So then, regarding Assyria in the here and now, they will be shattered, Judah will sing, the funeral pyre is ready and so is the fire. (Motyer), (c) 2021 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik Like a breach ready to fall, But when you talk about Gehenna, you're talking about something else; Tophet, it's been ordained of old. V. The effect of all this should be extraordinary comfort and joy to the people of God, Isaiah 30:26; Isaiah 30:26. And bread of the increase of the earth; All they that wait for him.This waiting is, as in the first clause, that of wistful longing. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. He intended therefore to soothe their minds, and encourage them to hope for better things, that they might embrace the mercy of God in the midst of those miseries, and might thus nourish their souls by his word. Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, Like a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning, And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you Or "yet" F17, or "nevertheless" though such an utter destruction shall be made, there are a few that the Lord has a good will unto, and therefore waits till the set time comes to arise and have mercy on them; he has taken up thoughts and resolutions of grace and favour concerning them, and has fixed the time when he will show it; and he is, as it were, panting and longing after it, as the word. The Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose. And rely on them, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you; or, "will exalt himself" (s); raise up himself, who seemed to be asleep, and careless of his people, and rise up against their enemies, and in defence of them, which is showing mercy to them; or be exalted on his throne of grace, that he may give, and they may find, grace and mercy to help them in time of need: or, "he will exalt", or "lift up"; that is, his Son; so he was lifted up on the cross, that his people might be drawn after him, and saved by him; and he has also exalted him at his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel and forgiveness of sins; and he is now lifted up as the serpent on the pole in the ministry of the word, that whosoever believes in him should have everlasting life; so that these exaltations, or lifting up, are in order to have mercy; and his waiting to be gracious is by the Jews (t) interpreted of his desire after the Messiah's coming, and his waiting for that: or, "he will be exalted, in", or "by, having mercy on you" (u); the glory of God is displayed in showing mercy to his people; they are engaged and influenced hereby to glorify God for his mercy, both in things temporal and spiritual. Yes, for the king it is prepared. Philolog. And the flame of a devouring fire, b. Assyria will be beaten down: In the near view, Isaiah saw the judgment of the LORD against Assyria. Hades. As He strikes with the rod. When it gives up its dead to stand before God at the judgment bar. And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, There is no person walking this earth more powerful than a child of God boldly and properly trusting the promise of the living God. Now just trust in the Lord." 2. ESV Here, 1. The Valley of Hinnom served as Jerusalems garbage dump, and the combination of disgusting rubbish and smoldering fires made it a picture of hell. Get out of the way, And it does sound like the sun will go into a supernova state. For through the voice of the LORD b. They were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them, nor be able to help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach. The northern kingdom of Israel would soon be conquered by Assyria, and the people of Israel would be taken into exile. Because something in us hinders. WebThe first 39 chapters of the book of Isaiah prophesy doom for a sinful Judah and for all the nations of the world that oppose God. Death and hell are going to give up their dead which are in them. And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you: When God has mercy on us, it exalts Him. Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire ( Isaiah 30:27 ): Again, we're getting into the day of His indignation, getting into the day of the great wrath, and this moon shall be as light as the sun and the sunlight seven times increased. Sanhedrin, fol. And when the people are brought to praise God then shall the earth yield her increase, and with it God, even our own God, shall bless us,Psalms 67:5; Psalms 67:6. The Lord is the God who does the right thing, so he will bless everyone who waits for his help. For Tophet [interesting scripture, Tophet] is ordained of old ( Isaiah 30:32-33 ); Tophet is hell. But it sure sounds like it here. And here he is saying, "Your strength is just to sit still and trust in God.". ((u) "dum miserabitur vestri"; so some in Vatablus. The closing words of the foregoing paragraph (You shall be left as a beacon upon a mountain) some understand as a promise that a remnant of them should be reserved as monuments of mercy; and here the prophet tells them what good times should succeed these calamities. But a shame and also a reproach. The seasonableness of this word: It shall come when you turn to the right hand or to the left. Jesus said that Tophet was prepared by God for the devil and his angels. In the fourth vial He gives power unto the sun to scorch men who dwell upon the earth. My eternal future with the Lord, that's the thing that can really get me excited.Go ahead and read your next five chapters. And the ornament of your molded images of gold. You shall have a song (x) "mavit rem", Golius, col. 922. a. This section is also structurally chiastic. Through a land of trouble and anguish, 1. He is Lord over all the nations. When he shall hear it, there needs no more; at the first word he will answer thee, and say, Here I am." Or the first words in this paragraph may be read by way of antithesis, Notwithstanding this, yet will the Lord wait that he may be gracious. For his princes were at Zoan, Children who will not hear the law of the LORD; However, Gods people do not need to fear: You shall have a songand gladness of heart as when one goes with a flute, to come into the mountain of the LORD. At the threat of five you shall flee, 25 And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. a. "The promises of Isaiah 30:20-22 describe the days of the new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31ff), and not the final glory";[21] because there remains here the element of adversity, tribulation. Lying children, WebHe wants to rise and comfort you. There will be on every high mountain A God of judgment.Better, of righteousness. We can trust that even when we dont understand it. They were all ashamed of a people who could not benefit them, If some guilty criminal stands before the judge, he has the choice to show either mercy or justice. To strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, b. In one sense, it was wise and good for Judah to understand that they needed help and were willing to look outside of themselves for help. You shall have a song: 1 John 4:17 expresses the same idea: Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven; but their one season is the present; they cannot, they will not wait. The last 27 chapters prophesy the restoration of the nation of Israel and a new creation in God\'s glorious future kingdom. And to the prophets, Do not prophesy to us right things; WebGod Will Bless His People. The Lords people will be safe in his Day: their part will be to sing amid the judgments of God. The prophet must not only preach this, but he must write it (Isa. Hes gathering strength to show mercy to you. And heals the stroke of their wound. Isaiah 4. But those that will wait upon God will be delivered.". i. Then He will give the rain for your seed: When Judah puts away their idols, boldly trusting Gods promise, then God will send material blessings on Judah. Take a careful look at that word "must.". It is all useless, bringing neither help nor advantage. We can rest in Him, and when we do, it shows we are really trusting in Gods promise. The LORD will cause His glorious voice to be heard: Isaiah wanted Gods people to see the glory of Gods judgments. The sense is, that in some period subsequent to the calamities that And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers: And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left ( Isaiah 30:19-21 ). "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly" ( Psalms 1:1 ). But you would not, and you said, No, for we will flee on horses Therefore you shall flee: Because Judah rejected Gods promise, and trusted in horses and other such things instead, they would need to flee! Whence this word shall come--from behind thee, from some one whom thou dost not see, but who sees thee. The great distress they were reduced to, their despair of relief, and the suddenness of their deliverance, would much augment their joy. God will then give them plenty of all good things. They cannot wait Gods time, nor exercise submission to his will. God delivered them. Mercy does nothing to exalt the person who receives it; mercy recognizes the guilt of the one who deserves the punishment. Paul describes the same kind of heart in 2 Timothy 4:3-4: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. To all that love God and their own souls this return of faithful teachers out of their corners, especially with a promise that they shall not be removed into corners any more, is the most acceptable part of any deliverance, and has comfort enough in it to sweeten even the bread of adversity and the water of affliction. Tools Isa 30:19 He contrasts this waiting with the excessive haste against which he spoke loudly at the beginning of the chapter, where he reproved the people for noisy haste, and condemned them for unbelief; but now, on the contrary, he reproaches them by saying that the Lord will not render like for like in consequence of the contempt with which they have treated him, and will not in that manner hasten to punish them. When we understand how Gods perfect judgment exalts His justice and His righteousness, we see the glory of the judgment of the LORD. Therefore this iniquity shall be to you With which you sow the ground, CONTENTS: Warnings against alliance with Egypt against Sennacherib and exhortation to turn to the Lord for help. And have not asked My advice, Revelation, chapter 20, when he sees the great white throne judgment of God, "and death and hell delivereth up their dead. The burden against the beasts of the South. Rivers and streams of waters, Rahab-Hem-Shebeth. When he gives them their teachers, and they give him their hearts, so that they begin to seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof, then all other things shall be added to themMatthew 6:33. For the Lord is a God of justice. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. of Even the tops of the mountains, that used to be barren, shall be so well watered with the rain of heaven that there shall be rivers and streams there, and running down thence to the valleys (Isaiah 30:25; Isaiah 30:25), and this in the day of the great slaughter that should be made by the angel in the camp of the Assyrians, when the towers and batteries they had erected for the carrying on of the siege of Jerusalem, the army being slain, should fall of course. (w) Animadv. WebIsaiah 30:18 New International Version 18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. Burning with His anger, i. Isaiah doesnt mean wait just in the sense of passing time but in the sense of patiently waiting for and trusting Gods promise. And in battles of brandishing He will fight with it. The prophet, having shown that those who made Egypt their confidence would be ashamed of it, here shows that those who sat still and made God alone their confidence would have the comfort of it. I can hardly wait.Shall we stand.May the Lord be with you and bless you and keep you in His love and grace. If they would have trusted Gods promise instead, they would never have had reason to flee, and would have seen the LORDs salvation and strength instead. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. When thou art doubting, conscience shall direct thee to the way of duty; when thou art dull and trifling, conscience shall quicken thee in that way." ( b) They seek shifts to cloak their doings and not godly means. And, We will ride on swift horses WebIsaiah 30:18. I don't worry about that. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. It's going to decline. r "significat anhelat, vel inhiat", Forerius. Then shall he give the rain of thy seed, that thou shalt sow the ground withal; and bread of the increase of the earth, and it shall be fat and plenteous: in that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures. Isaiah 3. I. It's a shadow. When we trust God, we dont have to strive for ourselves. WebFor the people shall dwell in Zion - (see the note at Isaiah 1:8).The language here is evidently adapted to a return from the captivity. Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. May the Lord watch over you and may you be filled with His Spirit and walk in the strength and the power of the Spirit of God as He anoints you day by day. (s) "et propterea exaltabit se", Pagninus, Montanus, Vatablus; "elaturus est se", Junius & Tremellius. They shall be cured of their idolatry, shall fall out with their idols, and never be reconciled to them again, Isaiah 30:22; Isaiah 30:22. Blessed are all those who long for him. Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel: You will also defile the covering of your images of silver, This is an inference from the former statement, in which he called Jehovah a God of judgment. While he thus restrains himself, he draws from it an exhortation to patience and waiting, and makes use of a part of the same verb, wait, which he had formerly used. For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: In a naturally dry land, it was a wonderful promise to give abundant rivers and streams of waters. "And therefore will Jehovah wait, that he may be gracious unto you; and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for Jehovah is a God of justice; blessed are all they that wait for him. Isaiah 30:18 The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 18 Therefore the Lord is waiting to show you mercy, and is rising up to show you compassion, II. He will surely deliver them in due season; but they cannot tarry till the hour cometh; like children, they snatch at unripe fruit. (r) Not only in punishing but in using moderation in the same, as in Jer 10:24,30:11. God's going to defend you. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. Those who were all in tears shall have cause to rejoice, and shall weep no more; and those who dwell in Zion, the holy city, will find enough there to wipe away tears from their eyes. 19 You people who live in Jerusalem will not weep any more. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. You don't have to worry about the Assyrians and their invasion, because God is going to take care of you. But Jesus said, "Where the worm dies not." If I ascend into heaven, Thou art there. 19 For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. He waits on high to have mercy on you, for the Lord is a God of justice. Proud member Philolog. The word kadosh, lost out of the text, but happily supplied by the Septuagint, clears up They are resolved never to harbour it any more. Distant restoration in spite of unfaithfulness 30:18-26. 2 Timothy 2:13). But it speaks about "the name of the Lord comes from far, burning in his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation. There shall be a high spring-tide of joy in Judah and Jerusalem, upon occasion of the ruin of the Assyrian army, when the Lord binds up the breach of his people, not only saves them from being further wounded, but heals the wounds that have been given them by this invasion and makes up all their losses. If in poverty, they are in haste to be rich; and they shall not long be innocent. a. The Lord is compassionate, and when you cry to him for help, he will answer you. But mercy exalts the goodness of the person who gives it. Whenever you turn to the right hand It is so in spiritual fruit; we must take pains with our hearts and then wait on God for his grace. Web30 The LORD will make his glorious voice heard, and reveal his arm coming down. Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare ( Isaiah 30:11-14 ): God's going to crack all of these pots.This takes you out to the book of Revelation where it talks about the reign of Jesus Christ, who as with an iron, will pop the clay vessels and shatter them to pieces. Salem Media Group. Woe to the rebellious children, says the LORD, If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Interestingly, the King James Version and the New International Version both translate these words as menstrual cloth, but the New King James Version uses the euphemistic unclean thing. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. No wonder Isaiah felt sorry for the donkeys that would carry the treasure of Judah down to Egypt. 18 And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him. Which has been winnowed with the shovel and fan. They not only degraded their images, but defaced them, not only defaced them, but defiled them; they not only spoiled the shape of them, but in a pious fury threw away the gold and silver they were made of, though otherwise valuable and convertible to a good use. They trust for their national defence in a treaty with Egypt, which, to them, is like a high wall that protects them from enemy Assyria. Blessed are all those who wait for Him. But here the prophet is telling them all along, "Quiet and confidence shall be your strength. And they are giving you the garbage and charging you a hundred dollars an hour for garbage. Isaiah 30 Trust In the LORD, Not In Egypt A. A rebuke to those in Judah who looked to Egypt for deliverance. 1. (1-2) God exposes the sin of those who put their trust in Egypt. Woe to the rebellious children, says the LORD, Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin; No way! However, Jerusalem stood. The children of Israel didn't have to fight them. a. For the LORD is a God of justice; And show the descent of His arm, They seek shifts to cloak their doings and not godly means if do... Heard, and when we do, it shows we are not able to show or modify from! He waits on high to have mercy on you, for the Lord will cause his glorious voice heard and! People will be to sing amid the judgments of God, Isaiah 30:26 to strive for ourselves b! To rise and comfort you it shall come -- from behind thee, from one. Last 27 chapters prophesy the restoration of the ungodly '' ( Psalms 1:1 ) God. `` show modify... 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