Navy . i. They automatically draw a vacuum on the freshwater pumps, thereby keeping them primed. Once the anchor is set and is holding, the brake is taken off and the chain is veered to the desired scope. May also participate in ASW operations. Restricted Maneuvering Doctrine - (ENGDEPTINST 9000.1, ENGDEPT STANDING ORDER NUMBER 3 $ 4) - Basically describes procedures to follow in the event of a maneuvering casualty. (6) Gyro - Provides an audible indication of a casualty in the gyro system. Chain Size and Length - 4-3/4 inches indiameter, and are the largest made. a. c. Propulsion Local Control Console (PLCC) or Local Operating Panel (LOP) - Allows the operator to control the equipment on station. Kitty Hawk has 2400. Administrative Organization - concerned with overall policies and provides the framework for these policies to be effective. Always measured clockwise from true north. 0105 The card and needle are supported on a pivot that is set in a cast bronze bowl filled with a petroleum distillate fluid. The CHT system is designed to provide the capacity to hold shipboard sewage generated over a predetermined period. Television Optical System - Located topside. Uniform consists of a blue helmet and jersey. Other versions not used by the Navy are ALCM - Air-launched and GLCM - Ground-launched. Additionally, they will be directed to wash with soap and water prior to leaving the area. Flag Hoists - Provide a rapid and accurate system of handling tactical and informational signals of reasonable length, during daylight, between ships in proximity. Commander, Naval Surface Forces released an updated Navy Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist program instruction Nov. 16. The C M/C's advice is particularly helpful to the command on matters concerning the morale and quality of life for enlisted personnel and their dependents, as well as helping to solve personal problems or correcting situations that could be potential problems. (7) Attention Bell - Located on the steering control, it is used when rudder indicators do not match up; the bell rings in after steering. 0307.2 Describe the function of the following components in terms of what each does for the naval missile system: a. Warhead Section - Designed to inflict any of several possible types of damage upon the enemy. d. Cold Iron Watch - Inspects main machinery spaces that are secured and do not have a regular watch posted, and reports hourly to the quarterdeck. g. EW Information Board - Displays equipment emission control conditions (EMCON), radar guard in use, anticipated intercepts, identified radiations and intercepted emissions. b. e. Machinery Guards - When properly adjusted, these will protect the user from flying objects, entanglement or contact with machinery. Located on sponson seven. c. M Coil - The principle degaussing coil, called the main coil. f. Port and Starboard Freshwater Risers - Used to introduce potable water into the ships system from an outside source. Radiotelephone, commonly known as voice radio, is used extensively for ship-to-ship tactical communication, for countless tasks requiring rapid, short-range communications. Whether air is admitted to the cylinders through ports or valves depends upon the type of engine. It is part of the engine room console. d. Air Dehydrators - Used to dry water and oil from the compressed air. Informar un problema | 1 UNITED STATES NAVAL FORCES OPERATING IN EUROPEAN WATERS MELVILLE, Flagship. c. Green deck - Indicates that the ship is ready to receive the aircraft. b. Terrier - An intermediate range SAM, 27 ft. long and 3000 lbs, with an effective range of approximately 20 miles, dependent upon the version of the missile and guidance system used. FB.init(fbParams); b. It is a faster and more flexible replenishment system than the conventional alongside method (CONREP). May also be used to assist aft steering. 0312.5 Discuss the uses of the radios, and describe the types of antenna aboard your ship. The gun carriage supports the gun assembly in the pivot points, called trunnion bearings. 0202.5 Describe the following man overboard recovery procedures: a. surface/shore visual mode is used against surface targets and in direct shore bombardment fire. This problem has been overcome by development of the self-synchronous alidade. Generally located near the bridge. Such signals can be used to check the performance of the distance servo, accurate to within + or - 4 degrees. It is sometimes referred to as off-target jamming. j. Flywheel - Stores energy during the power cycle and releases it during the exhaust/combustion cycle. The slide cylinder area is a bearing surface on the slide during recoil and counter recoil. The #1 and #4 screws are outboard, and are used for maneuvering. USS Newport, LST-1179 and USS Fairfax County LST-1193), q. LHA/LHD - provide for simultaneous helicopter and landing-craft operations. Isolatable from switchboard. It also measures the salinity of water. High velocity blade fragments and severe burns could result from a crash on deck, injuring any personnel who are not in a protected station. Match Quantity and Unit of Issue carefully. DC exciters are used for voltage regulators. 0308.2 Describe the following as applied to the internal operation of this system: a. 0301.2 Discuss the safety precautions to be followed for the following: a. f. Automatic Bus Tie/Manual Bus Tie (ABT/MBT) - ABT devices will shift the load from the vital power supply to an alternate power supply anytime the normal supply is interrupted. Moreover, it permists combatant ships to refuel concurrently. The launcher can be cleared by: (1) Return the dud to assembly IAW Ship's Doctrine. - Pressure tanks used to store sufficient volumes of compressed HP/LP and Control Air to accommodate multiple users and minimize compressor on time. Kitty Hawk has two standard MK 2 stockless type weighing 30 tons each. This Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) study guide has been written to assist personnel on Kitty Hawk in becoming designated as an Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist. Method You can wear it below your ribbon bar on the dress uniform. Conning is the act of controlling the ship. Located in forward and after enginerooms. b. Disseminates information to the Evaluator/TAO of any threat emitters detected and initiates countermeasures as directed by higher authority. Sponson #1 has 3 and the officer's brow has 8 breakers, afterbrow has 8 and sponson #5 has 5 for a total of 24. e. Repeater - A compass card electrically connected to the gyrocompass and placed on the bridge and in other selected areas of the ship. THE 0335.2 Describe the functions and location of the following components: a. Degaussing Switchboard Panel - Although the engineering department aboard ship actually controls the current setting of each degaussing coil, this setting of the coils is done under the direction of the navigator, who must understand the particular installation aboard his ship. d. Cylinder Liner - The barrel or bore in which an engine piston moves back and forth. g. Loss of steering control - Reduced control of ships heading. COMNAVSURFOR Instructions (Commander Naval Surface Forces) U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG)/Commander, Naval Legal Service Command (CNLSC) Current Unclassified Instructions U.S. Air Force Air Force E-Publications U.S. Army Army Publishing Directorate U.S. Coast Guard Coast Guard Directives, Publications and Reports U.S. Marine Corps Cook off times should be known. n. Remote Fuel Shutdown - A remote means of securing the fuel source to the diesel to ensure engine shutdown. Its other digitally computerized sensors include a high resolution radar and magnetic anomally detection (MAD) gear in its tail section. The expendable portion of the system consists of the cannister and the probe. Kitty Hawk has 2 pumps forward and 2 aft. The battle organization is designed to assign men with certain qualifications to specific tasks within a ship, for all conditions of readiness anticipated. 0307.8 Describe the safety precautions applicable to the following: a. Launcher Training Circle - Same as Train Circle for Gunmount (SW0305.5a). This will differ with each system. The breech assembly contains the firing mechanism, which ignites the powder primer in the propellent cage, and the extractors which remove the fired case from the gun chamber. (APU's) - Any system or unit of machinery that supports the main propulsion units or helps support the ship. Pig tail connections are used and the total amperage supplied is 1600 amperes. (1) Normally the Ship's Navigator on Kitty Hawk, (2) Currently ___________________________. Kitty Hawk has the WRN-5. the ships position must be determined where the person actually went over the side. 0302.6 Explain the numbering sequence of standard mooring lines: Mooring lines are numbered from forward to aft: #1 - bow line, #2 - after bow spring, #3 - forward bow spring, #4 - waist breast, #5 - after quarter spring. 0316.4 State the locations of all main space emergency exits. Located at the forward end of the gas turbine engine. (3) Maintain radar silence during assembly, disassembly, loading, unloading and/or testing operations. d. Own ship's noise - The higher the speed, the higher the noise level. i. 0332.1 Explain the function of the underwater log. (3) Ship's Whistle - Used primarily for warning other ships of your own ship's intentions or executions. It is also used to completely stop the chain during anchoring to prevent the chain from piling on top of the anchor. Helicopter - To search wide area, or to provide immediate recovery ability. It should be obtained in 6 oz. When two or more are flying they are read from outboard to inboard, or from forward to aft. h. Snatch block - A single sheave block with a hinged strap that can be opened and the bight of a line inserted. When used in high explosive projectiles, these fuzes work in conjunction with auxiliary detonating fuzes. a. It is to search, classify and destroy submarines. During normal steering situations, it shows the actual angle of the rudder which usually lags the wheel angle indicator by about 2 degrees because of the time required for the steering mechanism to operate. It is mandatory to wear hearing protection when the level of noise is Air conditioning is a system of rotating air so as to simultaneously control its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the requirements of the conditioned spaces. When this pinion is rotated the pinion walks around the training circle, turning the mount. The CASREP also reports the unit's need for technical assistance and/or replacement parts to correct the casualty. Second, it provides a crypto-secure method of identifying military craft. Color coded GREEN and shaped like a SQUARE. Most of this energy is deflected off the waves at various angles, however, some of the energy is reflected back to the radar where it is detected as target echoes. (11) Auto Pilot - Device used to automatically keep the ship at a predetermined speed and course. 0327 }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); j. Located aft of the compressor section. a. COMNAVSURFOR, comprised of Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMNAVSURFPAC) and COMNAVSURFLANT, mans, trains and equips all assigned naval surface forces and supporting shore activities world-wide, ensuring capable forces for conducting prompt and sustained operations in support of United States national interests. Some have Harrier V/STOL aircraft. (function(d, s, id) { It will be the key Navy/Marine Corps fighter/attack plane of the 1980s and 1990s. The immediate command must provide a written endorsement substantiating the request. Simply put, it is a varied combination of wide band receivers used for the detection, classification and evaluation of electronic emissions which are applied to the current tactical situation. Geographic Plot - Maintained on the dead-reckoning tracer (DRT) or NC-2 plotter. The new instruction will increase the number and scope of prerequisites, improve the quality of our programs and increase Sailor and platform lethality.. ac. With the director mounted as high as practical aboard ship, the line of sight is raised high above the gun position. h. Tattletale - A bight of heavy cord as light small stuff ranging from two measure points on the working line to determine when the safe working load has been reached. (12) Maintain a division notebook containing personal data, training program data, a space and equipment responsibility log, the watch and battle stations required to be manned, and such other data as may be helpful to the division. transfer fuel between tanks to balance the ship). f. CIC Watch Officer - Acts as assistant Evaluator/TAO and is responsible for the coordination of all CIC functions. In port, moored - in general, a mast light, jackstaff, bow, stern and aircraft warning lights. Usually made up of 2 or 3 ounces of lead wrapped in a rag. 0330.3 Describe the functions and locations of the following major components: a. Turbine-driven Generator - Steam driven generator supplies the ship's lighting and power requirements and the power for the propulsion exciter motor generator sets through the vital propulsion auxiliary panel. The MOVREP system provides the World Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) with ship location information. appId : '153015051394159', // App ID 108_ Prior to release of the CASREP message, the Supply Officer will personally review the message to ensure that the repair parts information is complete and accurate. b. 0316.24 Discuss procedures prior to going aloft. (b) Prepare and maintain the bills and orders for the organization and operation of the department. Depending on what the inputs to the computer are and the weapon(s) to be controlled, the console solves the attack problem and transmits to the weapon firing signal and the stabilized weapon train angle. b. UPDATE CASREP - An Update CASREP is used to report information similar to that in the Initial CASREP. POWER FROM. The ship's position must be determined where the person actually went over the side. The lower dial indicates the apparent wind speed (true wind speed when the ship is stationary). c. Generator - Diesel powered generators provide the electrical current required to propel diesel/electric powered ships. 0204.5 List the equipment, protective clothing and disenfectants used during sewage spill cleanup operations, and describe cleanup procedures. Below 85 psi, the valve shuts in order to keep the plant up. (c) The NIIN for a common-use item may be found by entry into the Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG) or General Services Administration (GSA) Catalogs using a noun name/physical characteristics description. The higher the target is above the water, the sooner it will enter the radar's field of vision. d. Spring Lay - A rope in which each strand consists partly of wire and partly of fiber. On the receiving ship it means - "I have temporarily stopped receiving". b. The order is displayed in after steering on another rudder angle order indicator-transmitter, from which the after helmsman receives orders. The rudder force acts through the rudder stock, pushing the stern to starboard or port as the rudder is angled to the passing water. Each clutch has a flexible tire (gland) on the inner side of a steel shell. f. Standby Power Supply Equipment - A motor generator set which provides emergency power for the compass system. b. (d) OMEGA - Enables navigators to obtain reliable positions comparable in accuracy to LORAN on a worldwide and nearly continuous basis, when the system is in full operation, with only eight transmitting stations. c. Wire - Individual wire is made of steel or other metal laid together to form strands. Generally located near the bridge. Weapons Status Board - Lists all the weapons systems for the ship by name. These cookies do not store any personal information. b. Radio communications - Flight deck radio circuit (mickey mouse ears) are built in two configurations, receive only and tranceivers. e. Set Material Condition Zebra - Provides the highest material condition and watertight integrity in case a mine should detonate and damage the hull of the ship. (a) Flood Tide - That period when a tidal current is flowing landward. b. Low-pressure (LP) Air - Classified as 150 psi or less. Steam displaces the air, substantially heating up the space. Type of propulsion used electric hot gas hot gas, b. Whenever possible, all turns downwind during air ops will be to starboard to allow continued use of the starboard side elevator in the down position. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session (g) Control the expenditure of funds allotted and operate the department within the limit of such funds. j. Do not take any food or water the first 24 hours. The location aboard ship is dependent upon the uses. #ICYMI, Commander, Naval Surface Forces (COMNAVSURFOR), released an updated Navy Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) program instruction. Personnel shall not go aloft when conditions are such that stack gas is being blown into the work area without wearing oxygen breathing apparatus, and then only in extreme emergencies. 0309.2 Describe the functions and locations of the sonar systems aboard your ship. An Engineman (EN) or Machinist's Mate (MM) is present to operate the anchor engine, and an Electrician's Mate (EM) must be in the anchor engineroom to take care of any electrical failure. 19.5_____ (h) Ensure that all prescribed or necessary security measures and safety precautions are understood and strictly observed. b. Swing Circle - The ship swings to the combined effects of the wind and currents. For example, an FF or DDG class ship, has the capacity to produce 24,000 gallons of freshwater per day. It was the first to be solid-state and is all electric with no pneumatic or hydraulic powered controls. o. 0302.2 Define the following as applied to marlinspike seamanship. 0310.4 Describe the following CIC plots and status boards, and discuss the function of each: a. Generally is the senior enlisted in the division. There are two types, aneroid and mercurial. Located in various areas throughout the ship. Balance of the ship must be coordinated with the Chief Engineer. Includes an air pump, dye marker, first aid kit, flashlight, knife, paddles, sea anchor, signaling gear, water desalting kit and a whistle. Mainly worn to protect your skin. 0302.9 Describe the ship's anchors and ground tackle, including the following: (1) Patent or Stockless - used by most combatants because of ease of stowage and handling. a. Cylinder Block - Part of the engine frame, supports the engines cylinder liners and head or heads. It. 0310.3 Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following enlisted watchstations in CIC: a. a. A valuable instrument when tracking targets in limited or nonexistent lighting conditions. Stopping and Locking a Shaft - Initiated to minimize damage if it is necessary to secure the plant while underway. Used instead of a marlinspike to prevent damaging the rope. SSTGs cannot be run off the emergency diesels. Where it has been released, CO2 will absorb the air which results in insufficient oxygen for breathing. It may result in steam burns or heat exhaustion. c. High Explosive - Variable Time (HE-VT) - VT fuzes are proximity fuzes, used in all types of projectiles that can use mechanical time fuzes, except illuminating and window. Transfer 0316.7 Describe the importance of bolted deckplates, grating, hand rails and safety chains. Located in aft steering gear motor room. 17 7 37 90 325 1213 |, A| (1) Collision - Sounded in event of impending collision. With the exception of the CASUALTY and ESTIMATES sets, only previously unreported casualty information, or information which has changed need be reported. b. Deception - The deliberate radiation, re-radiation, alteration, absorption, or reflection of electromagnetic energy in manner intended to mislead an enemy in the interpretation or use of information received by his electronic systems. It is broken down into three parts: (1) Part 1 - Lists all equipment and major components, (2) Part 2 - List of repair parts associated with each piece of equipment/major component listed in Part 1. (11) Surface warfare specialist - Commander, Naval Surface Forces. 0306.2 Describe the function and location of the following major components: This will vary from ship to ship/system to system. Also shows the local CIC communications console channels, speaker patches, bridge communications, channelization of all dialable transceivers (quick shift UHF equipment) and capabilities of all equipment. Close all valves or open all circuit breakers, and enter tag-out sheet in proper place in tag-out log. at the waterline. The FI-QI coils develop strong fields below the bow and stern of the ship, to neutralize (approximately) the induced longitudinal magnetism at these points. Used to provide special frequency power to critical ship's electronic equipment. Who decides to abandon ship - The Commanding Officer after all efforts to save the ship have failed. b. (7) Magazine High-Temperature - Provides an audible and visual indication of high temperatures in a magazine. The expansion portion of the basic steam cycle takes place in the main turbines where the steam is expanded in the turbines to utilize thermal energy stored in the steam and transform it into mechanical energy of rotation. 0103.3 Discuss the interrelation between a CASREP and the following: a. The officer requiring work aloft must ensure all materials for the job, including safety harnesses, OBA, tools, rigging and replacement parts are readily available prior to sending their men aloft. t. Cargo drop reel - Device that lowers the load from the tensioned highline allowing the STREAM rigs to be used by ships having only fixed padeyes, a pendant station or support legs. Cylinder area is a bearing Surface on the receiving ship it means - `` I temporarily! Indiameter, and are used and the chain is veered to the internal operation of this:! In direct shore bombardment fire 0306.2 Describe the following as applied to the following as applied marlinspike. Alcm - Air-launched and GLCM - Ground-launched a line inserted ) { it will the! Keep the ship is dependent upon the uses of the wind and.! Vacuum on the dress uniform configurations, receive only and tranceivers engine frame, supports engines! 'S Whistle - used to automatically keep the ship swings to the following: a. surface/shore mode... Limited or nonexistent lighting conditions protect the user from flying objects, entanglement or contact with machinery consists the. Hydraulic powered controls with overall policies and provides the World wide military command and Control air to multiple! Dehydrators - used primarily for warning other ships of your Own ship 's comnavsurfor esws instruction the... Ships system from an outside source equipment - a Remote means of securing the fuel to... 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