There have been what might be called supernatural explanations put forward about what happened, and without any evidence to the contrary its difficult to really argue against any of them. I came across this case a few months ago, and it never did make any sense to me. Search efforts were focused on this 5-mile radius, which included part of the Yellow Medicine river, and so the Yellow Medicine county authorities were part of the search party. On some occasions, these people who have stepped off the face of the earth have reached out one last time to make contact with those they knew and leave chilling messages that possibly hold clues buried within them, but which have never been figured out. I dont live in the area (or in the states) but after looking on google maps, about where his car was found (Lyon Lincoln road, Porter/Taunton highw 68). 60 minutes/5km is 12. Wish we knew what he said to his dad about walking to the town. Source: His father probably said some really mean things to Brandon. There was rumors of his involvement in drugs and the Mexican cartel, who knows what they could have done to himsome towns people say theyve heard of the cartel disposing of bodies in the pig farms, several of which we have in the surrounding area,,, very sad, hope some day there will be answers. Perhaps this paragraph was with the wrong story OR theyre bad at math OR this line doesnt go with this paragraph OR theyre talking about something Im unaware of. An approximate distance of 4 km. Luc Picard, David La Haye, Sandrine Bisson. Although in saying that, if anybody is going to be skilled at removing evidence, then a police officer would obviously know what they were doing. Also does anyone has a photo from his car that was found at the location h was left? Some parents can be so mean. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In NC a lot of cistrens abandoned Wells are filled in with rocks sometimes over years the shaft opens more rocks fall and now you have a deathtrap waiting. His parents said that they couldnt anything either. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). The concerned parents continued searching for their son, and after being unable to find him at 6:30am, they went to the police to report him missing. After Swansons disappearance, the Lyon County Sheriffs Department conducted searches for Brandon by ground, ATV, horseback, airplane and helicopter, but nothing was found. He has never been seen or heard from again, and the lack of evidence in his mysterious vanishing has puzzled family, friends, authorities, and websleuths alike. Swanson stayed on the phone to his parents whilst they were on the way to collect him, with Swanson flashing his lights on and off and Brian and Annette doing the same in hopes of locating each other quicker. Its definitely a possibility, and would fit the admittedly few facts that we do know for sure. Unable to move it himself and get back onto the road, he called home at some time after midnight and asked his parents to pick him up near Lynd, a small town Southwest of Marshall. Then, at approximately 12:54 Brandon Lawson would make a very odd call to 911. He was the one who took his wife home, while he dealt with Brandon. I think if he was inside a car, his dad would know, as the dad would have heard car noises, and possibly the other driver. The simple solutions are usually the right solutions. It is unclear whether she knew these men before the party, but her sister Paige would later state that she had known everyone there. It has been named Brandons Law. In 2009, Brandon's Law was passed that expands the Minnesota state's missing children's law to include adults under 21 who go missing under dangerous circumstances. When Government Agencies Secretly Work in the Field of the Supernatural and the Occult, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! If for instance he did hide in a structure, then surely it wouldve been found by now? In addition, some comments I have seen from the mother include that she felt very early on before the first 24 hours were up that something terribly wrong had happened and You know, Im not sure Brandon is going to be found in my lifetime. These are just not the normal kind of things mothers say about their missing children. (LogOut/ It simply ends. This week on the podcast, Ethan and Marisa discuss the strange and still unsolved disappearance of 19 year old Brandon Swanson. then yea he was kidnapped, murdered, disposed of in who knows what way. As you say, hopefully one day Brandons family will have some answers. He ended up instead heading over to stay with his brother Kyle after getting a call from Ladessa and arguing some more. Brandon called his parents on his cell phone and asked them to come pick him up. On 13th May 2008, Brandon was coming to the end of his first year in college and made plans to celebrate with friends. Brandon also had a child from an early relationship. Not only was Brandon in contact with his brother, Kyle, moments before he disappeared, but they were also in the same area, possibly yards apart. As you say, it might be something that we never find out, which would be a real tragedy for his family and friends. I very much hope that his parents find out what happened to him, so they can stop wondering. 4) Despite the area in question being very flat, open and crossed only by shallow rivers, a body has never been found after several extensive searches. The truth may well be something that we currently consider to be far-fetched. Appearance. What is known is that at around 4 AM, Brookelyn called her cousin to come pick her up from the house, but as the cousin had had too much to drink, she couldnt. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved completely within one year. I got lost driving last week. since that phone is not touch screen, it would be VERY EASY to end the call after snatching the phone from him. Or did they? Theories. Or maybe there is a single cause of all this that we just dont know about yet? I havent read all the comments and dont know if it was previously mentioned. It could be that the call dropped, although it would make the Oh shit quite coincidental. They called Brandon and asked him to explain where he was, but even when they arrived at where he claimed to be they were unable to locate him, even after they both unsuccessfully tried flashing their headlights in order to try and hone in on each others locations. 10 years now, the shaft could have opened deeped more rocks covering him, its the only reason nothing of his body or clothes were ever found. Is there any new leads in this case its 2017 I was just wondering.And this case is quite disturbing I really hope answers can be found. So, case closed. As of 2021, Brandon Swanson is still a missing person. He was on the phone with his father while he was walking. Possibly. He was fixing to be in the dark by his self. Hypothermia can set in very fast. Could it be he was lost somewhere else and someone moved the car? Celebrating in the context of the description indicates alcohol intake and possibly some recreational drugs. However, authorities had no better luck finding Brandon or his car than Brian and Annette. On a personal note as a firefighter, if you or a loved one ever have a stuck car, ALWAYS stay with the vehicle. He told Brian and Annette to collect him from the car park of Lyndwood Tavern, a small bar in Lynd. For me to believe the parents were not involved in this, a lot of evidence would need to point me away from them, and simply not enough evidence, to my knowledge, exist either way to convict or prove innocent. No evidence. Its just interesting how no one, at least online, will address ALL the discrepancies because theres a ton. This story is so sad . You can subscribe below to get the latest blog posts delivered straight to your inbox. Its in totally different direction, not even the opposite direction where his car was found! I think its pretty obvious to say that someone took Brandon back to their farm and harmed him and maybe buried him somewhere out in the field where he may never be found I dont mean to sound so morbid but we all know that people do this in rural areas when its not very safe, especially driving alone at night and not knowing where youre at after a wreck. That makes no sense, even if he was lost. I think the solution of this case is that he slipped away in a river bank. Book Author Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. Forty-seven minutes into the phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed, Oh shit! and the line went dead. Brandon also had a child from a previous relationship. Although there were some accounts that he'd been drinking alcohol that evening, investigators don't believe he was intoxicated or otherwise impaired when he disappeared. Dail is a white female with brown hair and brown eyes. Brandon Swanson, 19, was last seen on 5/14/08 in Canby, Minnesota. I would like to take a mathematical, logical approach. And that was the last time anybody heard anything from Brandon Swanson. Emmanuel Schwartz, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, Gilles Renaud, Franois Papineau, Martin Dubreuil. In this podcast Marisa shares her favorite theories with you (and Ethan). and also, hes in teh middle of nowhere, midnight, lost. This story can go either way, so many theories with little time, its sad to know what his fate was; surely if Brandon had simply walked away on his own and staged his own disappearance, wouldnt someone have spotted him by now and called the authorities? Thanks for your comments, and also for the link. Swanson stayed on the phone with his parents whilst he walked to the car park. He's described as being six feet tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. During the early morning hours of May 14, 2008, 19-year-old Brandon Swanson disappeared under mysterious circumstances from a rural area northeast of Marshall in southwestern Minnesota. What about alien abduction? I kinda feel like someone snuck up behind Brandon and kidnapped him, Brandon became afraid, said the expletive after they came up behind him and he could have dropped his phone out of fear; causing the phone to hang up on his own. I think his dad is the suspect. I moved 400 miles from home. Was there any landmarks? The circumstances of Brandon Swanson's disappearance remain unclear and his case is currently classified as missing. 12*4 is 48 min. Not being in a car, his remains will probably never be found. Why did he crash, that to me is the greatest mystery. Brandon Lawson has not been seen since, and there have been no suspects, no clues, no activity on his bank account or further activity on his cell phone, nothing. From everything I have read Branding on was walking along the road speaking to his father and unless the road intersects the river then it is an unlikely explanation. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college. They went looking for Brandon, but were unable to find . I had several thoughts. Brandon Lawson was a 26 years old young man at the time of missing on August 9, 2013. The phone Motorola Slvr, according to Wikipedia has a talk time of 6 hours and 42 minutes and a stand by time of 350 hours, a very long time. After that, there are no further leads, and Michael McClain remains missing, with no further clues as to why he left that club or what those mysterious last calls and messages mean. Its beyond strange! Can anyone shed some light on this paragraph? His car was found 1 1/2 miles from Rt. All of these theories are good, however, but this one makes the most sense to me personally. However, Brandons dad said that after the call ended, he kept trying to call Brandon but that he wasnt picking up the call, which means the phone was in working condition but not being answered. I know the city like the back of my hand. The sheriffs' office obtains Brandon's cell phone records and it revealed that he had been calling from the vicinity of Taunton, 25 miles from Lynde. But I think it was probably more of a oh sh-t! something completely unexpected has just happened. As explained by Minnesota's Unsolved Cases, it is possible that the teen left the area on his own and is now living under a new identity. Perhaps he had lost phone reception and seeked a place with better phone reception. He planned to eventually enroll in a four-year university and have a career in the sciences. One fairly well-known case that I have covered before but seems worth mentioning here is a case covered by David Paulides in his Missing 411 series of books and revolves around the strange call made by a 19-year-old college student named Brandon Swanson. There are a lot of unanswered questions unfortunately, and this seems to be another one of them. The most prevalent theory is that Brandon must have fallen into a river or creek possibly the Yellow Medicine River which is fifteen feet at its deepest point, and would have been running incredibly fast at the time he disappeared. Everything I say is a guess, of course, but in May in Minnesota, that river was probably freezing. The law took effect in Minnesota in the July of 2009, whilst four other states have also passed laws similar in nature. By all means, Brandon was a caring and attentive father. I dont think its that odd. Brandon Lawson, 26, vanished along a desolate stretch of State Highway 277 outside of San Angelo, Texas which is about 250 mile southwest of Dallas on Aug. 9, 2013, according to the San Angelo Standard-Times.On Friday, those closest to Lawson announced that a private team of . I agree with you that the odds are probably one in a million, but given the lack of hard evidence surrounding this entire case, this theory probably fits the facts as much as any other at this point. For the reason that he saw a car on the road and knowing his father wouldnt agree to hitch hiking, thats why he hung up. The most popular theory among authorities is that Brandon fell into the river. Then, he suddenly vanished without a trace. I heard the story about 5 years ago. Yellow medicine riverDuring the phone call with his parents, Swanson had mentioned hearing running water and passing fences on his walk towards what he believed to be Lynd. According to Wikipedia, the average walking speed is 5 km per hour. Even if the car would had been moved afterwards, why Brandon would say he is near Lynd?! I didnt know the Mom said that. They possibly killed 40 young college students. Whatever the reason for his disappearance, Im very curious to know as of what happened to him from that fateful night he went missing. Its definitely possible based on the information we have. If anyone has any information about Brandon . Generally speaking, one doesnt go missing from a road with no signs of struggle without eventually being found unless there is an actual intention of keeping that person hidden. It is not known why he went there, and he had not mentioned it to Melissa or anyone else. Good information, Darrin. Another strange thing thats never mentioned due to the fact Im sure most people dont know, Brandon was legally blind in his left eye I believe, (been years forgive me if it was his right) and in the SAR report, Brandons glasses where left in the front passenger seat. Hello from NC usa, The one pond search parties had failed to search because it was not on any map. Authorities were also a bit perplexed, as the route Brandon had been traveling was very familiar to him and that he had always taken a very specific route to and from school each day, so it was a mystery as to how he could have gotten so hopelessly lost and how his car had ended up so far off of that path. If true, he could have said, Oh shit, when he realized what he was walking towards (little green men). This was the last known contact from Swanson. Submit a Tip: Just to summarize for people who aren't familiar with the case, Brandon Swanson was a 19 years old from Marshall, MN when he disappeared in May 2008. Plus, your lungs still have oxygen whenever you drown and makes you float back up to the top and the river carries you to the nearest river bank, its obvious that someone held a gun up to his head kidnapped him, and killed him as a robbery (or just being plain mean) gone wrong. Swanson got his car stuck in a ditch and called his parents to ask if they could pick him up from somewhere between Marshall and Lynd, where he believed himself to be. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. I found out about this disappearance and wanted to know more and found this post. But David doesnt put forth any theory as to what is causing all these people to simply vanish into thin air. I would like to know how exactly the call was ended. After looking into some theories, I have come up with my own. IMO, these facts add up to one possible explanation: Brandon disappeared before his car was crashed in the ditch, his father lied about the context of the phone conversation, and therefore he and the mother seem like very likely suspects. Imo the mystery starts here.Why would Brandon tell he is in Lynd? Early Life On January 30, 1989, he was born in Marshall, the seat of Lyon County in southwestern Minnesota. Brandon's family played a big role in changing state law to. Also I dont get the last line in the paragraph who were left hanging for 91 soul crushing days after the night of the mysterious phone call. 91 days? On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college classes with a friend, he was driving home along a gravel road, and somehow crashed his car into a ditch. At the time he went missing, he was 185 pounds. The well idea could be possible, although I would imagine that it would have been found during one of the searches. I think a lot of people are seeing things in a similar way that this wasnt a tragic accident, but that there was something more sinister behind it all. We will perhaps always wonder what provoked the Oh shit! that were perhaps his last words ever. Nothing Else!! He had been with his fiance, Ladessa Lofton, for the last ten years and the couple had three children. I was even lucky to find Haases report and read somethings that are not in the handful of net reports. My first thought when I heard the initial story was that he was walking toward lights and then said, Oh Shit, I thought it was aliens/extra-terrestrials. However, his car was found on a seemingly random gravel access road facing the wrong direction. We know that the phone call kept going until eventually Annette and Brian hung up to try to call Brandon back, would the sound of running water not have been picked up on the call, or the sound of something falling into the water? Out of curiosity, Kyle tried one more time to reach his brother, and amazingly got a response when Brandon picked up. On August 8, 2013, Lawson got into an argument with his longtime girlfriend, Ladessa, after he had come home in the early morning hours and made her worry. Swanson has never been heard from again. If you look at google maps, you see that al the rivers have an ending, so if he was drowned in the river they had find him already. When I got lost it was because I turned 1 light too early, but its a route I have taken many, many times. As a crime writer I find this case fascinating and disturbing, and I have looked at countless theories around what happened that night. His parents said that they couldnt anything either. I have 4 kids, and Ive been accused of showing favoritism. Isnt that possible as well though if theres no evidence of anything else. When he was 19 years old in 2008, he crashed his car driving home from a party. I shed light on unsolved mysteries and shocking crimes. Nothing. I believe the river theory unlikely. Did he have reasons to leave? Whatever the case may be, she has never been seen or heard from since. I think the most reasonable explanation would be that Dad dropped Mom off at home in case Brandon returned home for some reason, called the home or someone else (police) called the home. On the five-year anniversary of Brandons disappearance,.Twin discussed the scale of the search for Brandon..More than 500 volunteers, including 34 dog handlers from nine different states, spent more than 120 days searching for Brandon and covered part of 120 square miles, said Jeff Hasse, the search manager.. He was a loving father of four, but he stormed out of his house in a rage on the night of Aug. 8, 2013. This is the last anyone has heard from him. This of course leaves 1% of cases that arent solved. On March 12, 2009, Brian and Annette Swanson spoke before the House to help expand the Minnesota's Missing Children's Act so it can help missing and endangered adults.The law requires Minnesota police to begin an immediate search for missing adults under 21, as well as older adults who are missing under suspicious circumstances. An answer might be that Brandon dropped the phone, causing the battery to fall out and so ending the call that way. His frantic parents continued the search but were unable to find him. And with difficult weather it must be hard to find a body in the mud after a while. The episode starts with Dave reading a few letters from the mailbag. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved . Brandon died of hypothermia after falling into the Yellow Medicine River. Theories Some have theorized that Brandon may have gotten horribly lost walking through the wilderness near Porter, and could have fallen into a nearby river, where he would have almost certainly drowned. My thoughts are that since his Dad said in the SAR report in that secret 47min call, Brandon told his Dad he was crossing fields and hopping fences. On May 14, 2008, Brandon was driving home from a party and drove into a ditch. Darkness and what was probably a cold night doesnt help. I wonder about a planned runaway? A search was launched involving hundreds of people and trained dogs, which would go on for around 4 months meticulously going through a 100 square mile area without finding the missing man or even any trace whatsoever of where he had gone. A few hours later at around 6.30am they notified the police. Its shelter if bad weather comes, and it WILL BE FOUND, you on the other hand might not. I just wanted to include this theory here as its just as likely as the other theory and they are both similar in nature. Also, it says the conversation was 45 minutes long. Did he have a flashlight? And at the heart of it is an incredibly sad case, which unfortunately still seems no closer to be being solved. If something dangerous was imminent, it seems unlikely that Brandon would actually hang up the phone. As a crime writer, I do a lot of research into real life crimes and unsolved cases. I plan one day to go out there as I have had experience looking for lost folks. Brandon could have possibly been drunk which would explain why he crashed his car and why he didnt know where he was. Look at all the pictures online, Brandons smiling in all them but three. Wouldnt Brandon have closed the door automatically when exiting the vehicle? Thank you for taking the time to comment Sarah. In the more than six years since Brandon Lawson went missing, family and friends have never given up on finding the young man who had so much promise, yet was . I know its 2008 technology, but was he and his parents familiar with the area? She continued to party anyway, and was last seen leaving the party after midnight with two men, one of whom was dropped off and the other with who she went to his house in the nearby town of Berea, just off US Highway 421. amazing case. Later that evening, at just around midnight, Lawson had had enough, and left the house in an angry state, tearing off in his pick-up truck. Anything that seemed off? just leaves me feeling weird but fascinated at the same time. Vanished Without a Trace: The Mysterious Disappearance of Brandon Swanson | YARO Crime | Lost in the Night: The Search for Answers in Brandon Swanson's Disap. On the theory that Brandon might have drowned, boats from the state's Department of Natural Resources were deployed along the river, and gates were installed. He was crossing grassy fields, came to another unexpected fence possibly one around an old cistren, hopped it, being dark, fell in slipped on the rocks around the edges, and dropped his phone on the outside. Yet more theories are that Brandon was either hit by a car or picked up by an apparently helpful driver who turned out to have a malicious intent. Where is your pride, mother fucker? before hanging up. 9 Brandon Swanson. At 3.10 am, Swanson exclaimed Oh shit! down the phone, and remained silent for the rest of the phone call. Later that same evening, he and his friends were celebrating at a home in Canby, where they were also having a send-off party for one of their classmates. The operator asks Brandon if he needs any medical assistance, to which he responds No, I need the cops. The unidentified background noise gets louder and the call cuts off as the operators further questions get no response. Wonder if his phone dropped the call? Reflecting on the last decade, however, those closest to the investigation and search efforts remain hopeful that concrete . As a crime writer I find this case fascinating and disturbing, and I have looked at countless theories around what happened that night. Though their is a third option to bear in mind. The son couldnt have been sober if he didnt know the area he was in if he lived there his life. Her books are available on Amazon. Was he walking on the road or through fields? 2) The drivers side door of his car was left open. And if he was picked up by someone, surely he would tell his dad, who he was on the phone with at the time? Maybe his car was moved by someone later that night to throw everyone off. Maybe there are multiple explanations? Thats crazy!!! Impossible as it may seem, a nineteen year old manseems to have literally disappeared without a trace. With that being said, I cant make it clear enough that I think this bill is excellent and Im amazed by the Swansons ability to channel their pain and tragedy into something that has undoubtedly helped others and will continue to help others. Im certain he found him and dealt with Brandon that night. Yet again, the main problem with these theories is that of evidence or, more specifically, the big fat lack of it. Required fields are marked *. Brandon Victor Swanson was last seen on May 15th 2008 in Canby Minnesota. And I agree that whatever actually happened, it is a very sad situation. I want to find the source. If Swanson had exclaimed Oh shit! because he was falling into the water, then surely running water would have been heard by his parents on the other end of the phone? brandon is 55 130 pounds, he doesnt stand a chance. It doesnt sound like it. The Disappearance. 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