Though there are aspects of ISSBe.g. No business has a crystal ball and the provision of forward-looking information will inevitably mean that certain items, incidents and events are missed. Excluding beta information from the reporting standard does not reflect evolving recognition of the importance of beta. At a conceptual level, the General Requirements Standard attempts to unite multiple overlapping approaches to sustainability disclosure. The current plan for the ISSB expressly encompasses only data that implicate enterprise value (often called financial materiality), although a close read of the documentation produced to date leaves the door open for an expansion to information pertinent to beta information as well. This means that beta information is decision-useful, and thus comes within the broad parameters established in the General Requirements. One example, Becker claims, is the understand of materiality. ISSB chair Emmanuel Faber has effectively ruled out the use of double materiality The board now expects to issue its climate-change standard next year Developments in the EU, US risk fragmenting the sustainability-reporting landscape Climate change denial has been a tough ask this summer. Of course, a company may make the judgment that it can get away with a certain amount of cost externalization, so that corporate managers may make business judgments that financial return can be maximized without optimizing social value. EFRAGs definition of double materiality encompasses an inward element (effects on the company from external sources) and an outward element (effects the company has on externalities). Importantly, the inside-out concept as discussed in the General Requirements is not designed to address beta; instead, it is focused on how the E/S performance of a company affects society overall. Central to the debate on global alignment is the concept of materiality, which is critical to determining what gets reported. EFRAGs proposed standard only asks that companies break the shackles of certainty and short-term thinking to report on the things that they are likely already or should be factoring into their business planning anyway. In 2021, SASB and the Integrated Reporting Framework combined to form the Value Reporting Foundation, which, alongside the CDSB, will fold into the ISSB by June 2022. They must do so again. As unlikely as this proposition seems, the Business Roundtable, an organization composed of most major U.S. corporations CEOs, promotes this idea under the moniker stakeholder capitalism, and claims that if a company treats all its stakeholders well (which can be another way of saying it optimizes its E/S impact), it will also maximize its return to its shareholders over the long term: While we acknowledge that different stakeholders may have competing interests in the short term, it is important to recognize that the interests of all stakeholders are inseparable in the long term. Business Roundtable, Redefined Purpose of a Corporation: Welcoming the Debate (August 2019). Below, we highlight three key takeaways from the draft General Requirements and Climate Standards. Alongside this conceptual harmonization, the ISSBs framework advances a general organizational convergence among some of the most widely used global standard-setting bodies. But these standards do not provide for a grade or make a judgment as to whether the companys treatment of workers or fuel efficiency will in fact threaten its cash flows and enterprise value: that is generally left for investors to decide. The General Requirements propose two possibilities, which correspond to what disclosure specialists call financial materiality and double materiality. The first is disclosure designed for ESG integration. To make an assessment of materiality, the ISSB recommends that companies consult the industry-specific materiality factors outlined by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, as well as the most up-to-date topic-specific guidance of other standard-setting bodies, such as the Climate Disclosure Standards Boards (CDSB) guidance for water- and biodiversity-related disclosures. This does not mean that disclosure standards drafters do not themselves need to understand the contextthat understanding is critical to eliciting the correct information for investors to use. Last November, IOSCO chair Ashley Alder set out a five-point roadmap that securities watchdogs expect the IFRS Foundation to follow if they are to endorse the climate-change standard before the end of 2022 as the global baseline for climate disclosures. For purely financial information, the standard must elicit the financial metrics and qualitative descriptions that investors use to model value. The IFRSs accounting rules issued and maintained by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), on which the ISSB is modeled, have been adopted in over 100 countries, and the IFRS intends to co-develop the two independent sets of standards to ensure their connectivity, compatibility and relevancy to investors. E/S information that impacts the costs that companies externalize to the economy, which affect overall securities market returns (beta), and thus the returns of other companies in an investors portfolio. The version of enterprise value we use in financial reporting today would consider the effect of many sustainability matters on long-term cash flows as hardly material since they are inherently uncertain and typically have little effect on the business today. Single MaterialityDouble Materiality Outside-in Perspective . The General Requirements simply do not discuss or even acknowledge the existence of specifically beta-relevant information as pertinent to diversified investors economic decisions. Currently, companies and financial institutions utilize a variety of voluntary frameworks often referred to as the ESG alphabet soup to guide disclosure in sustainability reports and other corporate communications. The Freshfields Report goes on to suggest that alpha-oriented strategies (e.g., ESG integration) are of limited value to diversified shareholders, and that beta focus is the best way for investors to improve performance: The more diversified a portfolio, the less logical it may be to engage in stewardship to secure enterprise specific value protection or enhancement. Sustainability and accounting specialist with a particular interest in assessing and quantifying sustainability risks and opportunities, and in particular climate-related risks and opportunities. Sustainability reporting standards promise to do the same. While there are some obvious areas of agreement across the three sustainability reporting proposals including their overall objectives to provide information about a companys strategy, risks and targets for dealing with sustainability matters, and the need to look out over the short-, medium-, and long-term time horizons there is also deep division. To the extent such overlap exists, an investor can harmonize the desire for positive social and environmental impact and the desire (or obligation) to optimize financial returns. We then share key takeaways for companies that are beginning or continuing to make sustainability-related disclosures. A business would create a sustainability reserve to represent the full compounded effect of decarbonising its operations. The ISSB issued International Financial Reporting Standard S1, General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information, and IFRS S2, Climate-related disclosures, in March. A company cant consider only what it cares about; it has to take into account what others would consider when pricing the shares or debt, into perpetuity for shares and over the tenure of bonds or loans. Figure 1: Convergence of Voluntary Sustainability Disclosure Standards. That which you have adopted will fail the accounting profession, the capital markets and generations to come.. This recognition that change at one firm can affect the value of other firms in the portfolio implies a new goal for activism: namely, to engineer a net gain for the portfolio, possibly by reducing negative externalities that one firm is imposing on other firms in the investors portfolio. If risks of this sort materialised, they would therefore damage the performance of a portfolio as a whole and all portfolios exposed to those systems. Unfortunately, the present obligation might not exist at the reporting date but could be a real future impact. The ISSB drafters should recognize the risk that excluding beta could, at the margins, lead to the omission of decision-critical information for investors concerned with company impact on social and environmental systems that support other portfolio companies. Dana Peterson and Catherine Mann, Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps: The Economic Cost of Black Inequality in the U.S. (2020). The failure to even address beta-oriented disclosure is surprising because there is a growing emphasis on the need for diversified investors to monitor and steward the beta impact of portfolio company activity. Information on a company is material and should therefore be disclosed if "a reasonable person would consider it [the information] important", according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission . This can impair broader economic returns when such regulation hinders the development of other, more economic companies or sectors. measuring and reporting carbon emissionsthat serve both purposes. Steering clear of this risk is likely to require, at most, minor adjustments in methodology; moreover, the initial ISSB documentation, while ambiguous, does not preclude such considerations. The ISSB standard could be of more limited value for certain jurisdictions. For all the reasons discussed in Section A.4, diversified investors have a financial need to know whether portfolio companies are externalizing social and environmental costs. 3233596, VAT No. Related research from the Program on Corporate Governance includes Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value by Oliver Hart and Luigi Zingales (discussed on the Forum here); Reconciling Fiduciary Duty and Social Conscience: The Law and Economics of ESG Investing by a Trustee by Max M. Schanzenbach and Robert H. Sitkoff (discussed on the Forum here); and Exit vs. Voice by Eleonora Broccardo, Oliver Hart and Luigi Zingales (discussed on the Forum here). Double materiality. Taking a market view adds an element of objectivity to the materiality assessment. USS welcomed the ISSBs decision to build on the structure of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations in IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. It . PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. get as much direction as quickly as possible to really build on momentum.. The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is analysing feedback to its consultation on two proposed standards and will consider how to respond to stakeholder comments on topics such as enterprise value and materiality, the head of the IFRS Foundation said. Eight othersmostly based in Europe, and including Allianz, Amundi, BNP Paribas, DWS, and Schrodersencourage the ISSB to consider a double materiality approach, incorporating companies' impacts on the environment and wider society, in line with the European Commission's proposals. Take the example of an estimated sustainability cost of 66m (75m). ESRS 2 General disclosures providing DRs on general reporting issues, governance, strategy and business model and the double materiality assessment process of sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities. And so to perform their materiality assessments, companies will need to speak to their stakeholders about what information they need and how they plan to use it. The distance between the emerging definitions of materiality in sustainability reporting is smaller than you think and heres why it shouldnt prevent progress towards global alignment. Dig down to paragraph 85 of Agenda Paper 3B/4B from the ISSBs September meeting, and youll learn that the board will publish IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 as early as possible in 2023. Putting businesses on the path to a low carbon economy will require access to funding throughout the transition. All rights reserved. (b) disclosures to investors, lenders and other creditors about sustainability matters that affect their assessment of enterprise valuethese disclosures enable investors, lenders and other creditors to understand the impacts that sustainability-related risks and opportunities have on the value, timing and certainty of the entitys future cash flows, over the short, medium and long term and therefore users assessment of enterprise value. When the economy suffers, so do diversified shareholders. E/S Information that impacts future cash flows from the company to investors and thus the value of the enterprise (ESG integration or just ESG). Financial materiality is in line with current U.S. disclosure rules. The ISSB documentation expressly rejects "double materiality," the standard European regulators embrace, which couples financial materiality with information designed to inform other stakeholder data. Firstly, the time element will force companies reporting under either the ISSBs and SECs rules to include outward impacts since, logically, the outward impact will eventually work its way inward. The General Requirements Background section described inside-out and financial materiality in the following paragraphs (a) and (b): (a) disclosures to stakeholders about sustainability matters that have impacts on people, the environment and the economythese disclosures normally provide the broadest range of information because they aim to meet the needs of multiple stakeholders. Although there is no charge to the income statement, the reduction in shareholder equity arising from this proposal would reduce the amount of distributable reserve available to shareholders. It defines a liability as a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits. Confirmation that climate change does not drive sustainability reporting came when the boards chairman, Emmanuel Faber, appeared at the IFRS Foundations World Standard Setters conference in September to rule out any shift to double materiality some call it impact reporting by the ISSB: We will not move. Before discussing the ISSB and the desirability of a sesquimateriality standard, we review several elements of E/S investing. EFRAG's work is rooted in double materiality and Faber said the ISSB is "embracing [this approach] when it comes to looking at all the impacts, significant impact that companies are going to have on their ecosystem. See Thomas C. Schelling, On the Ecology of Micromotives, 25 Pub. Although the financial-materiality test articulated in the General Requirements seems inadequate to address the system level issues, the drafting implications may be more theoretical than practical, especially if the drafters understand the concern. Ironically, as E/S investing became popular, more capital moved into these constrained fiduciary institutions. This publication is distributed with the understanding that the author, publisher and distributor of this publication and/or any linked publication are not rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice or opinions on specific facts or matters and, accordingly, assume no liability whatsoever in connection with its use. Given the real reputational and regulatory risk for companies that rely on externalized costs, those of us focused on beta impacts can do several things with the ISSB process. Finally, from a rhetorical perspective, it is important that the final documentation of the ISSB standards acknowledge that investors have significant interests in beta impacts. This change will not create a significant additional burden but will make the project more coherent and consistent with evolving fiduciary standards. A large percentage of securities markets beneficiaries are diversified, and the relative importance of beta compared to alpha should affect these investors calculus when considering the impact of a portfolio companys social and environmental externalities. Indeed, in another section of the General Requirements that discusses the materiality concept in more detail, the TRWG uses a definition that would certainly include beta information: General purpose financial reporting includes financial statements of and sustainability-related financial information about a specific reporting entity. The General Requirements Standard specifies that potentially material sustainability-related considerations include activities and relationships related to an entitys value chain, which it defines as the full range of activities, resources and relationships related to a reporting entitys business model and the external environment in which it operates.. Integration with Financial Reporting: Like the SECs proposed climate rule, the General Requirements Standard recommends that sustainability-related information be disclosed alongside an entitys general purpose financial reports as part of the ISSBs emphasis on the materiality of sustainability-related disclosures to investors. By Nadja Picard, Gilly Lord and Hilary Eastman. Posted by Frederick Alexander (The Shareholder Commons), on, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, on One Small Step From Financial Materiality to Sesquimateriality: A Critical Conceptual Leap for the ISSB, Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value, Reconciling Fiduciary Duty and Social Conscience: The Law and Economics of ESG Investing by a Trustee. These are difficult issues to report on, rife with judgement, and companies do not yet feel safe doing it especially when it comes to enforcement. "While the ISSB uses the so-called financial materiality as a basis, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) defines the double materiality, i.e., the effect of companies on society and the effect of society on companies in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting . Companies that prioritize their financial return to shareholders face a prisoners dilemma with respect to such resources, and unchecked market competition will inevitably lead to their depletion. Investors need a reporting standard that accounts for all the costs a portfolio company imposes on them, even if the company itself avoids those costs. Thats where we aregoing. In addition to potentially helping to drive convergence of voluntary sustainability disclosure standards, the ISSB could also play a role in the evolving regulatory shift from voluntary to mandatory sustainability reporting, again potentially helping to drive global compatibility among corporate disclosures. Contributions to inequality also reduce GDP over time. The focus of the General Requirements on ESG integration appears to reject the notion that information relevant to beta is important to shareholders. A Three-Tiered Typology of Sustainable Development Performance Indicators (UNRISD 2019). : More unites standard setters than divides them, Total Impact Measurement & Management (TIMM), ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). Economists have long recognized that profit-seeking firms in free-market economies will not account for negative externalities, and there are many profitable strategies that harm stakeholders, society, and the environment. However, sustainability reporting is not just about the sustainability-related impacts on the company (or its enterprise value) that can be material, but also the impacts of a company on the environment, climate or other sustainability issue so-called double materiality, Russell added. Driven to assist organizations to elicit positive change.<br>TCFD | CDP | SBTs . The general understanding is that the ISSB will not incorporate what is called 'double materiality' - that is, it will focus largely on the impact of the changing climate on a company rather than on the impact of the company on the climate, as the assumption is this is what investors really care about. Forest fires raged across Europe, part of a London suburb caught light, and hurricane-force winds left a trail of destruction in southern Austria. As the process of sustainability reporting moves from voluntary to mandatory, companies with mature sustainability disclosure programs are likely to be well positioned to meet the evolving demands of stakeholders and regulators. Although the TCFDs recommendations are specific to climate-related risks and opportunities, the ISSBs General Requirements Standard advises that this approach be applied to all sustainability issues that could impact enterprise value, such as those posed by social or nature-related issues. The ISSBs collaboration agreement with GRI further bridges the gap; a no gaps, no overlaps approach gives a holistic picture of sustainability performance on the basis of both impact and enterprise value. The recommendations of both the ISSB and the TCFD fall into four broad pillars governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets corresponding to how the disclosing company approaches these four practices in the context of a given sustainability topic. Challenges for the adoption of the ISSB standards; ISSB a driver for change or a compliance exercise? It means prioritising the long-term, absolute returns for universal owners, including real-term financial and welfare outcomes for beneficiaries more broadly. Since it cannot meet that essential accounting expectation of being a going concern unless reinvestment does take place, this provision must also be made upon the balance sheet, upfront, now. This site uses cookies. The doom loop was complete when falling river levels left Frances nuclear power plants battling to produce enough energy to meet the demand for cooling. The ISSB documentation expressly rejects double materiality, the standard European regulators embrace, which couples financial materiality with information designed to inform other stakeholder data. These phrases refer to the need for investors to pay more attention to the environmental and social (E/S) impacts of the businesses in which they invest. They both support a materiality assessment based on the potential effect on the companys enterprise value. union of two sets, not intersection) of impact materiality IFRS Advisory Council questions ISSB on future of SASB standards. Divergence of Materiality Approaches: As discussed, the concept of financial materiality is central to the General Requirements Standard. Whats material depends on the issue, the context, the time frame and the stakeholder. E/S information that does not affect investors, but is relevant to the impact companies have on civil society and stakeholders other than investors (stakeholder data). Diversified investors internalize the collective costs of such externalities (more than $2 trillion in 2018 according to the Schroders report cited above) because they degrade the systems upon which economic growth and corporate financial returns depend. Financial materiality means that the activity has an effect on the companys cash flows or enterprise value (consistent with the SEC and ISSB). While this trade might financially benefit a shareholder with shares only in that company, it harms a diversified shareholder by threatening beta. Planetary forces much greater than cataclysmic weather events have decided that. Principles for Responsible Investment & UNEP Finance Initiative, Universal Ownership: Why Environmental Externalities Matter to Institutional Investors, Appendix IV. All Climate Climate Risk CSRD Disclosure Disclosures Double Materiality Emissions ESG Management ESG Ratings ESG Strategy ESRS EU Financing Green Finance How To InsightsEN ISSB Materiality Net Zero Regulation Reporting Reporting Standards Risk Scope 3 Emissions Social Standards Sustainable Finance Taxonomy Uncategorized . A concept often referred to as ' double materiality '. This is a critically important public policy development, not simply because it will improve investment returns, but because it will lead to better social and environmental outcomes on the ground, as many of the most serious threats to beta are also the most serious threats to people and the planet on which we live. At a time when regulation alone seems increasingly inadequate to the task of addressing threats to the environment and our social fabric, an apparent retreat from a constructive market reform in a document as influential as the ISSB standards would be a serious setback. DWP sets up Taskforce on Social Factors for UK pensions industry, Threefold rise in asset managers holding board responsible for ESG, Accounting: Long-haul climate change reporting, Print advertising rates and specifications, Digital advertising technical specifications (pdf), Standard Terms and Conditions for Event Sponsors, ISSB chair Emmanuel Faber has effectively ruled out the use of double materiality, The board now expects to issue its climate-change standard next year, Developments in the EU, US risk fragmenting the sustainability-reporting landscape. Analysts will have to change their models to take into account new and essential information that companies consider material to their success and survival. Just like any issue that can factor into the market price for a debt or equity security, sustainability issues can affect the likelihood, timing and amounts of potential cash inflows and outflows resulting from a companys activities over any time horizon. He says: The first is a provision for the cost of closing the existing carbon-based business. See Andrew Howard, SustainEx: Examining the Social Value of Corporate Activities (Schroders 2019). The ISSB and EU bodies are collaborating to create an interoperability mapping table to highlight the intersection.The key challenge here is to maximise the content in the intersection and avoid having similar requirements that are excluded from the intersection because they are subtly different. Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps: the economic cost of Black Inequality in U.S.! Financial and welfare outcomes for beneficiaries more broadly and welfare outcomes for beneficiaries more broadly Council questions on. The broad parameters established in the General Requirements standard attempts to unite multiple overlapping approaches to sustainability disclosure companies. 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