time to strike.Winter is Coming..and the mightiest beasts of Westeros are out for blood! In the land of Westeros, where she will find her soulmate but at the price of war and death. Lions and wolves are at each other's troath. Nothings the same after. The remains of which he lost when his love died. Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Inverted. Ned Stark just wants to live with his family, in peace and never be dragged into southron affairs or their game of thrones ever again. Lyanna Snow has never left her room (the outside world is dangerous after all). Until the emperor of essos going by the name of Jon snow came along and threw his plans into the fire. Will Lyanna escape her troubled past? Peace is there but is glass as whispers move. Her touch was soothing and sweet, even as she pulled at his hair; something he would have killed another for contemplating. Finally learning the truth behind Lyanna's 'abduction', Ned vows to protect her, his nephew and the recently rescued from Dragonstone daughter of Aerys II. - King Jaehaerys, Mit der Hilfe von Elessar Telcontar, dem Knig aus der anderen Welt, hat Stannis Baratheon den Eisernen Thron erobert. And we wouldn't have had a bloody war!" "Stannis knew of Ned Stark's innocence," said Justin gently. A telling of Robert's Rebellion with minimal departures from the established lore and events. The night after Rhegars death Ned gets a letter with the information he wanted so long. He was visiting home after three years after all . Severus Snape was young when he accidentally created a portal to another world and went there with his 6 year old son, coming across a malnourished child in an extremely cold weather. A conflict that could include the entire known world should it escalate. That would be the place and the time that set him onto the course of becoming one of the greatest Kings house Stark has ever known., Stark Means King: Chapter 60: Eddard The GreatBy Druid Skellig. OrFor Ned's first actions as King of Winter he ends two betrothals and arranges a third. A monster that spawns winter's winds and sharp ice. ORNed makes a different choice after the Tower of Joy. When Ned Stark finally reaches the Tower of Joy, he finds his sister alive and well and having given birth to Prince Rhaegar. The man (the boy) that Ned had just taken prisoner is no simple man. Follow the journey of Akatosh's Youngest in an entirely new world as the heir to an overthrown dynasty What would happen in a world where a Quiet Wolf is so bitter about a Black Stag's death that he will take with him a Dragon's son? OrLate at night at Riverrun, Ned can't sleep and goes for a walk to the Godswood. They agree that Jon will be raised by him, and live in Dorne. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. When Zephyr was born, Cersei expected Blonde hair and Blue eyes, like her son Joffe. The betrothal being a delight to both of them. The realm was healing. Starts at Dragonstone, then to Kings Landing, and eventually heading North to destroy the Night King and his army. Cue a torrent of emotions friendship; love, sisterhood, amongst other things. ''There is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching it burn from the center of the flames''. Aerys blew up King's Landing with wild fire. Eddard Stark swore that he'd never allow his family to be destroyed again. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". But in this one the North keeps its own counsel from the very beginning, and that changes everything. But there is no such thing as an unselfish wish; the Shikon Jewel granted the wish, then faded from existence and merged with Kagome to give her a new soul. Any stories where rickard, ned or even jon helped advance the north and make them a force to be reckoned with such as rebuilding the north fleet, manning all the holdfast, maybe bringing the wildings over cause if 100,000 is an accurant number of them then they could be unstoppable if they intergrated them, fixing and reinforcing moat cailin etc On the other side of the continent war rages as Tywin Lannister struggles to keep hold on both Vale and Riverlands. So warten neue Aufgaben auch auf die treuen Gefolgsleute der Knige und "brderlichen" Freunde Eddard Stark, Lord von Winterfell und Faramir, Frst von Ithilien. In some lives he is a warrior, in others he is a scholar, a maester but in one life he was fascinated by his families legacy despite not knowing they were his family. If three of mere fire made flesh should begin the trickle, then it is one of divinity made flesh that will bring the flood. No, the fear invoked by taking Jaime Lannister prisoner was not brought by him, but instead his father, Tywin Lannister. The Pack Survives Chapter 3: Ned I, a game of thrones fanfic | FanFiction The Pack Survives By: Youngthundercat67 The last thing he saw before his head was taken off was the horror in his daughter's eyes. 277 Stories. Eddard Stark is aware of the great game. I owe you a debt I can never hope to repay.. fics like: Maester Wolf A Song of Ice and Fire Reborn: Into the Wild Westeros She also had a good relationship with her adopted brother Severus Snape Jr. . but had feelings for him, feelings she couldn't explain. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (11), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (23), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (12), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (16), The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire) (8), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (4), Jon Snow & Arya Stark & Bran Stark & Rickon Stark & Robb Stark & Sansa Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Ned Stark & Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), N Plus A Equals J | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Jon Snow's Parents, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire), Stark Family-centric (A Song of Ice and Fire), BAMF Stark Family (A Song of Ice and Fire), Stark Family are Wargs (A Song of Ice and Fire), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow is Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. And well and having given birth to Prince Rhaegar instead his father, tywin Lannister Tourney at Harrenhal was... That lurks inside him no, the fear invoked by taking Jaime Lannister prisoner was brought... With a backdrop of politics, war and scheming, two lost people finding each 's... Alive and well and having given birth to their son, who she named Torrhen Stark is the true heir! In flames and dreams in her own veins amongst other things starts at Dragonstone then. 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