Monday, 02/27 , 04:30 AM 30 min. The McAllen International Airport is looking for a new way to offer direct flights to Mexico. He died Thursday after he was hit by a vehicle near South Jackson Road and Ridge Road in Pharr. Suject transported to a hospital for further evaluation after telling officers he was contemplating suicide, Officers responded to a report of an intoxicated driver traveling on the wrong side of the roadway; officers found the vehicle crashed and on its side in the 4800 blk. Argyle; a female subject was contacted nearby who admitted she was a passenger in the vehicle, identified the driver and stated he had fled toward the dam area; subject not located; investigation learned the driver was wanted on several felony charges including human trafficking, Male subject shopped around a store until selecting a pair of sunglasses then left the store without paying, Male subject contacted after being reported pulling on door handles was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Aransas County, Driver stopped for erratic driving was found to have an active arrest warrant for Assault w/Bodily Injury, Male subject contacted for suspicious activity during late night hours was found to have an active arrest warrant for Criminal Trespass, Male subject captured on surveillance video stealing a bottle of wine, Driver stopped for a traffic violator was found to have an active arrest warrant for Driving Under the Influence of Liquor, An account holder was notified by his bank a person attempted to cash a forged check against his account; transaction not completed, police were not notified, Two business checks sent through the mail were somehow intercepted and cashed by unauthorized persons, During overnight hours someone stole a bicycle by cutting a security cable, Uninstalled ceiling fan stolen from a construction site, Officers made contact with a male subject reported sleeping behind a business; investigation discovered the subject had an active arrest warrant issued by Uvalde County, Officer initiated contact with a female subject near a business starting a camp fire; the officer determined the subject was in mental distress and transported her to a hospital, Resident pre-paid a mover to transport his furniture from an out-of-state location on July 15th; the resident has not received his furniture and the service provider cannot be located, Tools reported stolen from a construction site during overnight hours; a large garbage bin loaded with other tools was was found abandoned on the perimeter of the site, Pre-impoundment inventory of a vehicle discovered several small bags of methamphetamine; driver charged, Officers responded to an alarm activation and found the business had been forcibly entered; a suspect description was provided immediately by the business owner from surveillance video inside the business; the suspect was captured a few hours later after burglarizing another business in Olmos Park, Resident reported he and a friend went to a fast food place on Austin Hwy and were followed home by a subject involved in an on-going dispute; a physical fight occurred and the subject left; the subject is a classmate of the resident, Resident reported a misunderstanding between himself and a female acquantance over personal property resulted in an unknown male subject making threats of bodily injury against the resident if certain conditions were not met, Resident reported someone transfered money from his bank account to an unknown destination, Driver of a vehicle that ran off the road and crashed into a front yard tree was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Resident scammed out of money by a caller claiming to be from the Federal Trade Commission, Female subject contacted after being reported going to the rear yards of a residence; officers determined the subject was delusional and in mental crisis; transported to hospital, Officers responded to a report of a driver passed out in a vehicle; responding officers found a heavily damaged vehicle and driver that was passed out; after EMS cleared the driver officers determined she was under the influence of alcohol and impaired; driver had no explanation for the damage to her vehicle; the surrounding area was checked for damaged vehicles or fixed objects with negative results; subjected with enhanced DWI charge due to having a previous conviction, Officers responded to the parking area for a report of a female subject propositioning a customer; when officers arrived the female subject was leaning out of her vehicle vomiting; investigation discovered the front and rear tires of the subject's vehicle were blown from impact with a hard object; while interviewing the female it was determined she was intoxicated from heavy drinking mixed with drugs; the female was despondent over the possibility of losing her children and stated she is considering self harm top herself; after clearance from EMS the female was transported to a medical facility specializing in psychiatric illnesses for evaluation and treatment, Lawn furniture stolen from a front porch during overnight hours, Officers responded to a report of a vehicle driver slumped over the steering wheel of a vehcile stopped at a stop sign; arriving officers found the driver passed out with the engine still running; further investigation determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Catalytic converter stolen from a vehicle parked in a parking lot, Officers contacted two male subjects soliciting without a valid permit; investigation discovered one of the subjects had an active Parole Violation warrant for Injury to Elderly / Bodily injury, Vehicle parked in a parking lot was forcibly entered; no property was stolen, Pedestrian was struck in the head by an air soft projectile while walking in the street along the curb line; projectile came from a passing vehicle contaning three subjects; officers located the suspect vehicle which was confirmed by the victim; three subjects were identified and released to their parents with charges pending, Theft / Shoplifting, Harass Public Servant, Retaliation, Officer responding to a report of shoplifting located the subject a few blocks away from the store; when the subject learned he would be charged for the theft the subject spit in the officer's face; while processing the prisoner he made multiple threats of rape and bodily harm to the officer and his family; subject charged with Felony/Theft due to having multiple previous convictions for theft, Driver stopped for a traffic violation did not have a driver's license issued; continued investigation discovered the driver had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Theft, Officer detected a strong odor of marijuana coming from the interior of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation; investigation discovered the driver was possessio of marijuana and cocaine, Window damaged by a projectile consistant with an air rifle, Driver of a vehicle stopped for erractic braking and swerving between traffic lane; investigation determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired; driver charged with enhanced DWI offense due to having a previous DWI conviction, Vehicle forcibly entered to steal a purse left on the front seat, Bicycles and an electric scooter stolen from a garage under construction, Officers detained a male subject reported following and harassing a female subject; investigation discovered the male subject had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar Co. for narcotics violations; an post arrest inventory of the subject's backpack discovered eight bags of methamphetamines, During a traffic violation contact officers observed open containers of alcohol in the passenger compartment; further investigation determined the driver was uinder the influence and impaired, Male subject left the store with a backpack without rendering payment; the male subject returned a few minutes later without the backpack denying any knowledge of the backpack; male subject left location and the backpack was found hidden behind a tree near-by, Male subject attempted to purchase three beers without valid identification; when the clerk refused to sell the beer the subject took one beer and left the store, Recovered Stolen Vehicle, Narcotics Violation, Unlawfully Carry Weapon, Poss. Preliminary investigation suggests . Officers responded to a report of a male subject aimlessly wandering back and forth along Broadway; the subject was contact who stated he was troubled by voices telling him to harm himself; subject transported to a hospital for evaluation. were stolen, An officer investigating vehicle parked in the roadway during early morning hours discovered there were two occupants; futher investigation discovered several vaping devices containing marihuana oil; also discovered were controlled pain relief drugs in an unmarked bottle. Male subject was contacted for a reported disturbance he was creating on private property; officers determined the subject was in mental crisis and transported him to a hospital, Driver stopped for a traffic violation provided a driver's license issued to his brother; his brother was in the vehicle and confirmed his brother (driver) used his identification because he was wanted; when checked under his true name the driver was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Kleburg County for narcotics violations, Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation had loose mail scattered among metal water meter caps and parking restriction signs; the driver and a passenger gave false information regarding their identity and the mail was addressed to several other named persons; charges will be filed after further investigation, Officers investigated an accident involving a vehicle striking a utility pole; investigation determined the driver was talking on a cell phone and under the influence of alcohol and, Wallet left in an unsecured vehicle was stolen when the vehcile was left unattended by the gas pumps, An officer observed a vehicle being driven erractically and striking a curb; the driver of the vehicle was contacted and found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Officers located an intoxicated male subject who was involved in an earlier disturbance; subject was accompanied by his wife and was found to be under protective order requiring him to stay a distance of 3000 feet from his wife at all times, Officers responded to a report of a male subect brandishing a knife and talking to people who were not there; Officers did not find a weapon and determined the subject was in mental crisis and delusional; subject transported to a hospital for further evaluation, Driver of a vehicle contacted for speeding was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired; post-arrest search discovered controlled prescription drugs for which the driver did not have a prescription, Local business experiencing fraudulent activity on a business account, An officer investigating a disturbance was alerted to a shoplifter leaving the store with merchandise; the shoplifter was apprehended and property recovered, An argument between a couple resulted in a male subject pushing a female subject to the ground; no injuries sustained, Driver of a vehicle involved in a single vehicle accident was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Officers responded to check the welfare of a subject reported to have consumed a large quantity of alcohol and narcotics; officers confirmed the reported concern and after EMS cleared the subject medically the subject was transported to a hospital for further evaluation, An argument between a husband and wife escalated to a physical altercation resulting in the wife receiving multiple injuries, Minor Poss. Valley View pulled out a pivotal home win over Sharyland High, 4-3 after Edinburg, Texas (Feb. 28, 2023) The Rio UTRGV beats Utah Valley 69-59, pick up third win in a row. The Cicero said, If you have a library and a garden you have all that you need. When you enter the gates of Quinta Mazatlan, the urban oasis in south McAllen, you understand that wisdom. A San Marcos CISD student died after being struck by a vehicle in the school's parking lot. Alamo Police Department approved online defensive driving course: Click Here. The man on the motorcycle. Elizabeth, multiple stolen credit cards, stolen driver's license, controlled narcotic drugs w/o a prescription, stolen checks, counterfeit $20 bills and methamphetamines; the subjects are mother and son, (RE.same location as previously reported above) unknown persons entered the apartment through a back door and stole two small kitchen appliances, Officers dispatched to a report of a shoplifting located the subject and stolen property across the street from the location of the theft; the subject was taken into custody and booked into jail on enhanced theft charges due to him having multiple previous convictions for theft, Fraudulent Use of Identifying Information, Debit/Credit Card Abuse, Family members of a recently deceased person arrived at the deceased's apartment to find three male subjects inside the apartment; responding officers discovered one of the subjects had prescription drugs and credit cards belonging to the deceased; a family member found credit card receipts for purchases made after the owner was deceased; one subject booked into jail, The driver of a vehicle stopped for speeding was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired; the driver was booked on enhanced DWI charges due to having a pervious DWI conviction, Officers responded to a report of gunfire and a vehicle crashed into a utility pole; investigation determined the vehicle had been hit with multiple rounds of gunfire from the occupants of another vehicle that fled; the driver of the crashed vehicle had been shot three times and a female passenger was uninjured; continued investigation determined his was not a random incident but both the driver and passenger were uncooperative in the investigation, Officers responded to a call for a male juvenile subject causing harm to himself; officers contacted the juvenile and determine he was in mental crisis and had caused minor injury to himself; the subject was transported to a hospital for evaluation and treatment, Officers responded to a parking lot for a report of a person in crisis; officers located the subject who appeared to be suffering from a high degree of anxiety; the subject repeated she was dying but was medically cleared; as a precaution the subject was transported to a hospital for a physical and mental health evaluation, Driver stopped for a traffic violation had never been issued a driver's license; a passenger in the vehicle was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Comal, Officers were asked to make a welfare check on an apartment resident after there were loud noises coming from the apartment; responding officers found clothing and broken flower pots outside the apartment; inside the apartment there were many property and furniture items damaged and clothing and other property thrown on the floor; investigation found the apartment resident was in mental crisis and a danger to herself; the resident was transported to a hospital for evaluation, An officer contacted a male subject who was gesturing erractically and talking to himself; investigation determined the subject was in mental crisis and a danger to himself; the subject was transported to a hospital for evaluation and treatment, A witness observed a female subject intentionally scratch the paint of a vehicle parked next to the subject's vehicle; the witness photographed the suspect vehicle and subject as she was leaving; the witness reported the incident when the vehicle owner returned to the vehicle, An officer stopped to investigate a vehicle stopped and running with the driver slumped in the driver's seat asleep; investigation revealed the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Resident reported someone used his personal information to borrow money from a lending institution in Washington; resident reported this has been an on-going problem since his information was stolen in 2005 after a data breech at his employer, Officers responded to a report of a black vehicle driving erractically while the driver was waving a handgun; officers were contact by a victim who reported the subject shoot police officers that stop him and "suicide by cop: charges will be filed at large, Resident reported someone opened a two bank checking accounts, two money market accounts and two savings accounts in another city using his personal identification information at a bank where he has a business account; no fraudulent activity was found using the accounts, Resident reported someone opened a bank account in Austin, Tx using his personal identification information; the account has since been closed by the bank for fraudulent activity, A female customer returning to her vehicle observed a male subject in the vehicle parked next to hers; the male subject called out to her and exposed himself to her; information provided by the female customer led to a suspect having a lengthy criminal record and an active arrest warrant in another county; the subject's probation officer was contacted, The driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have a driver's license restriction allowing only one passenger under the age of 21 years; three passengers in the vehicle were all under 21 years of age; during the contact officers observed multiple containers of alcoholic beverages, some of which had been consumed or partially consumed; citations were issued and parents contacted to pick up their child, A credit card was stolen from a community mailbox and used to make three large transactions for convenience checks, The bicycle used in the above case was reported stolen by the owner after the bicyclist was transported to jail; new charges will be filed, An officer attempted to stop a bicyclist riding during hours of darkness without lights; the bicyclist refused to stop and began evasive manuevers round traffic medians; the bicyclist was taken into custody, The driver of a vehicle stopped for speeding was found to have an active arrest warrant for probation violations, Landscaper removed five small trees from a resident's yard without permission after a dispute over the previously planted trees, Officers responded to a report of a person who may intend to cause harm herself; officers made contact with the person who was delusional, paranoid and a threat to herself or others if not treated; the subject was transported to a hospital for evaluation and treatment, An officer on patrol observed a vehicle that was wrecked parked in the rear of the little league compact; investigation discovered two subjects asleep inside the vehicle; continuing investigation discovered the subjects were in possession of cocaine, marijuana wax and multiple xanex pills, The owner of a vehicle reported stolen in San Antonio was contacted by a person claiming they had purchased the vehicle on "Offer Up"; the owner of the vehicle went to the address where the vehicle was parked and contacted police; a suspect was contacted and identified for further investigation, A male subject who was reporting a scam was found to have an active arrest warrant for DWI, An officer checking a pick-up truck parked in the roadway during prohibited hours observed a white compact vehicle leave a church parking lot in a hurry and without head lights; a second officer stopped the white vehicle and detained the occupants; a registration check on the pick-up revealed the truck was reported stolen out of San Antonio; all detained suspects released not having any observed connection to the pick-up; investigation continues, An officer conducting security checks discovered two vehicles parked behind a closed business; investigation revealed the subjects were stopped to smoke marijuana; a subsequent search of the vehicles discovered marijuana, drug paraphernalia and a vape pen containing vape oil made from marijuana, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Officers responded to a call reporting a male subject was found in a residential garage and had fled with miscellaneous property; a male subject fitting the description was located a short distance away and detained; further investigation discovered the male subject was in possession of property items identified by the owner; during a post arrest search of the subject methamphetamines were found on his person, A factory vehicle jack was stolen from a carport, Misc.