Hello World Index Capabilities Simple, clean syntax that is well suited for people new to programming or test-automation All-in-one framework that includes parallel-execution, HTML reports, environment-switching, and CI integration But we recommend that you do this only if you are sure that these routines are needed in almost all *.feature files. Cucumber has a concept of Scenario Outlines where you can re-use a set of data-driven steps and assertions, and the data can be declared in a very user-friendly fashion. When using call (or callonce), only one argument is allowed. One thing you need to get used to is the separation between the code that is evaluated by Karate and the JavaScript that is sent to the browser (as a raw string) and evaluated. { This below declares that the native (direct) Chrome integration should be used, on both Mac OS and Windows - from the default installed location. The DockerTarget implementation has an example and you can find more details here. This results in easily understandable one-liners, only at the point of need, and to anyone reading the test - it will be clear as to where extra waits have been applied. So even if your next step is the ENTER key, you can do this: Karate will do the best it can to detect a page change and wait for the load to complete before proceeding to any step that follows. to avoid constant failures due to loading animations), """ Git) to ignore karate-config-*.js if needed. You can use karate.abort() like so: Using karate.abort() will not fail the test. When you request a, like the above, but temporarily over-rides the settings to wait for a, frequently needed short-cut for waiting until a string appears - and this uses a string contains match for convenience, wait until a certain number of rows of tabular data is present, Simple, clean syntax that is well suited for people new to programming or test-automation, Cross-platform - with even the option to run as a programming-language, No need to learn complicated programming concepts such as callbacks, , You can even run tests in parallel across, Seamlessly mix API and UI tests within the same script, for example, Elegant syntax for typical web-automation challenges such as waiting for a, Comprehensive support for user-input types including, a handy reference that can give you ideas on how to structure your tests, provision a free port and use it to shape the, execute the command to start the target process, perform an HTTP health check to wait until we are ready to receive connections, VNC server exposed on port 5900 so that you can watch the browser in real-time. If you are familiar with Cucumber (JVM), you may be wondering if you need to write step-definitions. XML and XPath works just like youd expect. You should be able to run tests in parallel with ease ! A very useful capability is to be able to check that an array contains an object that contains the provided sub-set of keys instead of having to specify the complete JSON - which can get really cumbersome for large objects. Note how even tags to exclude (or include) can be specified: Note that any Feature or Scenario with the special @ignore tag will be skipped by default. Any valid XPath expression is allowed on the left-hand-side of a match statement. This example uses contains and the #? you can use pure JsonPath expressions (notice how this is different from the above), # and even append to json arrays (or create them automatically), # and for match - the order of keys does not matter, # you can ignore fields marked with '#ignore', # you can even set whole fragments of xml, """ You can easily do this via karate.set('someVarName', value). The webDriverUrl driver configuration key is optional, but if specified, will be used as the W3C WebDriver remote server. The built-in driver JS object is where you script UI automation. var SimpleDateFormat = Java.type('java.text.SimpleDateFormat'); To visually highlight an element in the browser, especially useful when working in the debugger. You can use callonce instead of call within the Background in case you have multiple Scenario sections or Examples. But note that you can use the negative form of a tag selector: ~@region=GB. The call keyword provides an alternate way of calling JavaScript functions that have only one argument. Remove elements from a list in karate? You can start a Driver instance programmatically and perform actions and assertions like this: You can find the complete example here. Karate is an external domain-specific language based on Gherkin language to create API, Web UI, and Desktop UI tests. You can even mix domain and conditional validations and perform all assertions in a single step. To use Playwright, you need to start a Playwright server. Here is a real-life example combined with the use of retry(): If you have more than two locators you need to wait for, use the single-argument-as-array form, like this: Returns an Element (instead of exists() which returns a boolean). Here below is an example that also demonstrates using the multipart/related content-type. Note how Karates match syntax comes in handy. Just triggers a click event on the DOM element: You can use this for plain-vanilla